Wars, genocide, reparations, etc (split from recruiting forum)

Let me put this in white guy (this is all she's saying):

And I'm no commie. I am a cynic and a realist though. Our system is far from perfect. That doesn't mean it's not the best of what's out there. Something can be both broken and the best we have.

What system do you freaking want?...everybody gets something for nothing, everyone's talents have the same value and you don't have to give your word to a employer that depends on you to be successful business?

Sounds like pure Marxist 🦬💩 to me.
They didn't mention chattel slavery. Not in any proper sense of the word. They mentioned trading one form of servitude for another. It's downright delusional, or at least naive, to deny that our economic system doesn't bind you because it does. That doesn't mean it isn't the better option either. Things can be the best of a ton of crappy options. At least what we have offers the chance at golden bonds which is what most athletes have.

What would be the better option?
What would be the better option?
The Garden of Eden is a more dignified answer than conflating pro athletic contracts to slavery.

The girl in the clip justifies the slavery comparison as, "because we need this, our families, our friends, depend on this contract to eat".

Is it a man's responsibilty to feed himself, or society's responsibilty to feed him? If it's my societal responsible to feed him, then I'm a slave..... Since the dawn of written history, philosophers have pontificated the moral and ethical nuances of individual responsibilty to the tribe/society and vice versa.

Philosophically speaking, it's intellectual masturbation to equate capitalism to slavery. I bet there's cuneiform tablets of some pissed of Sumaritan comparing himself to their slave class over his economic responsibilty.

Thought it was a fact upon subsequent investigation that guards were fired and jailed for their parts, roles in his death. IOW, it wasnt negligence. As in they were paid.

So, once again. Someone is looking to start something, citing political MO - that is already there. Guy was connected; was dirty as hell. Earth is a better place now. Water is wet.

A huge part of this Country is dumber than a box of hammers. Letting ANY politically motivated theory, not to mention anything predicated or based on NO fact, esp that of which is motivated/biased for furtherance of one's own agenda. Of which people dont even believe themselves. Is nothing less than complete and total bs:

That cuts in every direction; up down left right. Purposeful or misuse of information is the new normal.

Someone told me they are now teaching that Dinosaurs and humans roamed the Earth together.

😂🤦🏼‍♂️ And people I know believe this. As fact.
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Thought it was a fact upon subsequent investigation that guards were fired and jailed for their parts, roles in his death. IOW, it wasnt negligence. As in they were paid.

So, once again. Someone is looking to start something, citing political MO - that is already there. Guy was connected; was dirty as hell. Earth is a better place now. Water is wet.

A huge part of this Country is dumber than a box of hammers. Letting ANY politically motivated theory, not to mention anything predicated or based on NO fact, esp that of which is motivated/biased for furtherance of one's own agenda. Of which people dont even believe themselves. Is nothing less than complete and total bs:

That cuts in every direction; up down left right. Purposeful or misuse of information is the new normal.

Someone told me they are now teaching that Dinosaurs and humans roamed the Earth together.

😂🤦🏼‍♂️ And people I know believe this. As fact.
It’s kind of alarming you believe every single thing the “news” and “investigations” spew. Question everything

Edit: this is not referring to the dinosaurs comment
Thought it was a fact upon subsequent investigation that guards were fired and jailed for their parts, roles in his death. IOW, it wasnt negligence. As in they were paid.

So, once again. Someone is looking to start something, citing political MO - that is already there. Guy was connected; was dirty as hell. Earth is a better place now. Water is wet.

A huge part of this Country is dumber than a box of hammers. Letting ANY politically motivated theory, not to mention anything predicated or based on NO fact, esp that of which is motivated/biased for furtherance of one's own agenda. Of which people dont even believe themselves. Is nothing less than complete and total bs:

That cuts in every direction; up down left right. Purposeful or misuse of information is the new normal.

Someone told me they are now teaching that Dinosaurs and humans roamed the Earth together.

😂🤦🏼‍♂️ And people I know believe this. As fact.
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

Me also suspects you've picked your own political theories to get behind, it they suited your fancy, but were probably blind to it due to your own cognitive biases.

It was funny. Sometimes that's simply enough. Especially for posts that aren't in the PF.
It’s kind of alarming you believe every single thing the “news” and “investigations” spew. Question everything

Edit: this is not referring to the dinosaurs comment
I think we're saying the same thing.

Mine was in a rant, your's in a simple fashion.
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

Me also suspects you've picked your own political theories to get behind, it they suited your fancy, but were probably blind to it due to your own cognitive biases.

It was funny. Sometimes that's simply enough. Especially for posts that aren't in the PF.
Im well aware that it was a stretch to get from A to C in my ranting. Like many, I have my core set of values, ergo beliefs.

Yet, for the very reasons SJ outlined - agree to question things. Sometimes, often times things just are. We can outkick our own cerebral coverage. Of late, it seems all involved utilize data cheating, misinformation, weaponization to further their own perverted ideologies.

At any rate. I get it. The stupidity triggered me.

Got it Frank, i'm done.

Apparently they let any males play on girls teams due to an equal rights law…. They use to not allow males to be on the frontline in volleyball games due to the risk but it was determined to be against the law.

Apparently they let any males play on girls teams due to an equal rights law…. They use to not allow males to be on the frontline in volleyball games due to the risk but it was determined to be against the law.

Stupidity! I am so glad some women are fighting back and refusing to compete with them. Riley Gaines is a heroine for standing up for this! UTK is holding her spot to get her masters when she finishes the fight.

Apparently they let any males play on girls teams due to an equal rights law…. They use to not allow males to be on the frontline in volleyball games due to the risk but it was determined to be against the law.

This is complete madness

We live in an age of willful, flagrant (and dangerous!) stupidity
Stupidity! I am so glad some women are fighting back and refusing to compete with them. Riley Gaines is a heroine for standing up for this! UTK is holding her spot to get her masters when she finishes the fight.
It’s also crap that women get hurt in the mean time. Look, personal, I don’t care about all the new pronouns. I’m all for a person being who they are, but…..and this a BIG BUT. Trans women have a huge advantage over biological women. How about we let them have rights in the sports world. It’s another right that’s being taken away from us.
Yea but just think of all the societal good the State of California can do with those revenues!
“You get a subsidized hotel stay! You get free medical care! You get tax credits without paying taxes!”

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