Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, etc (split from recruiting forum)

Common sense gun reform, much better and accessible mental health care, and more.

I like red flag laws and am curious how the felon in MN got all his guns before killing the two cops and firefighter.
Are you telling me the guy didn't follow the law?
Common sense gun reform, much better and accessible mental health care, and more.

I like red flag laws and am curious how the felon in MN got all his guns before killing the two cops and firefighter.
I dunno. My guess is like Chicsgoans, drives to a red state, fills up. And drives back.
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No, they have just as many crazy people per capita in the UK. They just use knives over there.
Yes. If only there were a common denominator.
Exactly! Why do you want to punish me for other's evils?
Because at some point someone has to be the adult, if kids cant play nicely.
Nope, there is zero room or reason to compromise.
Tell that to the parents of the 9 children shot last week. Its ****ing insanity.
I dunno. My guess is like Chicsgoans, drives to a red state, fills up. And drives back.
Red states have the same background checks as communist states, try again. My guess is he bought them from other criminals. Funny you mention Chicago, how many were killed last weekend?

I can't believe how illogical you commies can be. 😅
Yes. If only there were a common denominator.

Because at some point someone has to be the adult, if kids cant play nicely.

Tell that to the parents of the 9 children shot last week. Its ****ing insanity.

You realize if we just banned liberals/democrats from owning guns, we would cut the mass shootings down by 90%?

As far as 9 children, compare that to how many are killed in dwi every year. Where's your push to ban alcohol?
Red states have the same background checks as communist states, try again. My guess is he bought them from other criminals. Funny you mention Chicago, how many were killed last weekend?

I can't believe how illogical you commies can be. 😅
Dont need too. Dont profess to be an expert on all things Chicago. But recently watched two good docs on NF. Followed several high profile drug and gun runners in Chicago.

Yes they buy them illegally, in Chicago. But gun smuggler says he drives to Indiana to buy them because red states have more lax gun laws.
Dont need too. Dont profess to be an expert on all things Chicago. But recently watched two good docs on NF. Followed several high profile drug and gun runners in Chicago.

Yes they buy them illegally, in Chicago. But gun smuggler says he drives to Indiana to buy them because red states have more lax gun laws.
Post those lax gun laws. NF is a huge liberal outlet pushing liberal ideology. They'll make the outcome of a documentary fit that ideology. If you purchase a gun in Indiana you still have to go through a background check. That's a federal law. Quit getting your stats from your echo chamber and really understand the laws.

Again, why pick on guns? You want to save more lives, there are plenty of other things you can ban that aren't constitutionally protected that you could ban.
@Weezer @Ulysees E. McGill @Jackcrevol

On February 21, 1848, The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx with the assistance of Friedrich Engels, is published in London by a group of German-born revolutionary socialists known as the Communist League. The political pamphlet—arguably the most influential in history—proclaimed that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” and that the inevitable victory of the proletariat, or working class, would put an end to class society forever.

Yes. If only there were a common denominator.

Because at some point someone has to be the adult, if kids cant play nicely.

Tell that to the parents of the 9 children shot last week. Its ****ing insanity.

I would if asked. Bad things happen to good people and I'm truly sorry for those people but I'm not nor are millions of others responsible so we shouldn't be punished.
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Post those lax gun laws. NF is a huge liberal outlet pushing liberal ideology. They'll make the outcome of a documentary fit that ideology. If you purchase a gun in Indiana you still have to go through a background check. That's a federal law. Quit getting your stats from your echo chamber and really understand the laws.

Again, why pick on guns? You want to save more lives, there are plenty of other things you can ban that aren't constitutionally protected that you could ban.
They had a camera on an actual gun smuggler. I dont think he's too concerned about the political leanings post edit.
I can end the suspense. He didn't follow the law.
Yes, and in what way? Where did they come from? Is there a way to address how the felon got those guns? I'd bet those of the lost loved ones would like to know.
Yes, and in what way? Where did they come from? Is there a way to address how the felon got those guns? I'd bet those of the lost loved ones would like to know.

It is illegal in every state to purchase a firearm with the intention of resale. It is illegal in every state to sell a firearm to anyone not legally able to purchase one themselves. Criminals DGAS about legalities, they will find a way to get what they want.
They had a camera on an actual gun smuggler. I dont think he's too concerned about the political leanings post edit.
LOL, If they bought guns and then a resold them, that's against federal law. That's called a "proxy" sale. It's already against the law. What more laws are you going to pass that they will ignore. Taking my guns won't have one bit of an effect on them. Use some logic. I know it can be hard but try logic.
Not to start too much...but to say Guns aren't any part of the problem is ridiculous. Surely, common ground can be found.

Guns are not any part of the problem. White Americans own the most guns, have greater legal access to guns, and yet commit homicide at roughly 1/10th the rate of black Americans. Roughly 13% of the population commits the majority of all homicides, despite less access to guns.

How do you know that and still believe the problem is the gun?
it can. and THAT's the problem

I don’t think you and I have common ground, because I don’t think you have interest in understanding the actual problem. Rather, I believe you only have interest in controlling guns.

There is no gun problem in America. We have a violence problem among black Americans, especially those under 30. Sometimes it’s misrepresented as an “inner city” violence problem, but that’s simply inaccurate. Mississippi for example has nothing anyone would really consider a “big city”

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