We are doomed...Anthem/kneeling law

I wonder if any of these kneelers have been asked to be a pallbearer of one of their kin with full military honors and denied to do so?
Why is that significant? I understand the flag is draped over the coffin, but why does that matter?

I wonder if their fallen family members would be OK with them NOT being a pallbearer if it meant their family was still able to maintain their rights and freedoms? Or, would they prefer that their families are living like slaves/sheep to the govt and carried the flag?
It is a horrible product. I used to watch. Then I watched the playoffs only. Now I would rather watch a baby seal being toyed with and eaten by a pod of orcas than watch the NBA.
I quit watching pro sports (except golf) when the players started kneeling. Funny thing is---I don't miss any of it.

It's kneeling
It's a statement. It's no different there how people get "cancelled" for words.

I try to take in all different experiences, but I get when people don't want to watch a sport or go to a concert based off of statements being made that has nothing to do with the sport or the music they want to see.
It's a statement. It's no different there how people get "cancelled" for words.

I try to take in all different experiences, but I get when people don't want to watch a sport or go to a concert based off of statements being made that has nothing to do with the sport or the music they want to see.
I can handle the kneeling but absolutely hate it becoming the main topic during games and the week in between games.... I want to read/listen about my favorite teams and the sport they play....my son and I stayed up to watch opening day( we are dodgers fans)..... there was 30-40 minutes worth of nonsense before they started the game..... I said forget it and we went to bed.
It's a statement. It's no different there how people get "cancelled" for words.

I try to take in all different experiences, but I get when people don't want to watch a sport or go to a concert based off of statements being made that has nothing to do with the sport or the music they want to see.
it's kneeling
Kind of petty you stopped watching pro sports over some kneeling.

If you feel that's what you have to do then that's fine.

Please just play the game and conduct social justice crusades on your own time. I have my own opinions on the issues of the day. I am not actually interested in seeing and hearing about it while I am trying to enjoy sports. Hearing the announcers, in particular, drone on about it is mind numbing. If I want to know the opinions of the players, organizations they are a part of, or the television stations on which they are broadcast, I will seek out that information in my own time. Please just play the game and talk about the game during the game.

Ohh crap! I hope I haven't derailed this thread again.
Edit...nevermind...I hate the world we live in. It is not "a better place" and never will be.
Tend to agree. I won't say I hate it, just not a big fan of "the world"... Unless humans, as a whole, learn to and start to value each other more than stuff we won't make it...
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Tend to agree. I won't say I hate it, just not a big fan of "the world"... Unless humans, as a whole, learn to and start to value each other more than stuff we won't make it...
They never have in their entire existence, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
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