We are doomed...Anthem/kneeling law

So what side ae you on?
I'm on the side of freedom. But I also want to be able to bring more people to my side, also, because those people can be a threat to me if they irrationally decide to violate our freedoms because of safety or security or for not wanting to hurt feelings.

The right has not realized that their tactics are not bringing more people to their side of the fence... and they need to change their tactics.
I'm on the side of freedom. But I also want to be able to bring more people to my side, also, because those people can be a threat to me if they irrationally decide to violate our freedoms because of safety or security or for not wanting to hurt feelings.

The right has not realized that their tactics are not bringing more people to their side of the fence... and they need to change their tactics.
Agree to a great extent. Seems the biggest problem is trying to debate emotion with reason. Emotion is often the enemy of logic and reason. That is most likely why there is always another "thing" that must be confronted by the progressive left. The more time one has to consider things, the clearer the choices are.
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Agree to a great extent. Seems the biggest problem is trying to debate emotion with reason. Emotion is often the enemy of logic and reason. That is most likely why there is always another "thing" that must be confronted by the progressive left. The more time one has to consider things, the clearer the choices are.

I just find the flag/anthem issue to be an emotional issue.
Only in places like Iran and North Korea are you legally obliged to stand for the national anthem.

It's easy to assume Iran and North Korea are always going to be at the most draconian end of the spectrum; but that may not always be right.

Real fact: here are some places with laws requiring citizens to show respect while their national anthem is played:

-- India (but more a supreme court ruling than a law that requires it)
-- Germany
-- Japan (but it varies from city to city; Tokyo is one of the cities with such a law)
-- Mexico
-- Italy

I don't believe the lists given in these articles are meant to be exhaustive; merely representative of practices around the world.

Sing, stand, hand on heart: Not all national anthems play out the same - Global Sport Matters

Having said that, no, I do not advocate such a law in the US. I've already said how I think we should handle it, so won't belabor the point.
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I wonder if any of these kneelers have been asked to be a pallbearer of one of their kin with full military honors and denied to do so?
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Hmm, are players even on the field in Neyland when the anthem is playing?
I completely agree with what the senators are saying. I have no problem with taking a stance for social Justice but disrespectful to kneel for anthem the flag stands for those who fought for our freedom not our government it’s very disgraceful to do that to our forefathers who fought for our freedom. We all should stand for the flag and honor our fallen hero’s who have us our freedom to stand for social injustice
I completely agree with what the senators are saying. I have no problem with taking a stance for social Justice but disrespectful to kneel for anthem the flag stands for those who fought for our freedom not our government it’s very disgraceful to do that to our forefathers who fought for our freedom. We all should stand for the flag and honor our fallen hero’s who have us our freedom to stand for social injustice

Okay? I’m asking if players are still in the locker room normally during the anthem and this is a non issue.
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I completely agree with what the senators are saying. I have no problem with taking a stance for social Justice but disrespectful to kneel for anthem the flag stands for those who fought for our freedom not our government it’s very disgraceful to do that to our forefathers who fought for our freedom. We all should stand for the flag and honor our fallen hero’s who have us our freedom to stand for social injustice
I'd encourage you to have the same passion the next time you are at a game/event where the anthem is played and you see someone continuing to walk through the concourse, look at their phone, order a beer/food. I get that some think the players are being disrespectful, but I've seen DOZENS more disrespectful things going on during the anthem than players taking a knee peacefully. That's just me though.
If those politicians in Nashville don't stop jerking around, the recruiting outlook for UT could be bleak:

Tennessee football: Senators' National Anthem stance could wreck Vols (allfortennessee.com)
So kids don’t come to Tennessee because they don’t like the national anthem? Screw them. I care less. They go to Alabama where the governor stood in the school house door and had to be removed by the US District Attorney and the National Guard. Thanks to the Tennessee legislature for standing up for our country.
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Yes in football they are in all other sports they are on field or court

Can you please point out to me where the players are during the anthem in this video? Players are still in the locker room during the anthem and don’t return to the field until the band opens the T. This is a non issue for football.

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I just find the flag/anthem issue to be an emotional issue.

Agreed. I am a Viet Nam era vet. Never had to see action, but my signature on the dotted line said I would have if called to do so. The point was not so much about the anthem issue as addressing the progressives in general. An idea concerning anthem might be who we are specifically paying homage to when we play the anthem might go something like this:" Today as we play the national anthem we would ask you to consider and pay homage to the brave men and women who gave their lives to confront the cause of slavery. As our nation was being torn apart by those who considered owning other human beings an acceptable practice, today we salute the nearly 360,000 brave men who gave their live during this uncivil war to preserve our nation and end slavery, allowing us to begin the healing process. So today as we strive to live up to our national pledge of being "One nation , under God, with liberty and justice for all" we ask you to consider their sacrifices and honor them by standing for our national anthem." Do something like this for individual heros, ww1,ww2 , individual heroic units, etc. Put some historical context for why we do it. Put it in the programs, read it before the anthem, hand out cards or flyers etc. It would most likely be a history lesson for many who have not been taught our histoy. Just a thought .
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