We finished with a better record than Florida.

I like sarcasim?? I have it too!

USC would dominate the SEC. Texas and Oklahoma would compete every year.

I'm saying that from top to bottom the SEC is Dominant. On a "bad game" you will lose in the SEC. In the other conf's the BIG teams can have an off game and still win. Not every year or every game.... but most!

Thats what I'm saying! Of the 12 teams in this Conf how many have Won the Championship????
I may be wrong...going by memory here:
UT, GA, Bama, UF, LSU, Auburn (6 out of 12) since the SEC Champ game? In the same time frame....How many teams have won their conf champ in the other conf's???

I know its not HALF!
I don't think USC would dominate our conference year in and year out. Just too tough to expect anybody to do that, including UT. I do expect us to be competitive year in and year out.

So from the highlighted portion, I gather that you're saying we played well against Vandy, SC, and KY?
If LSU wins this year, 4 of the most recent 10 SEC Champs will have also been National Champions. And don't forget that an undefeated Auburn team was left out by popular vote.
winning two in a row and 3 of 4 will definitely skew stats like this.
I fully agree the SEC is the best conference. But a team like UT is not on the level of teams like USC, Ohio State, or Oklahoma.
No.... but they won and those teams beat good teams this year!

The SEC is the best top to bottom. Should UT(or UF ,Bama, GA, LSU, Auburn) really expect to beat Ole Miss, Miss St, Vandy, SC, UK, and Ark by 20 or more every year??? Please.......

Ole Miss, Miss St, and Vandy are bottom feeders, but would be middle of the road in EVERY other Conf in the country!
Guess who hasn't won any at all during those 10.

Sorry, you guys got the longer list.
USC struggled badly with Arky in their home & home and really had a tough time with Auburn prior to that.

You didn't happen to notice what happened in our Cal game this year did you? They were a middle of the pack Pac-10 team this season while we represented the East in the SECCG. How's that work?

I, uh, wouldn't call 50-14 a "struggle" for USC.
I wouldn't say you are the best at comprehending sarcasm.

Well, USC really is as good as advertised. They rank now among the Florida States of old as the greatest dynasty in college football. So when USC manhandles anyone, it shouldn't really be that surprising.

I guess your point, if there is one, is that the SEC really isn't so great after all. Therefore, the fact that UT has gone an incredible eternity of 9 years without a conference title in a not so good conference is unacceptable.

Oh, the humanity. Honestly, we need to just tear down Neyland Stadium and apply for Division III. We're awful.

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