We the People Will Build the Beautiful Steel Slat Barrier

Healthcare hasn't had a executive order used on it?

Trump issued one but we're talking about declaring a national emergency which evidently gives the President more power to act unilaterally. If it happens I'm sure a court will have it on their docket in quick order.
“I think there’s a good chance we’ll have to do that," Trump said last week, referring to declaring a national emergency.

IMO the most important question surrounding the entire debate is whether Trump declares a national emergency if he fails get his money for a wall. Many if not most people will likely consider this a political move rather than a true emergency.

If he does will it open the door for the next Liberal President to declare gun violence a national emergency and try to implement a ban on some types of weapons, magazine capacity laws or even ammo limitations. They can argue that the availability of guns, high cap magazines, and semi auto military like weapons are leading to more deaths and injury than illegal aliens. (I know guns don't kill people, please don't go there). They can also declare a state of emergency because affordable healthcare is still not available for all for all citizens leading to loss of life and livelihood and wealth. (Certainly more death than is being caused by illegal aliens)

I'm not necessarily going to disagree with you here. There are sometimes unintended consequences down the road with things that happen in the White House or Congress. Harry Reid's nuclear option is certainly something that nobody could have foreseen back then.

Here's the thing though, Trump ended the shutdown with the assurance Pelosi and the gang were at least going to discuss the border security (call it a barrier, enhanced barrier, wall, whatever) for inclusion in the budget. Basically, to this point, she's not kept her word and has flatly refused to discuss the matter.

Imagine that...a politician not keeping their promise. Anyway...

She is pushing Trump in that exact direction. Likely hoping it will backfire on him in 2020. I don't know if that will be the case, but I have this feeling that monument to political stupidity will get built one way or the other.

As for your other examples, specifically the gun violence one, there never has been such a thing done in the U.S. and I'm not sure the SCOTUS would go along with it even if a President was stupid enough to declare such an emergency. Basically, every piece of gun control we have today has been rooted in legislation passed by Congress. The Heller decision, and to a lesser extent the McDonald Decision, makes it a tricky proposition to ban an entire "class" of weapons. Plus, those States that have "banned" or highly restricted them have found their efforts to be particularly null and void as many have never been registered or sent out of State as required by law. You might get by with some magazine restrictions, but with the hundreds of millions of them already in circulation, I'd dare say this would be a foolhardy errand.

No, I think Pelosi is gambling on Trump doing exactly what he said he's going to do. I doubt he's just talking out his backside on this one since I'd assume he had no idea this was even an option when he brought it up.
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Why haven't the Republicans that were in charge for two years passed whatever they wanted?

That and a complete lack of any sort of plan.
Just wait. The precedent has been set now and it’s just a matter of time till another pile of garbage like the ACA gets passed by simple majority.
I expect that if it is by the Republicans that you’ll be on here explaining why it’s such a bad thing
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I will of course agree with you that the Republicans should not pass things on simple majority. The filibuster prevents terrible legislation. It softened the patriot act and could have made a workable ACA instead of the disaster the Dems pushed
That and a complete lack of any sort of plan.
Just wait. The precedent has been set now and it’s just a matter of time till another pile of garbage like the ACA gets passed by simple majority.
I expect that if it is by the Republicans that you’ll be on here explaining why it’s such a bad thing
Restraint my ass. Bad bill after bad amendment. Your boy Ryan couldn't get anything done. And yes I will say any Republican idea is crap as long as Trump leads your party.
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“I think there’s a good chance we’ll have to do that," Trump said last week, referring to declaring a national emergency.

IMO the most important question surrounding the entire debate is whether Trump declares a national emergency if he fails get his money for a wall. Many if not most people will likely consider this a political move rather than a true emergency.

If he does will it open the door for the next Liberal President to declare gun violence a national emergency and try to implement a ban on some types of weapons, magazine capacity laws or even ammo limitations. They can argue that the availability of guns, high cap magazines, and semi auto military like weapons are leading to more deaths and injury than illegal aliens. (I know guns don't kill people, please don't go there). They can also declare a state of emergency because affordable healthcare is still not available for all for all citizens leading to loss of life and livelihood and wealth. (Certainly more death than is being caused by illegal aliens)
Trump isn't changing the constitution by building a border wall. What you just described would be changing it and to compare the two is night and day IMO.
It’s actually a sad state of affairs that a life long Democrat like Slice who hasn’t changed his beliefs is now assumed to be a republican because I don’t just follow along with what I’m told I’m supposed to think .....being a Democrat
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Then act like one. Show this President is trash along with the rest of us sensible folks.

It’s not the drumming of a president that bothers anyone I don’t believe , it happens with everyone of them. But the obsession , temper tantrums , fit throwing , end of the world as we know it because he’s president with nothing being to low anymore TDS, that makes the really sensible people cock their heads and look at progressive liberals funny .
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