We the People Will Build the Beautiful Steel Slat Barrier

Border officers made the largest fentanyl seizure ever on Saturday, stopping 254 pounds of the drug from entering the United States, the Arizona Republic reported Thursday.
The drugs were seized from an 18-wheeler truck crossing into the United States from Mexico at a port of entry in Nogales, Arizona, according to the paper.
The Republic reported that the drugs were hidden in a truck that was also carrying cucumbers
Border officers made the largest fentanyl seizure ever on Saturday, stopping 254 pounds of the drug from entering the United States, the Arizona Republic reported Thursday.
The drugs were seized from an 18-wheeler truck crossing into the United States from Mexico at a port of entry in Nogales, Arizona, according to the paper.
The Republic reported that the drugs were hidden in a truck that was also carrying cucumbers
Dims won’t get paid off that truck load.
Border officers made the largest fentanyl seizure ever on Saturday, stopping 254 pounds of the drug from entering the United States, the Arizona Republic reported Thursday.
The drugs were seized from an 18-wheeler truck crossing into the United States from Mexico at a port of entry in Nogales, Arizona, according to the paper.
The Republic reported that the drugs were hidden in a truck that was also carrying cucumbers

In before McDad:
I bet that driver found himself in a pickle.
Border officers made the largest fentanyl seizure ever on Saturday, stopping 254 pounds of the drug from entering the United States, the Arizona Republic reported Thursday.
The drugs were seized from an 18-wheeler truck crossing into the United States from Mexico at a port of entry in Nogales, Arizona, according to the paper.
The Republic reported that the drugs were hidden in a truck that was also carrying cucumbers
I wonder if Trump will ignore this important point and try to use this to justify the need for his wall?
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And just think they didn't make it thanks to our wonderful BPA's.
Great. I don't think those cartel guys are that stupid though. While that was going on how many more brought some across? I'm no drug runner but I would send that amount across, all at the same time, in 10 different locations, and 30 miles apart.
Great. I don't think those cartel guys are that stupid though. While that was going on how many more brought some across? I'm no drug runner but I would send that amount across, all at the same time, in 10 different locations, and 30 miles apart.
I don't think our BPA's are that stupid either. But I know a wall is dumb as rocks.
Border officers made the largest fentanyl seizure ever on Saturday, stopping 254 pounds of the drug from entering the United States, the Arizona Republic reported Thursday.
The drugs were seized from an 18-wheeler truck crossing into the United States from Mexico at a port of entry in Nogales, Arizona, according to the paper.
The Republic reported that the drugs were hidden in a truck that was also carrying cucumbers
Fentanyl is an ultra-potent opioid, and I have known at least two people who have died from OD, one due to it being unknowingly mixed into heroin. The lethal dose is as little as 2 mg.

The seizure at the border contained enough fentanyl to kill as many as 50 MILLION PEOPLE. That's an unreal statistic.
Fentanyl is an ultra-potent opioid, and I have known at least two people who have died from OD, one due to it being unknowingly mixed into heroin. The lethal dose is as little as 2 mg.

The seizure at the border contained enough fentanyl to kill as many as 50 MILLION PEOPLE. That's an unreal statistic.
What's an unreal statistic?
"Unreal" as in the assumedly-Southern colloquialism meaning "amazing" or "hard to comprehend." 50 million lethal doses! That's more than the population of California.

Go ->
I didn't think I gave any stats much less "false" ones.
I didn't think I gave any stats much less "false" ones.
Sorry, I think you misunderstood my post. I was just emphasizing the magnitude of that load of deadly narcotics. I provided the stats on the lethal dose and potential deaths. Apologies for the poor choice of words.

Kudos to the brave LEOs that may have saved thousands of lives.
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Sorry if I value human life so much that I believe drugs like fentanyl should never be legalized. Its comical that people like you believe that if every drug was legal, everyone would just be civilized drug users. Its utterly foolish.

All it takes is a basic understanding of the science of addiction to realize how ridiculous the "legalize everything" argument is. You are welcome to debate with people like Dink, but I've found it a fruitless pursuit. I've got enough experience and medical education to know the truth, and you probably know it too.
All it takes is a basic understanding of the science of addiction to realize how ridiculous the "legalize everything" argument is. You are welcome to debate with people like Dink, but I've found it a fruitless pursuit. I've got enough experience and medical education to know the truth, and you probably know it too.

Yes, the fentanyl problem, I can't imagine improving through legalization. It's a synthetic killer, and doesn't fall into the medicinal plant argument at all. That's my view anyway.
Sorry, I think you misunderstood my post. I was just emphasizing the magnitude of that load of deadly narcotics. I provided the stats on the lethal dose and potential deaths. Apologies for the poor choice of words.

Kudos to the brave LEOs that may have saved thousands of lives.
There were some false stats being thrown out in general which led to my misunderstanding of the information you brought. Some people were trying to minimize the importance of this seizure. I thought you might have wanted to quote one of those people. Sorry if my post seemed combative.

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