Wealth Tax

Yep. It’s never the spending. It’s always the people who have $1 more than you. They’re not going enough. Of course the amount you’re paying is proper, but those greedy people with that extra dollar. It’s them

Tax season coming up. Didn't we gat a stimulus this year that we have to file. cant remember.
This country is stepping steadily to Democratic Socialism. It is inevitable. Branding cannot stop it.
I don't disagree. It just seems like the battle is being lost without much of a fight though.

I don't really see much of an attempt to go to the Occupy Wall Street crowd, for example, and explain to them how they were sold a bill of goods surrounding college. It's OK to even play to their vanity/sense of entitlement and tell them that their predicament isn't entirely their fault. Tell them they were sold a bill of goods by colleges, guidance counselors, the media, the government, etc. at an impressionable age, because that's kind of true. All the left is doing is taking their anger and channeling it at the people/concepts they want it channeled at.

It's still tough though because the right will not give them what they want, which is wiping out their college debt. The other side, in addition to telling them what they want to hear, claims to want to give them what they are asking for as well.
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I don't disagree. It just seems like the battle is being lost without much of a fight though.

The run at DS is over IMO as early as next year. No money no DS, so it will have to resort to more authoritarian, such as this very topic.
Tax season coming up. Didn't we gat a stimulus this year that we have to file. cant remember.

You're going to be getting letter 6475 from the IRS in the next few weeks with the payment info. Save it for your tax prep as it will be reconciled on your return. Those that have been getting fire hosed the child tax credit money will get letter 6419. Save them along with the w-2's and other gubmint excreta.
You're going to be getting letter 6475 from the IRS in the next few weeks with the payment info. Save it for your tax prep as it will be reconciled on your return. Those that have been getting fire hosed the child tax credit money will get letter 6419. Save them along with the w-2's and other gubmint excreta.

Wait...so the guv gives me money but I gotta pay some back? Blasphemous circle jerk

What if that amount put me in a higher bracket and net is a loss?
The government should confiscate Musk’s and Bezos’ wealth so that they can spend it on exploring the Universe. Wait…

The government should confiscate Musk’s and Bezos’ wealth so that they can create alternate forms of energy and transportation and also build out a distribution system where any citizen can get on an electronic device and have anything quickly delivered to their doorstep. Wait…
The government should confiscate Musk’s and Bezos’ wealth so that they can spend it on exploring the Universe. Wait…

The government should confiscate Musk’s and Bezos’ wealth so that they can create alternate forms of energy and transportation and also build out a distribution system where any citizen can get on an electronic device and have anything quickly delivered to their doorstep. Wait…

What FLAT rate should those tow pay on ALL of their income? No deductions, no exemptions, no shifting money around under different shells? Simply whatever income they had, in any form, what rate should they pay?
What FLAT rate should those tow pay on ALL of their income? No deductions, no exemptions, no shifting money around under different shells? Simply whatever income they had, in any form, what rate should they pay?

The 1913 revenue act would be a righteous goal. 1% on personal income over $3,000 with an additional 6% on anything over $500,000.


Do you think they pay ANYWHERE near that?

@lawgator1 The reality is the federal government should not be collecting taxes directly from individuals, none, zero, nada. It should be generating it's revenue through tariffs and fees (that are outlined in the constitution) and the individual state/territory governments. All individual taxes should be paid only to the local and state treasuries and from there kicked up to the Don. I haven't got the details of how much each state would kick up worked out just yet.
Elon has options. If the US government moves ahead with the theft of his wealth he’s also a citizen of South Africa and Canada. I’m sure he can figure out how to become a citizen of the Cayman Islands or some other nation that will welcome him and his riches without plans to confiscate it.

It seems like a no brainer to encourage those with lots of wealth to keep it in this country. The envious element would rather (pretend to) want to be neighbors with citizens that take ***** on sidewalks.
No, they don’t want the homeless drug addicts and criminals crapping on THEIR sidewalks or camping in THEIR yard, but they’re not bothered if it’s in YOUR community.
But young people today think of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway when they hear "socialism" and the social media ecosystem they live in, given the political leanings of the cadre of people that created it and work for it, have sympathies.

That's partly because the fear porn media calls everything to the left of corporatism "socialism." What is happening in those countries is social democracy. They have decided, as a country, that keeping their citizens healthy, fed, and educated to the highest possible level is good for everyone. All boats rise. As a result they have lower suicide rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower divorce rates, longer life spans, and overall greater satisfaction with life.

America offers infinite possibilities for individuals to do great things. Amazing things. Rags to riches stories abound here more than anywhere else. But we're so focused on the individual level Uber Alles that those who are community minded get labeled as outsiders.

I don't want crazy tax systems to put a rich guy's money in my pocket. I also don't want to be in the situation I'm in now where I am having a cellulitis attack in the wrong state and won't be back within insurance range until Thursday. I want to see industry move in and fill up the local industrial parks. I also don't want to have to raise my taxes so we can sweeten the deal to beg a business that turns a profit to move in there.

Yes, there needs to be some kind of campaign that brings people on board. Reagan's trickle down has become a joke, and welfare queen an epithet. Convince the masses that the rich don't hate them and that there are local private entities that can take the place of slow government bureaucracy and you'll start to get somewhere.
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The problem is not so much how much one pays as much as who does not pay
That's partly because the fear porn media calls everything to the left of corporatism "socialism." What is happening in those countries is social democracy. They have decided, as a country, that keeping their citizens healthy, fed, and educated to the highest possible level is good for everyone. All boats rise. As a result they have lower suicide rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower divorce rates, longer life spans, and overall greater satisfaction with life.

America offers infinite possibilities for individuals to do great things. Amazing things. Rags to riches stories abound here more than anywhere else. But we're so focused on the individual level Uber Alles that those who are community minded get labeled as outsiders.

I don't want crazy tax systems to put a rich guy's money in my pocket. I also don't want to be in the situation I'm in now where I am having a cellulitis attack in the wrong state and won't be back within insurance range until Thursday. I want to see industry move in and fill up the local industrial parks. I also don't want to have to raise my taxes so we can sweeten the deal to beg a business that turns a profit to move in there.

Yes, there needs to be some kind of campaign that brings people on board. Reagan's trickle down has become a joke, and welfare queen an epithet. Convince the masses that the rich don't hate them and that there are local private entities that can take the place of slow government bureaucracy and you'll start to get somewhere.

Where is the data to support such conclusion that it is related to DS? All this wealth, prosperity and opportunity does not happen in a vacuum.
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