Wealth Tax

Where black people count as 3/5 of a human being and can't own land, women can't vote or own land, and politicians have raging orgies? Yeah, change is bad. That trip back to Maryland tomorrow is going to suck on the wagon road.

We were given a system of governance to allow us to be flexible and adapt to the changing situations of the world and our place in it. We're not a predominantly agrarian East Coast nation anymore, dependent on slaves and debtors for cheap labor. Things change. Citizens change. The Founding Fathers intended us to change with it.

I support your efforts to change our system via amendments. In the absence thereof, would you ever consider emigrating so that your needs are better met?
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Where black people count as 3/5 of a human being and can't own land, women can't vote or own land, and politicians have raging orgies? Yeah, change is bad. That trip back to Maryland tomorrow is going to suck on the wagon road.

We were given a system of governance to allow us to be flexible and adapt to the changing situations of the world and our place in it. We're not a predominantly agrarian East Coast nation anymore, dependent on slaves and debtors for cheap labor. Things change. Citizens change. The Founding Fathers intended us to change with it.

That Ash is such epic failure,. You are smarter than this
I support your efforts to change our system via amendments. In the absence thereof, would you ever consider emigrating so that your needs are better met?

In all seriousness, yes. Unfortunately my areas of expertise and training are not that sought after outside of the US, Canada, and Australia. Also not sure my dad or my wife's mom would be keen on moving with us.
That Ash is such epic failure,. You are smarter than this

Yeah. My attempts at sarcasm have been really bad as of late. I'm not sure why.

It would have been better to have asked specifically what the Founders intended for then, and whether that same model is actually applicable today given the size of our country or even just the complexity of individual states. I believe the Founding Fathers intent and purpose is every bit as applicable now, but the road to get there has changed along with the geography and demography of the country.
In all seriousness, yes. Unfortunately my areas of expertise and training are not that sought after outside of the US, Canada, and Australia. Also not sure my dad or my wife's mom would be keen on moving with us.
Music and arts are held in high regard even in DS countries, yes?

According to our family lore, my ancestors came to America during the potato famine. If it meant your life or quality of life, your family would move
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Do you think they pay ANYWHERE near that?


Obviously yes.
Music and arts are held in high regard even in DS countries, yes?

According to our family lore, my ancestors came to America during the potato famine. If it meant your life or quality of life, your family would move

Things are much better in Maryland. We're going to hold out here as long as we can. We were able to pay our first hospital bill for an outpatient procedure without going on a payment plan, and three months of prescriptions cost as much as a single month did in Tennessee, Michigan, or Ohio.
Where black people count as 3/5 of a human being and can't own land, women can't vote or own land, and politicians have raging orgies? Yeah, change is bad. That trip back to Maryland tomorrow is going to suck on the wagon road.

We were given a system of governance to allow us to be flexible and adapt to the changing situations of the world and our place in it. We're not a predominantly agrarian East Coast nation anymore, dependent on slaves and debtors for cheap labor. Things change. Citizens change. The Founding Fathers intended us to change with it.

Black people did not count as 3/5ths of a person. You told me before what you teach and I don’t recall but I hope it’s not history after that statement.

Are you actually familiar with the 3/5ths compromise and why it existed or do you just think “they thought black people were less than white people”

Edit: even your last line about dependent on slaves seems to show both a misunderstanding of history and economics
Black people did not count as 3/5ths of a person. You told me before what you teach and I don’t recall but I hope it’s not history after that statement.

Are you actually familiar with the 3/5ths compromise and why it existed or do you just think “they thought black people were less than white people”

Excuse me for being succinct and expecting the reader to understand. I am well aware of the 3/5 Compromise.
Things are much better in Maryland. We're going to hold out here as long as we can. We were able to pay our first hospital bill for an outpatient procedure without going on a payment plan, and three months of prescriptions cost as much as a single month did in Tennessee, Michigan, or Ohio.
That's good. I remember you commenting on what an epic failure ACA coverage was. In a similar way, I wouldn't trust our government to structure DS in such a way to actually help.

I support states enacting comprehensive safety nets. Which may bring on a better question than emigrating. Why don't those who benefit from more comprehensive social programs simply move to states which are better...why does it have to be national?
How does leaving it up to the states hurt the poor? States should be collecting the revenue they need to operate, run their social programs ext and the federal govt should be funded by tariffs, fees and payments from the states.

Please. You know the states would screw it up terribly. Think the Congress is bought and paid for?

Child's play
I support states enacting comprehensive safety nets. Which may bring on a better question than emigrating. Why don't those who benefit from more comprehensive social programs simply move to states which are better...why does it have to be national?

We will be paying for the move for quite a while. This was job application #34 and the only bite I had this cycle. Moving requires having a job and housing lined up and the means to afford it. Moving also causes a credit rating hit under SuperFICO.

Many of the people who need the safety net aren't in positions to move to places that have one. I also took a $7000 paycut as the University system doesn't pay as well as Ohio.
I don't know how to battle for the hearts and minds of those who are, at their core, anti freedom, anti capitalist, and anti American. I don't even know if it's possible to win that battle. It may not even be necessary.
We move to DS because of our state and federal politicians. We move to DS because D and R voters have agreed to the principle that government exists to take care of us.
We aren't moving to DS because of the covetous rabble who rattle their hammers & sickles in the streets and on social media.
I don't know if a lot of these kids are, at their core, anti-capitalist and anti-American. The people in the ivory towers feeding them this crap are, but I don't know if the kids themselves are. The kids themselves feel betrayed, angry things didn't turn out for them the way they were told, are very impressionable, and looking for answers.
We will be paying for the move for quite a while. This was job application #34 and the only bite I had this cycle. Moving requires having a job and housing lined up and the means to afford it. Moving also causes a credit rating hit under SuperFICO.

Many of the people who need the safety net aren't in positions to move to places that have one. I also took a $7000 paycut as the University system doesn't pay as well as Ohio.
What’s this?

Moving also causes a credit rating hit under SuperFICO
Music and arts are held in high regard even in DS countries, yes?

According to our family lore, my ancestors came to America during the potato famine. If it meant your life or quality of life, your family would move
You’re Irish? Gross.

I always thought you and McRib were just big Macdonald’s fans.
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What’s this?
SuperFICO provides a credit rating boost based on regular on time utilities and other recurring payments. Once that payment ends, its boost comes off with it.

Gas, electric, water, and cable ending caused a 21 point drop last month. It will go right back in February when we have 6 months of those on time payments to our new utilities here.
We will be paying for the move for quite a while. This was job application #34 and the only bite I had this cycle. Moving requires having a job and housing lined up and the means to afford it. Moving also causes a credit rating hit under SuperFICO.

Many of the people who need the safety net aren't in positions to move to places that have one. I also took a $7000 paycut as the University system doesn't pay as well as Ohio.
We are both where we are in life because of decisions and luck (both good and bad). Saying many who need the safety aren't in positions to move denies others what you were able to do in spite of the hardships. It denies them they're decisions. We can do nothing to prevent luck. We should do all we can to preserve one's self determination.
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I don't know if a lot of these kids are, at their core, anti-capitalist and anti-American. The people in the ivory towers feeding them this crap are, but I don't know if the kids themselves are. The kids themselves feel betrayed, angry things didn't turn out for them the way they were told, are very impressionable, and looking for answers.
I apologize. I thought we were discussing this tangent as it relates to the tax ideologies in OP's shared tweet.
SuperFICO provides a credit rating boost based on regular on time utilities and other recurring payments. Once that payment ends, its boost comes off with it.

Gas, electric, water, and cable ending caused a 21 point drop last month. It will go right back in February when we have 6 months of those on time payments to our new utilities here.

Do any lenders use it to your knowledge?
We are both where we are in life because of decisions and luck (both good and bad). Saying many who need the safety aren't in positions to move denies others what you were able to do in spite of the hardships. It denies them they're decisions. We can do nothing to prevent luck. We should do all we can to preserve one's self determination.

I can take no credit except for being a nice guy away from here. Without the communities we’ve had behind us (and my wife’s extended family having generational farm wealth), who knows where we’d be. We pay it forward as much as we can.

There is no program that can block bad luck or undo past mistakes, nor should there be. My mistakes and losses are what make me relatable to my students and those I minister to through church. I value bad luck and mistakes as much as I do my successes.
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I can take no credit except for being a nice guy away from here. Without the communities we’ve had behind us (and my wife’s extended family having generational farm wealth), who knows where we’d be. We pay it forward as much as we can.

There is no program that can block bad luck or undo past mistakes, nor should there be. My mistakes and losses are what make me relatable to my students and those I minister to through church. I value bad luck and mistakes as much as I do my successes.
And this EXACTLY the best social safety net possible. Family help. Church help. Community help.
As I understand it, Americans surpass any other country in private (non public) giving to others. And not only those next door. Those whose doors are halfway around the world.

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