Wealth Tax

Looks like it was a profitable post. And that $500 is TAX FREE!
That India experience was actually life changing. And I don't mean to minimize the struggles that some people are going thru here in the USA. There IS poverty. But it is also a fact that there are something like 11 million unfilled jobs in the country. People that ain't working by and large, don't want to because we have a government that pays them not to.
That India experience was actually life changing. And I don't mean to minimize the struggles that some people are going thru here in the USA. There IS poverty. But it is also a fact that there are something like 11 million unfilled jobs in the country. People that ain't working by and large, don't want to because we have a government that pays them not to.

Work 40 hours plus 5 OT at McDonald’s and you’ll be grossing close to $40k. Plus be eligible for government subsidies and assistance from a litany of charities. But wealth needs to be redistributed even more because flipping those burgers shouldn't be so repressive.
Not unless AshG is an alt that you use.

It’s more satisfying for some to give anonymously.

Continue of mockery. I give both ways. That comment is laughable as we are opposed on so many ideological issues. I made the offer, if he accepts, I will give.

And you know what....it will make my day.
Continue of mockery. I give both ways. That comment is laughable as we are opposed on so many ideological issues. I made the offer, if he accepts, I will give.

And you know what....it will make my day.

Good for you. That’s voluntary wealth redistribution.

Are we supposed to post our good deeds now?
Do I want to go to Gaithersburg or Baltimore? Seriously. I don't know either area.
Gaithersburg is a far nicer and safer area than Baltimore. Just about anywhere in the U.S. Is safer than Baltimore.
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I layed out my life principles. How the hell am I supposed to give anonymously in this situation?

I’m sure that Freak could hook you two up. Or you could post or ask for an e-mail… you’ll need something along those lines to consummate your arrangement anyway, no?
Not once in the poor / indigent / homeless ministry did anyone I was serving ever say "At least I don't live in North Sudan."

The "better off here than elsewhere" is a mental game we choose to use as an numbing agent to the very real plights of those around us.

I’m amazed you believe that. The first issue is even bringing up homelessness in a discuss about poverty. Homelessness is a result of addiction and mental disease, not one of homes.

Yes, the poor in our country live far better than the poor anywhere else. Our poor live better than middle class Europeans.
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So do I. But it was because they either didn't have connections, or found ways to sever the connections, to parents/relatives who initially acted as limiting factors. They had to cut themselves off and (in some cases forcibly) separate themselves from what should have been a source of strength.

Sometimes you have a kill a family in order to save your own.

Seems like think less of the poor than I do if you believe the only way to get out of poverty is to disassociate with those in poverty.
Strange, I'm on the left and since I negotiate and implement transactions having values in excess of $500 million I'm pretty sure I know those terms, probably better than you.

So quit making BS statements like that.

Perfect. Maybe you can help us. My assumption was those on the left calling for a wealth tax either don’t understand the difference between wealth and income, or believe in a fixed pie fallacy.

Granted we are a biased crowd, so hopefully you can help with whatever we are missing.

I’m also trying to figure what’s the value of wealth that doesn’t result income? Because if there’s not any/much, it seems there’s no reason to tax it as if it were income
Seems like think less of the poor than I do if you believe the only way to get out of poverty is to disassociate with those in poverty.

How much ministry or volunteer work have you done with chronic poor, indigent, homeless?
How much ministry or volunteer work have you done with chronic poor, indigent, homeless?

I’ve spent a lot of time around the homeless, grew up in extreme poverty, I’ve got nothing for the indigenous part though.

But it seems by proclaiming to rise out of poverty you have to leave behind the impoverished, that you’re stating poverty is not the result of poor luck. But rather poverty is a result of poor actions.
I’ve spent a lot of time around the homeless, grew up in extreme poverty, I’ve got nothing for the indigenous part though.

But it seems by proclaiming to rise out of poverty you have to leave behind the impoverished, that you’re stating poverty is not the result of poor luck. But rather poverty is a result of poor actions.

Let me clarify: you have to leave behind the people who steal cash out of your pocketbook or wallet while you sleep. You have to leave behind the people who try and guilt trip you into just another loan or just another tank of gas for the fifth time that month, then go out and buy alcohol or drugs. Then, when you're on solid footing, you point them in the direction of the appropriate assistance to help them get beyond their issues to a place where they can put the pieces together to get up to a better condition.
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