Wealth Tax

This is one of the more disgusting things I’ve seen. She seems to want his wealth treated as income and taxed as high as 37%.

To put this in perspective if you own a small business making 60k a year, I could reasonably claim that business is worth as much 1.2 million dollars (as high as 20x earnings). Let’s be more conservative and call it 1 million since it’s easy to work with.

Does anyone think 370k (37%) of 1 million is the proper tax rate for a business earning 60k a year?

How about the 10% number she gave. Is 100k the proper tax rate for a business owner making 60% a year?
She’s an idiot. She refers to 4.5% of his net worth…. Not his annual earnings. She’s a good example of how the sleepy sloppy joes of the world get elected

Do you think they pay ANYWHERE near that?


This man really claimed the wealthy pay below 10%. Who does this guy thinks pays all the taxes
That penalizes the poor (relative to the way that income taxes are SUPPOSED to work) because everyone has a basic set of needs for food, housing, etc., and so people on the bottom end of the economic ladder are paying proportionately much more than their wealthy counterparts, relative to their incomes.

The wealth gap in this country is becoming so extreme as to be dangerous to people "buying into" the belief that our economic system is meritorious and reasonably fair. Whatever solution you come up with must adjust taxation in an UPWARD direction, not downward. A proposal that benefits the wealthiest will go over like a lead balloon at this point.

The high energy costs of the left’s climate change policies also disproportionately impact the poor. I’ve yet to see you take issue with that
What FLAT rate should those tow pay on ALL of their income? No deductions, no exemptions, no shifting money around under different shells? Simply whatever income they had, in any form, what rate should they pay?
Whatever the rest of us pay.

Considering a majority of the US doesnt pay income taxes (net) it seems really strange to go after the few rich because the system doesnt shaft them enough.
Whatever the rest of us pay.

Considering a majority of the US doesnt pay income taxes (net) it seems really strange to go after the few rich because the system doesnt shaft them enough.
Just curious what you think that includes? I get about $25k a year in SS and pay about $30-$32k in federal income taxes each year. Not to mention the property taxes, local sales taxes and hidden taxes like gasoline taxes.
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Just curious what you think that includes? I get about $25k a year in SS and pay about $30-$32k in federal income taxes each year. Not to mention the property taxes, local sales taxes and hidden taxes like gasoline taxes.
I imagine he is referring to the Federal income tax.
That penalizes the poor (relative to the way that income taxes are SUPPOSED to work) because everyone has a basic set of needs for food, housing, etc., and so people on the bottom end of the economic ladder are paying proportionately much more than their wealthy counterparts, relative to their incomes.
So what? Being poor doesn't entitle anyone to what others have earned regardless of how much it is.
That penalizes the poor (relative to the way that income taxes are SUPPOSED to work) because everyone has a basic set of needs for food, housing, etc., and so people on the bottom end of the economic ladder are paying proportionately much more than their wealthy counterparts, relative to their incomes.

The wealth gap in this country is becoming so extreme as to be dangerous to people "buying into" the belief that our economic system is meritorious and reasonably fair. Whatever solution you come up with must adjust taxation in an UPWARD direction, not downward. A proposal that benefits the wealthiest will go over like a lead balloon at this point.
Why is the gap dangerous?

That only makes sense in one of two scenarios imo.

1. People are required to maintain the false need to keep up with the Jones's
2. Total wealth is capped

The first is 100% self created, and based on greed or envy. And is a far better fit for what we have going on. But it doesnt make it true. There is nothing inherently wrong with someone having more or less than another, even substantially.
Wealth gap is a nothing burger when those at the bottom are far better off than most of the 7.75 billion. Liberals stoke envy for votes.

Not once in the poor / indigent / homeless ministry did anyone I was serving ever say "At least I don't live in North Sudan."

The "better off here than elsewhere" is a mental game we choose to use as an numbing agent to the very real plights of those around us.
Not once in the poor / indigent / homeless ministry did anyone I was serving ever say "At least I don't live in North Sudan."

The "better off here than elsewhere" is a mental game we choose to use as an numbing agent to the very real plights of those around us.

But our plights are not the result of a wealth or income gap.
But our plights are not the result of a wealth or income gap.

At the same time as I agree with this, I have to append the following.

Across all major and most minor belief systems and dogmas in recorded history is the idea that mistakes, sin, curses, what have you, carry from one generation to the next and on down until it is broken either through benevolence or intense sacrifice. Only in the religion of Americanism is the script of thousands of years of civilization flipped, where each generation of the poor, indigent, and broken are absolved of all sources of struggle and told to heal themselves or deal with it.
At the same time as I agree with this, I have to append the following.

Across all major and most minor belief systems and dogmas in recorded history is the idea that mistakes, sin, curses, what have you, carry from one generation to the next and on down until it is broken either through benevolence or intense sacrifice. Only in the religion of Americanism is the script of thousands of years of civilization flipped, where each generation of the poor, indigent, and broken are absolved of all sources of struggle and told to heal themselves or deal with it.

Wouldn't "intense sacrifice" fall under the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" American mentality?
Wouldn't "intense sacrifice" fall under the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" American mentality?

No. I'm talking blood sacrifice.

And the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" idea was actually originally intended to be a joke, seeing as how it is physically impossible. The phrase was coopted by people who weren't smart enough to examine its actual meaning and turned into some twisted ideal.
No. I'm talking blood sacrifice.

And the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" idea was actually originally intended to be a joke, seeing as how it is physically impossible. The phrase was coopted by people who weren't smart enough to examine its actual meaning and turned into some twisted ideal.

Wouldn't working full time, going to school and forgoing a social life in order to improve ones station be an immense sacrifice?

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