Wealth Tax

Wouldn't working full time, going to school and forgoing a social life in order to improve ones station be an immense sacrifice?

If you look at an individual devoid of their existing familial connections and responsibilities, then maybe.

We don't exist as islands.
If you look at an individual devoid of their existing familial connections and responsibilities, then maybe.

We don't exist as islands.

I know some single parents that have pulled themselves out of poverty through sacrifice.
Wouldn't working full time, going to school and forgoing a social life in order to improve ones station be an immense sacrifice?
You're not a civil service employee, you just don't understand the sacrifices they make for little to no pay to educate your children.
Your problem is assuming anyone on the left understands "net worth", cash, assets, etc. Their horrific journalism degrees don't teach any of that.

Strange, I'm on the left and since I negotiate and implement transactions having values in excess of $500 million I'm pretty sure I know those terms, probably better than you.

So quit making BS statements like that.
I know some single parents that have pulled themselves out of poverty through sacrifice.

So do I. But it was because they either didn't have connections, or found ways to sever the connections, to parents/relatives who initially acted as limiting factors. They had to cut themselves off and (in some cases forcibly) separate themselves from what should have been a source of strength.

Sometimes you have a kill a family in order to save your own.
You're not a civil service employee, you just don't understand the sacrifices they make for little to no pay to educate your children.

Given that most systems' starting pay still qualifies facilities for WIC and Medicaid for the children, your sarcasm is more spot on than you realize.
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Strange, I'm on the left and since I negotiate and implement transactions having values in excess of $500 million I'm pretty sure I know those terms, probably better than you.

So quit making BS statements like that.
So do I. But it was because they either didn't have connections, or found ways to sever the connections, to parents/relatives who initially acted as limiting factors. They had to cut themselves off and (in some cases forcibly) separate themselves from what should have been a source of strength.

Sometimes you have a kill a family in order to save your own.

A blood sacrifice so inline with your post and doesn't support last sentence.

At the same time as I agree with this, I have to append the following.

Across all major and most minor belief systems and dogmas in recorded history is the idea that mistakes, sin, curses, what have you, carry from one generation to the next and on down until it is broken either through benevolence or intense sacrifice. Only in the religion of Americanism is the script of thousands of years of civilization flipped, where each generation of the poor, indigent, and broken are absolved of all sources of struggle and told to heal themselves or deal with it.
Not once in the poor / indigent / homeless ministry did anyone I was serving ever say "At least I don't live in North Sudan."

The "better off here than elsewhere" is a mental game we choose to use as an numbing agent to the very real plights of those around us.

Who pays for WIC and do they have Medicaid in North Sudan?

Who funds the ministry?
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We survive. I may not make much money, but I make a difference in people's lives on a daily basis.
I hope you do! You didn't go into the business of education for money or you would be laying on your lazy ass in Chicago.
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I hope you do! You didn't go into the business of education for money or you would be laying on your lazy ass in Chicago.

I can put a quality roof over my children's heads, good food in their bellies, pay for my medical needs, and still have enough left over to save up for some family fun. My wife is a part time school library technician by day and writing tutor by night so she can be flexible for our kids. We live a comfortable, but not excessive, life.

Anyone who goes into education looking to make bank has a harsh reality coming.
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He “survives”.

Both family vehicles were gifts. A relative helps pay for the therapy that keeps my daughter from being suicidal. All of my medical bills are on payment plans, and I'm still paying off medical bills from 2017. Nothing goes into long-term savings. I haven't had my prosthetic leg adjusted in over a year because I know I can't afford to have the vacuum pump replaced.

Forgive me for trying to put a positive spin on things.
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Both family vehicles were gifts. A relative helps pay for the therapy that keeps my daughter from being suicidal. All of my medical bills are on payment plans, and I'm still paying off medical bills from 2017. Nothing goes into long-term savings. I haven't had my prosthetic leg adjusted in over a year because I know I can't afford to have the vacuum pump replaced.

Forgive me for trying to put a positive spin on things.

But you and your wife have professional jobs so you’re not in danger of having to move the family underneath an interstate bridge.
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Thank God that there have been companies like Medtronic and Abbott that haven’t been taxed out of existence and instead were free to develop medical devices to make people’s lives more comfortable.
But you and your wife have professional jobs so you’re not in danger of having to move the family underneath an interstate bridge.

We were homeless and living out of a motel part of the summer of 2020. We were both laid off because of Covid related budget cuts. A combination of family assistance and keeping going after 40+ job applications is why we're not bankrupt right now.
Both family vehicles were gifts. A relative helps pay for the therapy that keeps my daughter from being suicidal. All of my medical bills are on payment plans, and I'm still paying off medical bills from 2017. Nothing goes into long-term savings. I haven't had my prosthetic leg adjusted in over a year because I know I can't afford to have the vacuum pump replaced.

Forgive me for trying to put a positive spin on things.

How much would your leg adjustment cost?
How much would your leg adjustment cost?

I don't know now that I'm in Maryland. I have to drive to the coast to get to a Hanger Prosthetics (I'm in the western mountain region). Plenty of time to do that this week.
Do I want to go to Gaithersburg or Baltimore? Seriously. I don't know either area.
We were homeless and living out of a motel part of the summer of 2020. We were both laid off because of Covid related budget cuts. A combination of family assistance and keeping going after 40+ job applications is why we're not bankrupt right now.

And you’re doing well now so the systems in place to help those that are struggling after their own unfortunate circumstances might already offer plenty of support without having to redistribute even more wealth. You even have free time and an internet connection now. But you might not have a Sunseeker tied up in your backyard anytime soon - tragic. I don’t either. I’m driving a 25 year old compact car with crank up windows and I keep a Philips screwdriver handy when the brake light switch malfunctions and I have to override it to get it out of PARK. Oh, the horror!

Living out of a motel might could be an upgrade over the bottom 99% in North Sudan.
I don't know now that I'm in Maryland. I have to drive to the coast to get to a Hanger Prosthetics (I'm in the western mountain region). Plenty of time to do that this week.

I tell you what...I will provide $500 if it helps and I am not some well to doer. Not sure that even covers a fraction is why I asked. I have been blessed this year and time to pay it forward for how we are commanded to live. If you need it, I am here to help.
Not once in the poor / indigent / homeless ministry did anyone I was serving ever say "At least I don't live in North Sudan."

The "better off here than elsewhere" is a mental game we choose to use as an numbing agent to the very real plights of those around us.
Just stop. There is help here available to those that want it. There is none in North Sudan. There is none for those orphans in Siberia. I saw first hand where the tsunami came ashore in eastern India and where those displaced people lived, then I listened to those displaced in New Orleans after Katrina whining about their FEMA trailers air conditioning. Sorry. it is not a numbing agent. Yes, there are poor people here, but by and large they have no idea what real poverty is
Just stop. There is help here available to those that want it. There is none in North Sudan. There is none for those orphans in Siberia. I saw first hand where the tsunami came ashore in eastern India and where those displaced people lived, then I listened to those displaced in New Orleans after Katrina whining about their FEMA trailers air conditioning. Sorry. it is not a numbing agent. Yes, there are poor people here, but by and large they have no idea what real poverty is

Looks like it was a profitable post. And that $500 is TAX FREE!

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