Web Censorship and Political Bias

I read the 1st link. DJT was pushing his narrative to the newly promoted DOJ personnel. He wanted a special election held in 6 states he lost. The new DOJ members were not interested in his narrative in the least.
Not quite "actually trying to steal".

Pushing the DOJ to sanction a special election in the 6 States he lost is precisely what I'd call actually trying to steal. That's not even taking into account his threats to the GA Secretary of State after telling him to "find" enough votes or other shenanigans.

The sad thing is, is that this behavior at ANY other time in history, with ANY other President would have been jaw dropping and completely outrageous. With Donnie, it was normalized to the point where you just shrug when the loser of a general election pressures a DOJ that he's used for four year as a personal attorney to flex it's muscle to gin up a "special election."
VIDEO: Australian news org mocks CNN, left-wing networks for 'gushing' over Joe Biden at G7 summit

Never mind the gaffe-filled, mental lapse-heavy trip that was President Joe Biden's formal entrance onto the world stage at the G7 summit last weekend. Honest coverage of the events was never really a possibility, at least not from left-leaning legacy media outlets in the United States.

In stark contrast to the way they covered former President Donald Trump's international trips, those same outlets fawned over Biden even as he stumbled through speeches and confused Syria with Libya — a whopping three times.

But the obvious bias toward Biden didn't go unnoticed

VIDEO: Australian news org mocks CNN, left-wing networks for 'gushing' over Joe Biden at G7 summit
I read the 1st link. DJT was pushing his narrative to the newly promoted DOJ personnel. He wanted a special election held in 6 states he lost. The new DOJ members were not interested in his narrative in the least.
Not quite "actually trying to steal".

Wanting special elections in states he lost doesn't seem like trying to steal....

Wanting special elections in states he lost doesn't seem like trying to steal....

If you see him as a Bond Villain, probably tried to steal. At this time, there was still a lot of rumor circulating that there were shenanigans in the vote count. So, we would have to equate special elections with stealing the vote. Quite a leap.
Discredited says who?
The MSM who forgot what investigative reporting is?

I don't think that taping people then chopping it up to take it out of context and deliberately mislead folks really counts as investigative reporting.

But they certainly adhere to the alternative facts theory so I suppose not surprising you embrace them.
I don't think that taping people then chopping it up to take it out of context and deliberately mislead folks really counts as investigative reporting.

But they certainly adhere to the alternative facts theory so I suppose not surprising you embrace them.

The MSM does it erryday
I have questions. Were these sites on servers based in the United States or did we hack someones server in a foreign country and seize the website?
That's what I'd like to know also. I'll keep looking.

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