Welcome Back D-Mo (merged)

I don't mean to be negative but who thinks he will be rusty?

If he comes back already in decent shape and then get himself back to playing speed during spring practice then this could be a great thing for next year...

FS: Berry/Morley
SS: Berry/Morley
CB: Vinson
CB: Willingham


As long as they put Vinson on the Jugs machine for about 10,000 reps, then this lineup should be great.

That guy has dropped more interceptions this year than anyone I can remember, and I have been watching my Vols intently since the mid-eighties.
Congrats to D-Mo for getting his act together. I'm sure this has been a real maturation process for him... hopefully it will carry over to the football field in that the mental aspects of his game will improve.

Secondary looks to be turning into a real strength of ours for 2008 - as long as we don't lose anyone else to offfield BS. :crossfingers:
Been critical of his play. But I applaud his apparent efforts and wish him best of luck.
I think DMO will be an upgrade over Hefney next season despite sitting out an entire season. Hefney was very average and DMO has shown he has a lot of desire in him. He's worked hard to get back and I don't think he'll let it go to waste. Congrats DMO.
I think DMO will be an upgrade over Hefney next season despite sitting out an entire season. Hefney was very average and DMO has shown he has a lot of desire in him. He's worked hard to get back and I don't think he'll let it go to waste. Congrats DMO.

i still can't get over how big of a bust hefney was this season.
This is good news. I'm all about people getting second chances. Hopefully, he'll pay a little more attention to his academics this time around. Morely and Berry in the Secondary will be tough.
I agree with you on second chances. Our secondary should be good next year.
Welcome back D-Mo, we sure can use your help. His grades must have been awful though. I'm glad your getting a second chance. Just get your academics in order and you will be fine.
This is the first great news i've heard for UT football in a while..
so will D-mo be a Junior now?? or did he loose a year of elgibility and be a senior??
I am thrilled to have Morley back and think he and Berry together spells big trouble for opposing players. Wr's will be looking over both shoulders, heads should be on a swivel, and going across the middle could be a death sentence...IF Morley gets all the way back. I loved Morley from the git go when we signed him out from under Canes.
As to Hef comments, I wondered throughout the season how much his play was affected by other young Db's and staying "put" rather than taking some risks due to their inexperience. I am not making excuses for him and I thought his actual tackling was poor this season. I hope he pulls it together does well in combine/workouts and gets a chance in NFL. 07 sure did not help his cause.
Congrats again to Morley can't wait to see you and Eric together! GO VOLS:dance2:
At first this makes me think the secondary is going to be very good and then I remember who their coach is. Sorry no one has bashed the coaches on this thread.:)
As long as they put Vinson on the Jugs machine for about 10,000 reps, then this lineup should be great.

That guy has dropped more interceptions this year than anyone I can remember, and I have been watching my Vols intently since the mid-eighties.

No kidding man....it's ridiculous how bad his hands are...he must have dropped at least 3-5 sure interceptions this year...

I guess we don't need to ask why they moved him from WR :eek:lol:
If Mayo Comes back :crossfingers: our defensive back seven should be the best its been since 2005, and that's saying something.

If we can get good line play the defense could be a killer.
Raises an interesting question, is DMO worse then Hefney?

I say not a snowballs chance in h***

D Mo's issues in the past most likely came from being out of position...which means he just needs to spend more time learning his assignments...

Hefney was a just a flat out over-rated DB whose deficiencies were masked by other the other DB's he played with...

In the one season where he was "the Man" in the secondary he looked like a boy playing against men
i must admit, i was curious of what you might think about this........well stated.:)

ehh..I can be too critical at times and come off as a prick but I would always rather see someone succeed. Lord knows I goofed up plenty in the younger days and still do.

Welcome back! It is nice to see someone show how to do the right thing the right way instead of trying to take shortcuts.

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