Welcome Back D-Mo (merged)

He is a really good story. Fails out of school. Lives in his car just to get by. Works at a restaurant just to pay tuition at a local community college. Gets readmitted. Also has a kid in there. I hope he does good. It'd be nice to see him under Walton. Hell, I'd love to see this whole defensive backfield under the watch of Walton.

Either way, this unit will go from a big weakness to a big strength in one year.
He is a really good story. Fails out of school. Lives in his car just to get by. Works at a restaurant just to pay tuition at a local community college. Gets readmitted. Also has a kid in there. I hope he does good. It'd be nice to see him under Walton. Hell, I'd love to see this whole defensive backfield under the watch of Walton.

Either way, this unit will go from a big weakness to a big strength in one year.

if he played for USC he would get an ESPN special segment on College Gameday
Yep. That actually makes me wonder. Maybe we get some press on Gameday about it. I wonder how much notice it will get next fall. Well, other than during games when it gets pointed out during play.
Yep. That actually makes me wonder. Maybe we get some press on Gameday about it. I wonder how much notice it will get next fall. Well, other than during games when it gets pointed out during play.

we need to get some kid to be our water boy and special asst. to the head coach so we can have a feel good story
He is a really good story. Fails out of school. Lives in his car just to get by. Works at a restaurant just to pay tuition at a local community college. Gets readmitted. Also has a kid in there. I hope he does good. It'd be nice to see him under Walton. Hell, I'd love to see this whole defensive backfield under the watch of Walton.

Either way, this unit will go from a big weakness to a big strength in one year.

Couldn't agree more, on what Coach Walton could do with this group now, seems to be loaded, and deep.
yesss i do.

And people have talked about morley's poor play at times, but he was young.. and he showed signs of being a dang playmaking safety. i love it.
I think DMO will be an upgrade over Hefney next season despite sitting out an entire season. Hefney was very average and DMO has shown he has a lot of desire in him. He's worked hard to get back and I don't think he'll let it go to waste. Congrats DMO.

I don't know if I'd say he's average. I think back in 2005 Fulmer said Hefney was the best pure football player on the team.
DE: Brown/Martin
DT: Bolden
DT: Williams/Fisher
DE: Ayers

doesn't sound too bad to me. i'm more concerned about the back ups
Yup, same problem as this year.

He has to lose some weight to be a DT for us. But, hey, Dan Williams did it.
Its great to see a awesome story like this for the vols!
I hope it all works out as planned.
I was as critical of Morley's play as anybody, and when he failed out of school I'll admit I was among the "good riddance" crowd. But for him to pay his own way to Pellissippi in order to work his way back into UT...well, if this works out, it's going to be impossible not to root like hell for the guy. Good for him, whether he becomes a great player or not. Imagine what running through the T on his Senior Day is going to feel like for him.
He lived in his car? How did I miss that part?
He is a really good story. Fails out of school. Lives in his car just to get by. Works at a restaurant just to pay tuition at a local community college. Gets readmitted. Also has a kid in there. I hope he does good. It'd be nice to see him under Walton. Hell, I'd love to see this whole defensive backfield under the watch of Walton.

Either way, this unit will go from a big weakness to a big strength in one year.

It's a good story as far as interesting goes. But he is not a role model or example that kids should look up to. The "good" story would have been a troubled youth leaving the mean streets of Miami and becoming a top student and standout athlete.

His story is really sad, compounded by having to live in his car and having a kid while living in a car.

Hopefully his story will turn into a positive, but IMO it's a little early to call it anyhting about it good. I hope it becomes a Hallmark movie story though.
It's a good story as far as interesting goes. But he is not a role model or example that kids should look up to. The "good" story would have been a troubled youth leaving the mean streets of Miami and becoming a top student and standout athlete.

His story is really sad, compounded by having to live in his car and having a kid while living in a car.

Hopefully his story will turn into a positive, but IMO it's a little early to call it anyhting about it good. I hope it becomes a Hallmark movie story though.

Hallmark? Are you kidding. If his woman looks like your avatar, we're talking Cinemax at least.:)

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