Welcome Back D-Mo (merged)

Well, we'll have some nice speed in the secondary. Hopefully Berry will push D-Mo out there and help him step it up - particularly in pass coverage and knowing his assignments. Berry made improvements there as the year went along - but he probably still has some things to learn as well.

Berry's extraordinary talent, leadership, and savvy will take pressure off of whoever lines up beside him... Morley will definitely benefit... and has enough God given talent to make it count the most.

If UT finds some DL's... they'll have a great D.
I hate censorship or banning BUT any mention of the 05 with the term good or effective should be banned...just kidding.

I would think with Mayo we should be flat out tough as nails LB's and back, now to get some help on the D line would benefit.

NCs and SEC championships start with great D...ifJerod stays we are off to a huge start on the D side, with or without coaching. I think Jerod, if he stays, and Berry will have a whole lot to say about the D and, since wishes are free, I am wishing they will assume the leadership of the 98 crew. I think a good defensive T shirt for 08 should read "What can Orange do for you? Knockouts and snotbubbles...free delivery!":neener2:
Sounds like Rogan, Johnson, Vinson, and Willingham (?) at CB.... Morley, Berry, Willingham (?), Wardlow, Kemp, and possibly Faison at S.

Evans, Fleming, Anderson, et al trying to carve out a niche somewhere in there.

Sounds like a very good situation to me. There's a great rotation and excellent depth in that group.
where are all those people who were saying he would never come back??

I was one. Based on his disposition and situation it is clearly a miracle if he does get back on the field for UT. I, for one, will be impressed.
ehh..I can be too critical at times and come off as a prick but I would always rather see someone succeed. Lord knows I goofed up plenty in the younger days and still do.

:thumbsup: you're not alone.
D-Mo and Berry.... sweet!!!!!

Now, we just put the other 9 in the box and stop the run.:)
The last thing I want to be is a negavol, but...just looking ahead a bit.

Does anyone know how many courses he has to pass in the spring to play this fall? And, which ones are the safest bets?
The last thing I want to be is a negavol, but...just looking ahead a bit.

Does anyone know how many courses he has to pass in the spring to play this fall? And, which ones are the safest bets?

Ask Jim Harrick.... congrats DMo.
Good God, I hope not :)... his son either. What was it... Fundamentals of Basketball... to basketball players?

Although he was bball guy, I thought it was about the spread offense. Some of the posters here, I had assumed, were enrolled.:)

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