what are the biggest what ifs in tennessee football history

It's my understanding, though I could be mistaken, that offsetting penalties are almost always "replay the down," so LSU more than likely still would get another chance to score.

Possibly the issue might become whether the helmet would have been a "during play" or after the play was over penalty...if it was during play it's my understanding the two just offset.

If it was an after the play (like an unsportsmanlike conduct/unnecessary roughness/late hit) I don't know what happens; it could very well even have been UT's penalty is enforced first (half the distance to the goal) and then LSU's could be enforced after that (15 yards back)...not really sure how it would work in that case.

The latter scenario is, in my opinion, what should have transpired. The LSU player hurled his helmet out of frustration for having not scored on the play, so it should have been considered a dead ball foul. LSU would have had another shot but it would have been much more difficult from the 16-yard line than from our 1 or wherever the ball was spotted after our infraction for too many men on the field.
this is easy. If Bob Woodruff had hired Johnny Majors in 1970 instead of Bill Battle, UT would have not slid back for so many years and very, very likely would have competed for a NC as early as 1970. Majors had a very energetic and young staff that took Pitt to NC in 1976.

Basically, Woodruff's decision put UT's program down for 2 decades outside of the 1985 SEC title.

I agree. Said the same thing a few pages back.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I agree with one of the earlier posts - - what if Doug Dickey had stayed and not gone to FL? We would have had a dynasty in the 70's and 80's. Probably 2-3 NC's in that time frame. IMO
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What if we'd brought Majors back in '70 to replace Dickey instead of promoting Battle?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

This changed UT Football history more than any other event since Neyland was hired. Dickey had UT at the top of the SEC and he had beaten Alabama 3 times in a row including a 41-14 thumping in Birmingham in the last one (69).

Majors stressed the importance of recruiting and there were no restraints on recruiting in those days. He signed about 125 freshmen in his first year at Pitt. He would have done the same thing at UT.

Battle was a good coach but he hated recruiting and it showed. Woodruff was the AD and the athletics board went along with his recommendation even though Col Elam and others knew Majors was the better choice.

Tennessee Football was poised for great things and Majors in the early 70s could have kept it there. Of course, Dickey staying would have been much better at the time.
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I think if Tennessee would have beaten Arkansas in 1999,They would have played FSU in the 2nd straight BCS National Championship game.
I think if Tennessee would have beaten Arkansas in 1999,They would have played FSU in the 2nd straight BCS National Championship game.

YEP! That was gonna be my "what if..."

What if Leonard Scott would have caught that perfectly thrown pass from T Martin late in that game to give us the victory? :salute:

Another one--what if Drick caught that TD pass against USCe 2 yrs ago from Worley????
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Don't even try it!

We TIED Ga Tech with Dickey the week after alabubba....


The rumor at the time was the coaching staff put the handcuffs on Dickey in that game and the Memphis game the next week. Darrell Dickey came to the conclusion that they did not have a replacement for him, so he began to check off to the plays he wanted to run and that's when the team began their run.

I would be interested to hear from players from that era as to whether or not that was true.
The rumor at the time was the coaching staff put the handcuffs on Dickey in that game and the Memphis game the next week. Darrell Dickey came to the conclusion that they did not have a replacement for him, so he began to check off to the plays he wanted to run and that's when the team began their run.

I would be interested to hear from players from that era as to whether or not that was true.

Jeff Francis backed Him up. He was a good one and could have stepped up if Dickey couldn't have done it or gotten hurt.
Jeff Francis backed Him up. He was a good one and could have stepped up if Dickey couldn't have done it or gotten hurt.

Not even closes. Francis was a true freshman that year and not ready to do anything but hand off. Francis went on to become the most overrated QB in UT history.

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