What did you have for dinner II?

@mad4vols Do you have any traditional family favorite Purim meals you could share? Just the food, not recipes. (Unless you’d like to. 😉) I’m looking at chicken soup with kreplach or the usual brisket; I’d love to go beyond.

— hamantaschen goes without saying!
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@mad4vols Do you have any traditional family favorite Purim meals you could share? Just the food, not recipes. (Unless you’d like to. 😉) I’m looking at chicken soup with kreplach or the usual brisket; I’d love to go beyond.

— hamantaschen goes without saying!
That’s one holiday that wasn’t big in my family, we have never celebrated it at home. When I was a kid, I remember we learned the story at Temple and we would have a fun carnival with games. My dad said when he was a kid back in Hungary that his mom would make gift baskets of sweets and give them to friends.
That’s one holiday that wasn’t big in my family, we have never celebrated it at home. When I was a kid, I remember we learned the story at Temple and we would have a fun carnival with games. My dad said when he was a kid back in Hungary that his mom would make gift baskets of sweets and give them to friends.
It definitely didn’t trigger any memories for my husband either. I tried (as in ate) some hamantaschen once, and I think I’ll give them a whirl.
I’m sorry. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Praying for him and you guys
Red (my FIL) had surgery to amputate his leg up to the knee last night, and it went well. He was on a ventilator (due to a separate issue) but they took him off today and he is conscious and talking. So it appears we are headed back in the right direction for the moment.
Red (my FIL) had surgery to amputate his leg up to the knee last night, and it went well. He was on a ventilator (due to a separate issue) but they took him off today and he is conscious and talking. So it appears we are headed back in the right direction for the moment.
Oh my goodness, that sounds drastic (complications of diabetes?) but that quick vent wean sounds promising, and I'm glad things are moving positively. Continuing to pray for all of you.
Oh my goodness, that sounds drastic (complications of diabetes?) but that quick vent wean sounds promising, and I'm glad things are moving positively. Continuing to pray for all of you.
Diabetes and being on Invokana. He's also basically blind, was on the vent due to aspirating stomach acid into to his lungs, and he has a vre infection. We're a little miffed at the "skilled" care facility he was in.

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