What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

Theres a guy named Ben Rich, who used to be head of Skunk Works Aircraft Manufacturing, which as some here may know developed the SR71 Blackbird, the U2, the F117A stealth fighter, etc. If ANYBODY would know about advanced technology it would be him! He once gave a speech at UCLA where he said and I quote...

"We now have the technology to take E.T. home. We can do anything you can imagine! We can travel to the stars! However that technology is locked away behind government black budget programs and will never see the light of day".

This is yet another reason why I tend to lean towards this being our own technology as opposed to aliens visiting us or angels/demons.

So Bob Lazar could be telling the truth.
Aliens are a distraction. They may exist somewhere in the universe, but the odds are against it. And if they did exist, longer odds still that they would be close enough to be able to travel to us. They would have to have a flying colony specifically dedicated to reaching earth, a place they would have no reason to even know existed. If they traveled at the speed of light (an impossibility), they would have probably hundreds of generations of aliens die and be replaced on the flying colony. They would need hundreds of generations worth of supplies. I just don't see it.
Aliens are a distraction. They may exist somewhere in the universe, but the odds are against it. And if they did exist, longer odds still that they would be close enough to be able to travel to us. They would have to have a flying colony specifically dedicated to reaching earth, a place they would have no reason to even know existed. If they traveled at the speed of light (an impossibility), they would have probably hundreds of generations of aliens die and be replaced on the flying colony. They would need hundreds of generations worth of supplies. I just don't see it.

The odds of intelligent life existing somewhere in the universe is very high. The odds that they have developed the technology to physically travel between the stars is extremely low.
The odds of intelligent life existing somewhere in the universe is very high. The odds that they have developed the technology to physically travel between the stars is extremely low.

I think the odds of intelligent life having once existed or existing in the future is high. I think it is highly unlikely that their intelligent life exists in the same brief glimpse of time as our intelligent life. Human existence is a miniscule blip on the time line of the universe forming. What are the odds that two miniscule blips on the time line would overlap?
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Another possibility is that you can use the strong nuclear force. Strong interaction - Wikipedia

That reminds me of the supposed triangular "TR-3B" air craft that some have claimed to have spotted in the sky. It's allegedly a nuclear powered anti gravity air craft that uses highly pressurized mercury to create an anti gravity field.


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That reminds me of the supposed triangular "TR-3B" air craft that some have claimed to have spotted in the sky. It's allegedly a nuclear powered anti gravity air craft that uses highly pressurized mercury to create an anti gravity field.



The secretary of defenses for the last three presidents have told you these are real. They are indisputable fact, and yes, I am convinced these are military reverse engineering. Being silent and stealthy makes for excellent troop transport if you can pull it off.
The secretary of defenses for the last three presidents have told you these are real. They are indisputable fact, and yes, I am convinced these are military reverse engineering. Being silent and stealthy makes for excellent troop transport if you can pull it off.

What blows me away is these supposedly aren't even THAT new. I think I read somewhere that these were supposedly developed...or development at least started in the late 80's. That's why things like the "tick tack" video and the "gimble" video make me think that it's top secret military experimental craft. If the TR3B is already that old, it's entirely plausible that the "tick tack" could just simply be a natural progression of technology that was built off the knowledge gained from the development of the TR-3B.
I think the odds of intelligent life having once existed or existing in the future is high. I think it is highly unlikely that their intelligent life exists in the same brief glimpse of time as our intelligent life. Human existence is a miniscule blip on the time line of the universe forming. What are the odds that two miniscule blips on the time line would overlap?

I'd say very high because I believe that intelligent life in the universe is not as rare as we want to believe. The enormity of the universe tells me that there has to be more intelligent life out there.
The tic tac and spheres are much, much different. They do things that defy imagination. Almost "organic" or "alive". As if they are much more than craft, as in ....something more. They can, and do spook the **** out of the military, and that is not how the military works. The military does not "test" advanced technology on it's own people. The super hornets off the west coast have encountered "hundreds" falling out of the sky "like rain", They merge, separate, and often congregate around a much larger "mother ship" thing, that can be absolutely, enormous. They have been reported by law enforcement and military all over the world.
The tic tac and spheres are much, much different. They do things that defy imagination. Almost "organic" or "alive". As if they are much more than craft, as in ....something more. They can, and do spook the **** out of the military, and that is not how the military works. The military does not "test" advanced technology on it's own people. The super hornets off the west coast have encountered "hundreds" falling out of the sky "like rain", They merge, separate, and often congregate around a much larger "mother ship" thing, that can be absolutely, enormous. They have been reported by law enforcement and military all over the world.

Is there footage of this anywhere? I'd like to see this!
Well, there is another thread in which I explain that I've had a fascination with the paranormal from when I was young because A: My grandmother talked to the dead, and B: I had a bigfoot encounter when I was younger. Pretty tough to go through a lifetime of story collecting, but... there is an excellent history channel documentary that sums up the tic tacs I posted in that thread. Watch Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY Channel

Well, there is another thread in which I explain that I've had a fascination with the paranormal from when I was young because A: My grandmother talked to the dead, and B: I had a bigfoot encounter when I was younger. Pretty tough to go through a lifetime of story collecting, but... there is an excellent history channel documentary that sums up the tic tacs I posted in that thread. Watch Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY Channel
Drugs are bad
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Aliens are a distraction. They may exist somewhere in the universe, but the odds are against it. And if they did exist, longer odds still that they would be close enough to be able to travel to us. They would have to have a flying colony specifically dedicated to reaching earth, a place they would have no reason to even know existed. If they traveled at the speed of light (an impossibility), they would have probably hundreds of generations of aliens die and be replaced on the flying colony. They would need hundreds of generations worth of supplies. I just don't see it.

I'd say the odds are very much for it, overwhelmingly.
There is supposedly at least a ten minute video of the uss nimitz radar operator watching these things fall out of the sky "like rain". To the point they stopped operations, and had to "reboot" the ship. It's being held by the military.
The odds of intelligent life existing somewhere in the universe is very high. The odds that they have developed the technology to physically travel between the stars is extremely low.

You're assuming they are on the same developmental timeline as we are.
Aliens are a distraction. They may exist somewhere in the universe, but the odds are against it. And if they did exist, longer odds still that they would be close enough to be able to travel to us. They would have to have a flying colony specifically dedicated to reaching earth, a place they would have no reason to even know existed. If they traveled at the speed of light (an impossibility), they would have probably hundreds of generations of aliens die and be replaced on the flying colony. They would need hundreds of generations worth of supplies. I just don't see it.
But...but....the tic tacs!
The sheer vastness of the universe, its incalculable galaxies, solar systems, and worlds, practically guarantees life, including intelligent life, exists elsewhere. It's nothing less than egoistical folly to presume Earth is the only inhabited planet, and we are the sole lifeforms, intelligent or otherwise, in so vast an arena. Now, UFOs, I've seen my share, including a cigar shaped craft that seemed to be in trouble as it was smoking and moving jerkily across the sky. I also saw an egg shaped (tic tac?) object zip by at treetop level during my college years, and 3 or so seconds later a Phantom F-4C hot on its trail. All other objects I saw were higher in the sky, moving slowly, others zipping about as if looking for something or the pilot was drunk, a box kite-like object with glowing and blinking lights almost directly over Nellis AFB, and my last one, a fast moving red globe that went to the ground at a 35-degree angle. But no flash or smoke to announce it crashed, and no news report afterward to indicate it crashed, if it did at all. So, what do I think of UFOs? The things exist, but are they secret military craft or extraterrestrial? I believe at least some are, the others might be natural aerial phenomenon. Only in recent decades we finally admitted the long pooh-poohed ball lightning isn't an urban myth. And thanks to the space station, discovered indisputable proof that sprites reported for many years by observers during thunderstorms, really exist. As for Bigfoot, well, uh, heh, heh..., um, naw.

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