What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

What about Bigfoot? Nobody ever talks about Bigfoot and he's real. People have seen him and have actual photos. Geez, what's wrong with you people?
What about Bigfoot? Nobody ever talks about Bigfoot and he's real. People have seen him and have actual photos. Geez, what's wrong with you people?

I spotted Bigfoot yesterday. He proceeded to stick his Bigfoot in his mouth and goes by the name of Saban.
I spotted Bigfoot yesterday. He proceeded to stick his Bigfoot in his mouth and goes by the name of Saban.
That made me LOL. Saban accusing anyone of buying players? That is culture there. We proved it with one of his disciples.

People who havent done any research watching videos of the crafts and 1st person accounts from some of the brightest Americans in this country (pilots..Navy USAF) can mock this stuff like its Bigfoot or the Easter Bunny if they choose. They are either foolish or confused in my opinion. The facts are these, abd i was once very skeptical:

1. These vehicles are observed by every instrument on the aircraft...from radar to camera to infrared signature to 20/20 or better eyesight of folks who are likely both smarter than and have better vision than most here. Its easier to get into Harvard than Annapolis or the USAFA...and then only the CREAM of the crop who graduated top of their class make into fighter planes. Best of the best.

2. These craft are never observed with any recognizable visible means of propulsion. None. No rocket plume, no jetwash, not even any HEAT that would be generated via an engine or friction from thr air itself...in fact many times they are colder than surrounding air.

3. These craft are simultaneously on camera, radar, etc accelerating from a hovering position to many thousands of MPH almost instantly in some cases. There is not any living creature on planet Earth that would not be reduced to a puddle of goop in the floorboard of said craft as long as the occupants of that craft are being acted upon by gravity and G forces as we currently are as humans , and our understanding of physics currently DEMANDS anything with a mass is acted upon by the gravitational forces of larger (more massive) objects in our location.

4 . Bottom line is they are real, they come here, and they are so much more advanced than our human race that honestly these are probably just "trips to the zoo" for whatever designs, builds, and flies these objects that apparently visit us quite frequently.

Mock what you want to...it doesnt matter if the frog in the zoo thinks that i am real. I can watch him, toy with him, and could kill millions of his kind by my damn self if i decided to spend my time doing so. What thoughts go through his little frog brain have absolutely zero bearing on that...nor what his friends think of him. Go VOLS
Why would ANY intelligent life that had the kind of technology described be interested in this planet and the virus that inhabits it?

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Enrico Fermi stated a paradox, the high probability of intelligent extraterrestrial life contrasted to the lack of evidence for it. My response is that there is no such paradox for individuals who have observed the evidence. There are two kinds of people in any discussion of UFOs (1)those who have observed evidence and (2)those who have not. Most individuals are in the second group, that is those without observation of convincing evidence. Whatever they say is speculation, of little or no importance to those in the first group.
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Enrico Fermi stated a paradox, the high probability of intelligent extraterrestrial life contrasted to the lack of evidence for it. My response is that there is no such paradox for individuals who have observed the evidence. There are two kinds of people in any discussion of UFOs (1)those who have observed evidence and (2)those who have not. Most individuals are in the second group, that is those without observation of convincing evidence. Whatever they say is speculation, of no importance to those in the first group.
Well, with the proliferation of cameras literally everywhere, I am certain that the evidence will be produced almost any day now.

I have spent almost 2 and a half years in the sky and have never seen anything that I would classify as a UFO except this:

I was flying into SFO when I saw this. Funny that ATC didn't know what it was either.
People who havent done any research watching videos of the crafts and 1st person accounts from some of the brightest Americans in this country (pilots..Navy USAF) can mock this stuff like its Bigfoot or the Easter Bunny if they choose. They are either foolish or confused in my opinion. The facts are these, abd i was once very skeptical:

1. These vehicles are observed by every instrument on the aircraft...from radar to camera to infrared signature to 20/20 or better eyesight of folks who are likely both smarter than and have better vision than most here. Its easier to get into Harvard than Annapolis or the USAFA...and then only the CREAM of the crop who graduated top of their class make into fighter planes. Best of the best.

2. These craft are never observed with any recognizable visible means of propulsion. None. No rocket plume, no jetwash, not even any HEAT that would be generated via an engine or friction from thr air itself...in fact many times they are colder than surrounding air.

3. These craft are simultaneously on camera, radar, etc accelerating from a hovering position to many thousands of MPH almost instantly in some cases. There is not any living creature on planet Earth that would not be reduced to a puddle of goop in the floorboard of said craft as long as the occupants of that craft are being acted upon by gravity and G forces as we currently are as humans , and our understanding of physics currently DEMANDS anything with a mass is acted upon by the gravitational forces of larger (more massive) objects in our location.

4 . Bottom line is they are real, they come here, and they are so much more advanced than our human race that honestly these are probably just "trips to the zoo" for whatever designs, builds, and flies these objects that apparently visit us quite frequently.

Mock what you want to...it doesnt matter if the frog in the zoo thinks that i am real. I can watch him, toy with him, and could kill millions of his kind by my damn self if i decided to spend my time doing so. What thoughts go through his little frog brain have absolutely zero bearing on that...nor what his friends think of him. Go VOLS

There’s a guy I watch on YouTube who is a retired submarine sonar man and been on different types of subs. He mostly discusses Navy stuff and current events. He touched on this very briefly in one video and the video wasn’t even about UAP’s. He said he’s got some things that happen in his career but he just can’t talk about it until it’s declassified, of course underwater. Goes by the name Subbrief
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People who havent done any research watching videos of the crafts and 1st person accounts from some of the brightest Americans in this country (pilots..Navy USAF) can mock this stuff like its Bigfoot or the Easter Bunny if they choose. They are either foolish or confused in my opinion. The facts are these, abd i was once very skeptical:

1. These vehicles are observed by every instrument on the aircraft...from radar to camera to infrared signature to 20/20 or better eyesight of folks who are likely both smarter than and have better vision than most here. Its easier to get into Harvard than Annapolis or the USAFA...and then only the CREAM of the crop who graduated top of their class make into fighter planes. Best of the best.

2. These craft are never observed with any recognizable visible means of propulsion. None. No rocket plume, no jetwash, not even any HEAT that would be generated via an engine or friction from thr air itself...in fact many times they are colder than surrounding air.

3. These craft are simultaneously on camera, radar, etc accelerating from a hovering position to many thousands of MPH almost instantly in some cases. There is not any living creature on planet Earth that would not be reduced to a puddle of goop in the floorboard of said craft as long as the occupants of that craft are being acted upon by gravity and G forces as we currently are as humans , and our understanding of physics currently DEMANDS anything with a mass is acted upon by the gravitational forces of larger (more massive) objects in our location.

4 . Bottom line is they are real, they come here, and they are so much more advanced than our human race that honestly these are probably just "trips to the zoo" for whatever designs, builds, and flies these objects that apparently visit us quite frequently.

Mock what you want to...it doesnt matter if the frog in the zoo thinks that i am real. I can watch him, toy with him, and could kill millions of his kind by my damn self if i decided to spend my time doing so. What thoughts go through his little frog brain have absolutely zero bearing on that...nor what his friends think of him. Go VOLS

In my post above I jokingly scoffed at the idea that UFOs are real and aliens are visiting earth. Until we have actual proof we can only decide for ourselves whether we believe it or not. I will say that if that damn cat is both alive and dead at the same time it exponentially increases the odds that aliens are here. (IMO)
I believe that there are other species alive in the universe, but don't for one second believe that these grainy out of focus pictures of things like a triangle shaped object are perfectly tracked and are real for one second. If the government wants me to believe any of this is for real, show me a daytime high resolution picture, not some grainy night vision artifact from a 20 year old recording.
Well, with the proliferation of cameras literally everywhere, I am certain that the evidence will be produced almost any day now.

I have spent almost 2 and a half years in the sky and have never seen anything that I would classify as a UFO except this:

I was flying into SFO when I saw this. Funny that ATC didn't know what it was either.

I hope you're not busy poking volgr and Ras while you're approaching at 2,000 feet. Nah, just kidding, go ahead.
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Well, with the proliferation of cameras literally everywhere, I am certain that the evidence will be produced almost any day now.

I have spent almost 2 and a half years in the sky and have never seen anything that I would classify as a UFO except this:

I was flying into SFO when I saw this. Funny that ATC didn't know what it was either.

Just curious, did they have the Austin Powers movie playing in coach?

I just don't understand how some of you can take the leap of faith that unidentified flying OBJECTS in the sky directly equals aliens visiting us from outer space. Even saying that out loud just sounds so ridiculous.

In a discussion of UFOs, there are those who have observed convincing evidence and those who haven't. Those who have observed evidence incline to speak with others who have and avoid the blah, blah, blah of those who haven't. The first group knows. The other group does not know. Some who haven't observed the evidence might believe, but they do not know.
In a discussion of UFOs, there are those who have observed convincing evidence and those who haven't. Those who have observed evidence incline to speak with others who have and avoid the blah, blah, blah of those who haven't. The first group knows. The other group does not know. Some who haven't observed the evidence might believe, but they do not know.
There IS no "evidence" as the scientific community defines the term. Absolutely nothing has been peer reviewed and proven conclusive. Eye-witness accounts and anecdotal evidence is not real evidence.
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In a discussion of UFOs, there are those who have observed convincing evidence and those who haven't. Those who have observed evidence incline to speak with others who have and avoid the blah, blah, blah of those who haven't. The first group knows. The other group does not know. Some who haven't observed the evidence might believe, but they do not know.
So if I ask "what is that convincing evidence you have observed?", your answer would be.......................

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