What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

Some people can't handle anything that may change their view on the world. Imo jmo.

Too many military and other convincing citizens have went on record. Short of a flying saucer landing on the White House lawn some will never believe it. Just part of life.
Not one single shred of conclusive, credible, irrefutable evidence has been produced to suggest we are being visited by aliens from another world. For something to truly be deemed as real evidence, it has to be examined and tested using the scientific method. It has to be peer reviewed and there has to be a consensus among those peers that the findings are in fact conclusive. Absolutely nothing like that has occurred and has been published. Eye witness testimony, fuzzy videos, radar footage, etc. is not real evidence.

All we've been able to determine is there are OBJECTS (this is the key word) flying around in the sky and we don't know what they are. That's it! That's ALL we know. To go from saying that to saying its aliens from another world is such a ridiculous, asinine conclusion to jump to. I'm not saying it's definitively NOT aliens. Maybe it is! What I am saying is the evidence is so paltry that to come to that conclusion based on what we know at this point in time is not rational.

I personally think the most likely explanation is that this is super advanced military technology that either a.) does not belong to us or b.) It does belong to us and we are hiding it in plain sight by claiming its "not of this earth".
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In their report, they noted how radar systems detected UAP in low-Earth orbit before they dropped down to 80,000 feet. Periodically, UAP would drop from 28,000 feet to sea level (estimated to be 50 feet), or under the surface, in 0.78 seconds.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Larry Maguire: UAPs are real, and Canada should take them seriously

If this is ours, it's belyond next generation. I'm not saying it's aliens, I'm saying I have no idea, but it's real.

I personally don't believe it's ours. The g forces alone would kill any human. If it is ours, then it solves a lot of humanity's problems, like relying on a decaying electric grid. Power issues would be a thing of the past, which would roll over I to agriculture etc.

What are they? I have no clue...but they're there.
In their report, they noted how radar systems detected UAP in low-Earth orbit before they dropped down to 80,000 feet. Periodically, UAP would drop from 28,000 feet to sea level (estimated to be 50 feet), or under the surface, in 0.78 seconds.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Larry Maguire: UAPs are real, and Canada should take them seriously

If this is ours, it's belyond next generation. I'm not saying it's aliens, I'm saying I have no idea, but it's real.

I personally don't believe it's ours. The g forces alone would kill any human. If it is ours, then it solves a lot of humanity's problems, like relying on a decaying electric grid. Power issues would be a thing of the past, which would roll over I to agriculture etc.

What are they? I have no clue...but they're there.
I’ve mentioned it a few times, but last summer I saw one in the Charleston area and watched it teleport a few times. If it’s ours, it’s so advanced that no other country really stands a chance against us in a war. If it’s not ours, we don’t stand a chance against it. It was definitely monitoring the coastline a few nights in a row.
Seems to me that there have been too many people who are credible who have seen something to dismiss them all as merely artifices or naturally occurring phenomena.

Yet one possibility that I do not see discussed but I believe to be worth at least considering: What if the "entities" controlling the "objects" are not aliens from another planet but rather "spiritual beings".

Now some will surely roll their eyes and shake their head but consider that a spiritual being would not necessarily be bound to the same laws of physics observable in our world and that would go a long way to explain a number of the movements these objects seem to have.

We have believed in spiritual beings (angels, demons, "gods", etc) for far longer than we have UFOs. By spirit, in this instance, I am referring not to anything that was once a human (like we think of "ghosts") but rather a "super being of some sort". Would that not lend credence to the idea that perhaps such beings are real but ancients could only describe them within their own limited understanding of the world?

Would not an alien from a more advanced planet sound like a modern version of worshiping what in the past people have believed to be beings from another realm. Consider the Marvel version of the Viking deity Thor for a great example of this.

Furthermore, these beings, while considered immortal and often ethereal and incorporeal at times, often were thought to be able to appear in various forms, including human"ish". So a spirit could potentially appear in such ways as people have claimed to have seen.

Funny enough, there would be many atheists who would have no problem believing in aliens but resist the idea of a spiritual realm. Yet the vast majority of the world's population (Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindu) already believe in both good and evil "angelic" spirits.

Now why would these beings act in this manner? Well, the question would be to what purpose. For now, it seems spirits or aliens, their purpose is unknown. Yet for those who believe in something like Revelations describes, it may not be so difficult to figure out why these beings would begin to show themselves in this manner.
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In their report, they noted how radar systems detected UAP in low-Earth orbit before they dropped down to 80,000 feet. Periodically, UAP would drop from 28,000 feet to sea level (estimated to be 50 feet), or under the surface, in 0.78 seconds.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Larry Maguire: UAPs are real, and Canada should take them seriously

If this is ours, it's belyond next generation. I'm not saying it's aliens, I'm saying I have no idea, but it's real.

I personally don't believe it's ours. The g forces alone would kill any human. If it is ours, then it solves a lot of humanity's problems, like relying on a decaying electric grid. Power issues would be a thing of the past, which would roll over I to agriculture etc.

What are they? I have no clue...but they're there.

Just to add a few comments to your post if one is to believe everything that being told on this subject from the people in the know then you also have believe what they said during the recent hearing when questioned if it was US technology. Under secretary Moutrie I believed testified this is not “blue on blue”.

Also when speaking of aliens I think sometimes people think aliens have to be physically in these craft, It could be probes from another world. How far has the Voyagers travel with just our technology? If a advanced alien race is out there how far can their probes travel?
Just to add a few comments to your post if one is to believe everything that being told on this subject from the people in the know then you also have believe what they said during the recent hearing when questioned if it was US technology. Under secretary Moutrie I believed testified this is not “blue on blue”.

Also when speaking of aliens I think sometimes people think aliens have to be physically in these craft, It could be probes from another world. How far has the Voyagers travel with just our technology? If a advanced alien race is out there how far can their probes travel?
Thats a good point. We are sending unmanned craft to Mars and Pluto. It's not out of the realm of possibility that these objects performing impossible maneuvers are being done so remotely. Again, that still doesnt automatically = aliens. Until more evidence is presented, I still believe the most likely answer is that its highly classified man made tech.
One suggestion that I have read that I think is rather fascinating is the technology behind what makes these objects appear to move and maneuver at impossible rates. It has been suggested that...we'll just call them "crafts" for the sake of this conversation...really arent moving at the speeds that we think they are. Rather whats happening is somehow these "crafts" are creating their own gravitational fields. Now, if you can create/manipulate gravity, you can also manipulate time! So even though these "crafts" appear to be moving from one point to another in a near instant to those observing them OUTSIDE of the "craft's" gravitational field, the craft itself could actually be flying rather smoothly and slowly INSIDE that gravitational field! The manipulation of time is the key to the crafts observed speed rather than actually moving like a lazer pointer up against a curtain and breaking all kinds of laws of physics. This would explain why theres never a sonic boom. This would also explain why no one inside the craft would be affected by g-force/inertia.

Now, obviously the problem with this hypothesis is we do not have the technology to create gravity. We really dont even know what gravity is. I think it was just recently verified that gravity is a wave. However we cant replicate it. The only known way to create gravity is by enormous quantities of mass, i.e. a planet. The technology to emit a gravity field around a small object and manipulate time is stuff of science fiction...or is it?

I've always believed that our military R&D operates at several generations ahead of what the public is aware of and in my personal opinion, this is still the most likely explanation for these "crafts" being observed in the skies. Until better EVIDENCE is presented, this is what I tend to think is the reality behind them.
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The idea of a "warp engine" is one we are working on. In theory, if you can create enough mass, you can warp and bend timespace, then ride that "wave" like a surfboard. Riding the warp.
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You do that with electromagnitism, the same as making plasma or fission. with giant electro magnets.

getting that down to precise, carry-able, miniaturized reliability is way, way, wayyyyy beyond what we have rn. It's just theory.

The images we are getting today are no better than some or the stuff that came out of the 50s and 60s. Take those flying tic-tacs. Is that the best imaging technology we have on our military jets? We get artist renderings of exoplanets based on limited visual information all the time. Why not do the same with pilot input to the artist? They could even animate them for a better feel of what the pilot and instruments are picking up.
Some of the navy videos as well as some foreign military videos from South America are pretty damn good quality. Navy ones sometimes show both camera video and infrared as well as radar tracking....not sure how much MORE fecking info some of these naysayers think they are ever gonna see than that.

We dont know WHAT they are...could be aliens, alien drones or probes unmanned, could be angels or demons honestly....google what angels actually looked like based on the various descriptions from the Bible. Only cherubim in any way resemble humans or any popular modern depiction of angels. The rest are crazy different. We might not know WHAT these flying objects are...but there is zero doubt that they are here in the skies all around the world...frequently.

I agree with the poster here that mentioned gravity or the localized lack thereof immediately surrounding these crafts as being a likely means of movement....at speeds and with changes in direction that if affected by gravity would immediately destroy any craft built by man , and kill anyone inside it from the G forces even if somehow the craft were made of materials 10 or 100x stronger than any alloys humans use for vehicles... these things are not man made in my opinion. I dont understand what was said about a link between gravity and time though. While space/time have a relationship according to the physics that i am aware of....gravity is only related to mass as far as i know. Not sure of any accepted or theorized scientific relationship between gravity and time? Please share if yall know more?
^^^ it's a good post.

Time and space can no longer be separated in the scientific community. It hasn't been since relativity was established. The reason is simple. The two are woven together like a fabric. You sit in that fabric, and there is a very simple way to think about this, as there always is with fundamental science. It comes from a quantum perspective (which is fascinating to me because it is the OPPOSITE end of the spectrum of gravity, but the science remains the same).

You can not simultaneously measure precisely an object's speed and place. You can estimated very well, and carefully, but not exactly at the same time.

Why? you can get into quantum waves, and entropy ( love entropy), but it boils down to...

If you are moving you are not standing still, and if you are standing still, you are not moving.

tada!.... that is why you always get an "estimated" (altho very well estimated) speed.
The first lesson of any good physicist is "geometry = force".

The fish in the fish bowl does not know why the plant in the fish bowl moves. He just considers it a "force".
Theres a guy named Ben Rich, who used to be head of Skunk Works Aircraft Manufacturing, which as some here may know developed the SR71 Blackbird, the U2, the F117A stealth fighter, etc. If ANYBODY would know about advanced technology it would be him! He once gave a speech at UCLA where he said and I quote...

"We now have the technology to take E.T. home. We can do anything you can imagine! We can travel to the stars! However that technology is locked away behind government black budget programs and will never see the light of day".

This is yet another reason why I tend to lean towards this being our own technology as opposed to aliens visiting us or angels/demons.
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Theres a guy named Ben Rich, who used to be head of Skunk Works Aircraft Manufacturing, which as some here may know developed the SR71 Blackbird, the U2, the F117A stealth fighter, etc. If ANYBODY would know about advanced technology it would be him! He once gave a speech at UCLA where he said and I quote...

"We now have the technology to take E.T. home. We can do anything you can imagine! We can travel to the stars! However that technology is locked away behind government black budget programs and will never see the light of day".

This is yet another reason why I tend to lean towards this being our own technology as opposed to aliens visiting us or angels/demons.
Agree. Also way too hard to keep that secret with thousands of people
^^^ it's a good post.

Time and space can no longer be separated in the scientific community. It hasn't been since relativity was established. The reason is simple. The two are woven together like a fabric. You sit in that fabric, and there is a very simple way to think about this, as there always is with fundamental science. It comes from a quantum perspective (which is fascinating to me because it is the OPPOSITE end of the spectrum of gravity, but the science remains the same).

You can not simultaneously measure precisely an object's speed and place. You can estimated very well, and carefully, but not exactly at the same time.

Why? you can get into quantum waves, and entropy ( love entropy), but it boils down to...

If you are moving you are not standing still, and if you are standing still, you are not moving.

tada!.... that is why you always get an "estimated" (altho very well estimated) speed.

Please keep in mind that I am no scientist or expert of any kind in any of these areas. I'm simply a layperson who takes an interest in it so bear with me.

The best way I've seen it explained is, imagine putting a bowling ball in the middle of a mattress and then taking your fist and pushing down on a spot in the mattress. The bowling ball will roll towards your fist because you've created a distortion in the material at a specific point and gravity causes the ball to roll toward you because of that. It's being suggested that these "crafts" are doing something similar. Through the use of some kind of emitter, they are creating what is essentially a "divot" in time/space and the craft simply moves toward that divot. With conventional propulsion we burn fuel that pushes energy out the back of a jet and accelerates it away from it. This suggested method works quite the opposite. The method to which allows the "craft" to move is generated out in front and the "craft" moves toward it.
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@Brave Volunteer, correct. that's the geometry part. the field is curved, and that would be a type of "warp engine". One that "warps" timespace. There is another option I've thought about, and that's what if you can somehow turn the "shell" of a disk, or oval shaped craft, into the source of this "warping"? Like with materials that can amplify, and direct? It's all theory and speculation, but that's my understanding. Somehow, you have to generate an IMMENSE amount of mass in a very small area without killing yourself. We are talking moon sized mass. 😆
@Brave Volunteer, correct. that's the geometry part. the field is curved, and that would be a type of "warp engine". One that "warps" timespace. There is another option I've thought about, and that's what if you can somehow turn the "shell" of a disk, or oval shaped craft, into the source of this "warping"? Like with materials that can amplify, and direct? It's all theory and speculation, but that's my understanding. Somehow, you have to generate an IMMENSE amount of mass in a very small area without killing yourself. We are talking moon sized mass. 😆

Oh yeah, for sure! Like I said it's all science fiction to us at this point and I'm not saying I dogmatically subscribe to these theories in the slightest. I'm just saying that out of everything that I have read and researched, this seems to be the most logical explanation for these objects that are being observed. Especially considering that our military R&D is always working generations ahead of what the public is aware of. Now, this doesn't make it 100% true, of course but it certainly seems more plausible to me than we are being visited by aliens from another galaxy.
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