What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

Because when a flying vessel accelerates and stops on a dime (and hits the ocean) at speeds that pilots and scientists say would cause a human body to be a puddle of goo, it's more than reasonable to assume that it wasn't created by human beings.

1.) We dont know that theyre "vessels".
2.) Not created by human beings doesnt = Aliens
1.) We dont know that theyre "vessels".
2.) Not created by human beings doesnt = Aliens
Those are two absolutely ludicrous points.
#1 - You have a very high number of experienced military pilots reporting flying vessels. What do you propose as the alternative to that?
#2 - Not human beings. Not aliens. Fine. What is option #3?
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Those are two absolutely ludicrous points.
#1 - You have a very high number of experienced military pilots reporting flying vessels. What do you propose as the alternative to that?

Umm what we've been calling them all along; objects or aerial phenomena.

#2 - Not human beings. Not aliens. Fine. What is option #3?
Option 3 is we dont know. But not knowing and immediately declaring it to be aliens is a MASSIVE leap and completely irrational given the lack of real evidence.
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Is there intelligent life out there? I definitely think so. The thought that we are alone in an infinite universe is silly imo. If these “UFOs” are real, one would have to wonder what they think of our species. Especially how much we have eroded in the past 30 or so years.
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Because when a flying vessel accelerates and stops on a dime (and hits the ocean) at speeds that pilots and scientists say would cause a human body to be a puddle of goo, it's more than reasonable to assume that it wasn't created by human beings.

Assuming the specs are correct:

1) Could there not be an accompanying technology which would negate the effects of the motion on the human body?
2) Could this vessel not be a drone (controlled remotely with no pilots in the vessel)?
Is there intelligent life out there? I definitely think so. The thought that we are alone in an infinite universe is silly imo. If these “UFOs” are real, one would have to wonder what they think of our species. Especially how much we have eroded in the past 30 or so years.
They probably look at the pink haired people and think it’s attractive.
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The F117 was designed in the 70s. The B2 and F22, as futuristic looking and capable as they are, were designed in the 80s.

Who knows what kind of aircraft technologies are being tested and developed right now. I do think that our military is much farther along in this regard that what most people think. These are military black projects IMO. This is why I think most of the UFO footage you see is FLIR footage from military fighter jets. They're testing these technologies against conventional military fighter jets to see how they fare.
Those are two absolutely ludicrous points.
#1 - You have a very high number of experienced military pilots reporting flying vessels. What do you propose as the alternative to that?
#2 - Not human beings. Not aliens. Fine. What is option #3?
As one potential, spirit-being manifestations. Would fulfill both points a 1 and 2.
Natural phenomenon still seems a fairly likely excuse.

As far as aliens go, if the UFO sightings are to be believed as aliens... they have had the technology to visit for hundreds if not thousands of years and yet no hostile actions. They seemingly haven't taken much from Earth and yet they continue to visit a place in which they do not want to control or need anything from... seems far fetched to me.
Maybe just passing through, seeing what we're up to
Because when a flying vessel accelerates and stops on a dime (and hits the ocean) at speeds that pilots and scientists say would cause a human body to be a puddle of goo, it's more than reasonable to assume that it wasn't created by human beings.
If it's designed to be unmanned?
I’ve said it before, I’m open to all possibilities in this never ending, ever expanding universe. Ultimately, I have to see it to believe it. And if I’m ever hiking, camping, etc. as I like to do and a UFO sets down in front of me with little opaque, greenish beings inviting me to come aboard…we’ll, I just gotta know.
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Is there intelligent life out there? I definitely think so. The thought that we are alone in an infinite universe is silly imo. If these “UFOs” are real, one would have to wonder what they think of our species. Especially how much we have eroded in the past 30 or so years.

Think about it this way. The closest living relative to humans is the chimpanzee. We share 98.8% of the same DNA. But that other 1.2% is pretty massive in determining our differences! Now think about an alien life form from another galaxy or solar system, possibly with an entirely different DNA structure and possibly on an entirely different intelligence spectrum. What would they possibly have to communicate with us about? Remember, WE are the ones who labeled ourselves as intelligent beings, but that's only relative to every other living thing on earth. To an advanced alien life form, we may be no smarter than a cockroach. Do we try to communicate with cockroaches? What makes us think a vastly advanced alien race would even consider wanting to communicate with us?
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Think about it this way. The closest living relative to humans is the chimpanzee. We share 98.8% of the same DNA. But that other 1.2% is pretty massive in determining our differences! Now think about an alien life form from another galaxy or solar system, possibly with an entirely different DNA structure and possibly on an entirely different intelligence spectrum. What would they possibly have to communicate with us about? Remember, WE are the ones who labeled ourselves as intelligent beings, but that's only relative to every other living thing on earth. To an advanced alien life form, we may be no smarter than a cockroach. Do we try to communicate with cockroaches? What makes us think a vastly advanced alien race would even consider wanting to communicate with us?

First of all we do study cock roaches. We know their behavior, how they colonize, reproduce etc so it stands to reason that we're being studied. Secondly, cock roaches aren't capable of blowing up the planet and rendering all lifeforms extinct. This possibility likely bothers aliens
Oh for sure! I'm not denying that. What I'm saying is that it doesn't seem very plausible that governments from all over the world would be able to coordinate their efforts equally to keep something like this an ongoing secret.

I remember a couple of years back, there was a story that came out where supposedly Russia was demanding that the United States "come clean" about UFO's and I remember thinking at the time, why do WE have be the ones to do it first? Why is the United States the only country that must have disclosure? If Russia has their own evidence, let THEM come out and say it first.

Again, saying "UFO's are real" is NOT the same thing as saying we are being visited by aliens. They're just acknowledging the same things we are. That their are objects in the sky that are not ours and we have no idea what they are. However that does not automatically = little grey beings with big eyes.
When the leaders are anal probed, a small orb is inserted that if that individual starts to reveal more than approved, their mind is wiped and they become blithering idiots.... fill in the blanks with all the world leaders that can't keep their mouth shut....
First of all we do study cock roaches. We know their behavior, how they colonize, reproduce etc so it stands to reason that we're being studied. Secondly, cock roaches aren't capable of blowing up the planet and rendering all lifeforms extinct. This possibility likely bothers aliens

Study them, yes. Communicate with them, no. Sure, we study them because they are part of OUR world. Would we fly 90 million lightyears to another galaxy just to study cockroaches though? I don't know. Maybe we would, maybe we wouldn't. I'm just trying to illustrate the potential disparity in being able to communicate with an alien race.

To be honest, if this were a real thing I believe it would be common knowledge already. I don't buy that governments could successfully cover a thing like this up and hide it from the public.
Acting like it's all natural phenomena is insane. Many sightings are simple misidentification, but there's a percentage that are witnessed by trained men and women who's job it is to know the difference. Pilots, military etc.

I don't have all the answers, but anyone pretending they do is lying. The technology is so far advanced that if it is ours, there's absolutely no reason for any energy crisis. Where we got it from is a whole other topic.

This isn't simply a few decades ahead of our time, it's hundreds of years ahead. It's amazing, and it's not all swamp gas and weather balloons.
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Study them, yes. Communicate with them, no. Sure, we study them because they are part of OUR world. Would we fly 90 million lightyears to another galaxy just to study cockroaches though? I don't know. Maybe we would, maybe we wouldn't. I'm just trying to illustrate the potential disparity in being able to communicate with an alien race.

To be honest, if this were a real thing I believe it would be common knowledge already. I don't buy that governments could successfully cover a thing like this up and hide it from the public.

If they are aliens, you're trying to put human reasoning into it. We simply don't know how another civilization would think or act.
If they are aliens, you're trying to put human reasoning into it. We simply don't know how another civilization would think or act.

Well to be fair to myself, I AM human so I know no other way of looking at it, LOL.

Acting like it's all natural phenomena is insane. Many sightings are simple misidentification, but there's a percentage that are witnessed by trained men and women who's job it is to know the difference. Pilots, military etc.

I don't have all the answers, but anyone pretending they do is lying. The technology is so far advanced that if it is ours, there's absolutely no reason for any energy crisis. Where we got it from is a whole other topic.

This isn't simply a few decades ahead of our time, it's hundreds of years ahead. It's amazing, and it's not all swamp gas and weather balloons.

No one is acting like it IS natural phenomena. I'm simply proposing it as one possibility and stating my personal opinion on the likelihoods. I'm not saying it's definitely this or definitely that. The only thing I'm sure of is we still don't know. And when I say "know" I mean we don't have irrefutable, scientifically verified, peer reviewed evidence. So whether you're a believer or a doubter, you're both wrong at this point. It's inconclusive.
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Sure thing. Jk. It is really interesting to think about in my opinion.

And let me be clear, I would f_cking LOVE for this to be true! I just refuse to allow myself to be emotionally influenced by my own personal desire on this subject because it can cloud my ability to recognize the facts. Oh believe me, I think the verification of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe would be incredible! I just don't think the real evidence is there to declare it to be so.
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