What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

Well to be fair to myself, I AM human so I know no other way of looking at it, LOL.

No one is acting like it IS natural phenomena. I'm simply proposing it as one possibility and stating my personal opinion on the likelihoods. I'm not saying it's definitely this or definitely that. The only thing I'm sure of is we still don't know. And when I say "know" I mean we don't have irrefutable, scientifically verified evidence. So whether you're a believer or a doubter, you're both wrong at this point. It's inconclusive.

Right but I wasn't singling you out, just the thread overall. We just don't know, but we have a lot of evidence to show what it's not. At least not 100 percent of the time.

My own opinion of what it is goes back and forth, but it's definitely intelligent, and there's just too much out there to say it isn't real.

What is it? Who knows. I have guesses.
Study them, yes. Communicate with them, no. Sure, we study them because they are part of OUR world. Would we fly 90 million lightyears to another galaxy just to study cockroaches though? I don't know. Maybe we would, maybe we wouldn't. I'm just trying to illustrate the potential disparity in being able to communicate with an alien race.

To be honest, if this were a real thing I believe it would be common knowledge already. I don't buy that governments could successfully cover a thing like this up and hide it from the public.
Of course we would travel anywhere to study life of any kind on another planet. We're doing that already. As it is we try to communicate with our animals as best we can. If a higher species can communicate with us, of course they'd try

Let's not get too carried away with just how advanced these creatures are. They are mortal and they can be killed according to reports. Also their machines can crash...see Roswell.
Study them, yes. Communicate with them, no. Sure, we study them because they are part of OUR world. Would we fly 90 million lightyears to another galaxy just to study cockroaches though? I don't know. Maybe we would, maybe we wouldn't. I'm just trying to illustrate the potential disparity in being able to communicate with an alien race.

To be honest, if this were a real thing I believe it would be common knowledge already. I don't buy that governments could successfully cover a thing like this up and hide it from the public.
We go 2 miles under the ocean to study something we don't know is there, so yes somebody might be studying us just because they can.
Doubt Pax River is on the test side. Way too close to populated areas.

I would agree, but aren't most of the Atlantic sightings taking place at night. Otherwise my premise supporting it being ours, if man-made, doesn't work with Pax River being the only east coast test site (it's the home of the Navy's TPS).

But you do raise a legitimate issue. I'm not sure how early in the development process TPS gets to evaluate the platform.

Wouldn't it be fantastic if they were ours and in final testing before deployment. I would give the preverbal left nut to be in the pilot's seat rolling onto the 6 of a Russian SU-27 over the Ukraine. Say "goodbye!" (Despite Tucker Carlson saying we need to be nice to Putin.)
When Hog met McDad.

Ever notice how Aliens are always credited as being far more advanced than we are?

Is this just the default position? Or does it have something to do with the fact we let 4 year olds choose their gender and we selected a laughing senile political hack that can’t control his bowel movements as the leader of the free world?
Study them, yes. Communicate with them, no. Sure, we study them because they are part of OUR world. Would we fly 90 million lightyears to another galaxy just to study cockroaches though? I don't know. Maybe we would, maybe we wouldn't. I'm just trying to illustrate the potential disparity in being able to communicate with an alien race.

To be honest, if this were a real thing I believe it would be common knowledge already. I don't buy that governments could successfully cover a thing like this up and hide it from the public.
You don't remember when we thought we found bacteria on an asteroid? Yes. I think we would.
Ever notice how Aliens are always credited as being far more advanced than we are?

Is this just the default position? Or does it have something to do with the fact we let 4 year olds choose their gender and we selected a laughing senile political hack that can’t control his bowel movements as the leader of the free world?
Interstellar travel is a pretty good indication that they’re far more advanced, technologically, than we are. We just have to hope that they’re not petty, bickering bitches like we are as a species.
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