What exactly does Butch Jones get?

fade still doesn't get it...

Fade understands better than some. CBJ is doing all the right things and has things on track, but the number of posters claiming to have chills over twitpics and practice videos is pretty far over the top. Let's win a few games before we get that feeling running down our leg.
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Are you drinking? Your posts are making no sense. What are you angry about? People like Butch, but its bad, because Auburn is dirty? You serious?

I just got off the phone with a friend who's an Auburn fan who spent 25 minutes telling me why all the stuff coming out isn't accurate and their championship was real and valid. So that was my frame of reference.
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Fade understands better than some. CBJ is doing all the right things and has things on track, but the number of posters claiming to have chills over twitpics and practice videos is pretty far over the top. Let's win a few games before we get that feeling running down our leg.

Lol, you make it sound like people are getting chubs over CBJ. Maybe they are
What fans don't want to win? What other point is there to being a sports fan? "I'll wait til I see it on the field" is still the dumbest thing going. Regardless of who says it. So please don't say it.

My point was, how do you get there and what does it feel like when you do? Auburn won. And how are their fans feeling right now?

Lets not crown him king just yet. He has proven that he can recruit, and seems to be a great motorvator, but now we still have to see how his offence and defense preform in the SEC.
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He gets that being a football coach involves more than: shower discipline, WWII Nazi Generals, Shakespeare, algebra, bamboo, and a barstool
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I think by us saying, "he gets it" is a representation of what we (fans) are actually getting - HOPE
I just got off the phone with a friend who's an Auburn fan who spent 25 minutes telling me why all the stuff coming out isn't accurate and their championship was real and valid. So that was my frame of reference.

I lived in Alabama for a bit. I know a lot of Auburn fans. None claimed Chizik "got it". Even after the title they didn't think he "got it". They were correct.

Butch "gets it". He's not going to sell out for just one crystal ball. He's doing it right for multiple crystal balls.
Lets not crown him king just yet. He has proven that he can recruit, and seems to be a great motorvator, but now we still have to see how his offence and defense preform in the SEC.

Who is crowning him king? Fans are liking what he's doing so far. That's it. Why is that hard to get?
On the surface, CBJ appears to understand what needs to get done to turn the football program in the right direction. Some of the symptoms are supporting this assumption, such as recruiting results, positive attitude amount players and a general upbeat fan base.

Of course, none of this means anything if the product on the field show no improvement. I bet that we will all be happier this Fall!
Because talk is cheap and that's all we have been getting for our money as of late. Time for some action and some wins.
Fans wanted a coach who was willing to give a damn about what it means to be a Tennessee Vol. Well, it appears Coach Jones does. And that still doesn't satisfy some of the fans.

So, obviously, the problem is with some fans. Not the coach.

Now do you get it?

What fans don't want to win? What other point is there to being a sports fan? "I'll wait til I see it on the field" is still the dumbest thing going. Regardless of who says it. So please don't say it.

My point was, how do you get there and what does it feel like when you do? Auburn won. And how are their fans feeling right now?

All fans want to win, that's why I typed "fans want to win". You are the one who wrote fans should be satisfied because a coach is "willing to give a damn about what it means to be a Tennessee Vol" otherwise they are part of the problem. I simply disagree with that statement.

I like love what Coach Jones is doing and the way he has approached building this program so far, but I'm certainly not satisfied because the guy gives a damn. I expect him to give a damn.

And how is some people reserving judgment until they see the actual product, "the dumbest thing going"? I mean, the on-the-field stuff is kinda the important stuff, IMO JMO.
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Coach Jones wore a shirt that said, "I will give my all for Tennessee today.".... He gets it. But in all seriousness, Butch is doing all the right things since he has became Tennessee's head coach. He's selling the Tennessee brand, pride, and tradition. He's locking down top talent, and legacies that have bled Orange and White since they were in diapers. The man preaches excellence, and won't accept any less. We do things perfectly, and don't stop till it's done that way. He lives and breathes the game of football, and has been around the game all his life. He's bringing back former Vols that built Tennessee up to the top flight football program that it is today. Last but not least, he's making Tennessee football exciting again! Will it translate to wins, and solid improvement on the field? That remains to be seen. But he's done everything you could possibly ask of him for now, and then some! I'm proud to have Butch Jones as our head coach!
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All fans want to win, that's why I typed "fans want to win". You are the one who wrote fans should be satisfied because a coach is "willing to give a damn about what it means to be a Tennessee Vol" otherwise they are part of the problem. I simply disagree with that statement.

I like what coach Jones is doing and the way he has approached building this program so far, but I'm certainly not satisfied because the guy gives a damn. I expect him to give a damn.

And how is some people reserving judgment until they see the actual product, "the dumbest thing going"? I mean, the on the-field-stuff is kinda the important stuff, IMO JMO.

People keep posting,"yes, but can he win on the field, can he make more w's than L's, can he make adjustments, he talks big but does it translate to more w's than last year, etc, ad nauseum. If you seriously don't think this man can coach, then you are absolutely nuts. mark it down, this man is a winner-big time.
All fans want to win, that's why I typed "fans want to win". You are the one who wrote fans should be satisfied because a coach is "willing to give a damn about what it means to be a Tennessee Vol" otherwise they are part of the problem. I simply disagree with that statement.

I like love what Coach Jones is doing and the way he has approached building this program so far, but I'm certainly not satisfied because the guy gives a damn. I expect him to give a damn.

And how is some people reserving judgment until they see the actual product, "the dumbest thing going"? I mean, the on-the-field stuff is kinda the important stuff, IMO JMO.

Totally agree Freak. But the "it" that he gets simply IS giving a damn. No one has since "early Fulmer". Our last 2 coaches certainly didn't, and it showed. Fulmer didn't his last couple years, and it showed. Tennessee's resources, talent, and backing are high enough that, well... Maybe a coach that gives a damn is all we need to be successful.
Some of these are what I would describe as strategic definitions of "getting it" and I agree with every one of them. On a broader level, however, I would say that the phrase means that he understands, on a visceral level, the extraordinary pride, fervor, historical significance and deep sense of tradition which members of the Big Orange Nation associate with Tennessee football. Note the seriousness with which he makes reference to himself as the "steward" of Tennessee football.

To borrow a common phrase from the Vietnam War era, he is deeply immersed in the process of "winning the hearts and minds of the people." In so doing, he is rolling out one motivational program after another, all of which are geared to win the support of different constituencies, whether it be faculty, former players, alumni, family of current players and future recruits, etc. And I might add that he is doing a masterful job of doing "it." There is definitely a method to his madness or "organized chaos" as he sometimes describes "it."

P.S. As we actually approach football season, it will be interesting to see what he does to more effectively marshall the support of the student body as a "12th man," something he really hasn't focused on yet and understandably so.

Too long and too many big words....nobody will read. :loco:
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All fans want to win, that's why I typed "fans want to win". You are the one who wrote fans should be satisfied because a coach is "willing to give a damn about what it means to be a Tennessee Vol" otherwise they are part of the problem. I simply disagree with that statement.

I like love what Coach Jones is doing and the way he has approached building this program so far, but I'm certainly not satisfied because the guy gives a damn. I expect him to give a damn.

And how is some people reserving judgment until they see the actual product, "the dumbest thing going"? I mean, the on-the-field stuff is kinda the important stuff, IMO JMO.

Amen! :good!:

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