Not immediately and not in all cases.
There were plenty of brutal actions taken in the name of Christianity that were encouraged by Christian leaders.
I agree with this sentiment. I am not in favor of those who exploit Islam in order to violently push an agenda.
Which brutal actions do you speak of specifically??
Another problem with Islam is it's infringement upon our freedom of speech, one of the foundation blocks of western free societies.
Some examples were when the Pope quoted a historian on the history of islam and their were riots and murders on a fairly widespread scale, the Danish cartoon episode and then the recent UN edict not to criticize islam.
Where are we going with this, either say that islam is a religion of peace or they get violent???
Sounds like the first step into submission and dhimmitude to me, not that we may not have already taken several steps in that direction.
So Muslims can, in say 500 years condemn these acts and you will defend them?
Keep in mind, MSM back then is not like it is now. Believe me atrocities were commited by Christians and Jews alike on other religions that make these guys look like sheep.
Others factors to keep in mind would be the scale of death you guys talk about (ie 1 vs 1000) The population size now vs back then is more dense. The ability for an extremist to kill on a grander scale is more attainable now then it was back then.
I can't say what I would say in 500 years and i doubt that if islam is still around they will condemn violence in the name of jihad.
So you are talking about something from 500 years ago??
Can you be any more specific as to what you are referring to??
And no, there has never been any era that made these guys look like sheep in comparison.
On the barbarity of Khalid, Benjamin Walker writes:
A wine-lover and lustful debaucher, Khalid took sickly sadistic delight in beheading a defeated chieftain on the battle-field, selecting his wife (if young) or daughter and celebrating his nuptials with her on the spot soaked with the blood of the victim (father/husband of the bride). [Walker, Foundations of Islam, p. 316]
Khalid slaughtered entire tribes. Who knows how many?
All right, here are some stats from back then:
(and remember, with each conquest many many of the captured were taken as slaves.)
At first Muhammed had his followers pray toward Jerusalem but when Jews in Medina (who were there to escape Persian persecution back home) refused to give him money he exterminated or exiledthem and had his followers pray toward Mecca instead.
In the Muslim campaign of 634, the entire region between Gaza and Caesarea was devastated and four thousand peasants, comprised of Christians, Jews and Samaritans, who were simply defending their lands, were massacred.
As Amr advanced into Egypt in 641, he captured the city of Behnesa near Fayum, and exterminated the inhabitants. Nobody was spared, irrespective of surrendered or captured, Old or Young or Women. Fayum and Aboit suffered the same fate. At Nikiu, the entire population was put to the sword.
In Armenia, the entire population of Euchaita was wiped out. Seventh century Armenian chronicles recount how the Arabs decimated the population of Assyria and forced a number of inhabitants to accept Islam and then wrought havoc in the districts of Daron, southwest of Lake Van. In 642, it was the turn of the town of Dvin to suffer. In 643, the Arabs came back with extermination, ruin and slavery.
It was the same ghastly spectacle in North Africa, Tripoli was pillaged in 643; Carthrage was razed to the ground and most of its inhabitants were slaughtered. Michael the Syrian describes how the first Omayyad Caliph Muawiya, who took power in 661, sacked and pillaged Cyprus and then established his domination by a great massacre. In the capture of Istakhar (Persia), 40,000 Iranians were slaughtered. Indeed, Anatolia, Sicily, Mesopotamia, Syria, Iraq, Iran and wherever Muslims have marched, were presented with the same spectacle.
According to Al-Biladuri in 712, after the capturing the port of Debal, in Iraq, the Muslim army slaughtered the inhabitants over three days and the priests of the Christian temples were massacred.
Koran [47:7]: O True believers, when you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads.
In Brahmanabad, some say 26,000, men were put to the sword. One-fifth of the captured slaves (women and children), which amounted to 20,000, amongst whom, were the daughters of Sind Chiefs along with King Dahirs severed head, were sent to Hajjaj as the share of the states and the remainder were distributed amongst the soldiers.
(It is reported that the Bosnian president sent 26 severed Christian Serbian heads to the Mullahs of Iran to prove their victory.)
The stream of captured slaves continued to flow from India to Baghdad ever since Kassim captured Sind and Hajjaj alone is said to have forwarded 60,000 slaves from India (~1/5 of total) to the caliph Walid I (705-715 CE).
In 704-705, Caliph Walid I gathered together the nobles of Armenia in the Church of St. Gregory and in the Church of Xram on the Araxis and burned them alive. The rest were crucified and their women and children were captured as slaves. The worst happened to the Armenians between 852 and 855.
In Egypt in the sacking of Euphesus in 781, 7,000 Greeks were taken captives and were deported as slaves en masse.
The 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13, 14th 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries read much the same.
True the numbers may be greater now as there are more people in the world but is that so important as addressing the basic problem??
Ruthless and violent followers of Mohammed destroyed ancient civilizations in Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Afghanistan, and North Western India. Islamic theory of violence has no antecedent in any earlier systems of thought, philosophy or tradition. The Islamic brutality fell upon on several countries as if from nowhere.
Islam forcefully converted traditional, peace-loving people with the sword, liberated them from their life-sustaining moral standards, and enslaved them with the absurd, rigid, fanatical, dualistic and violent Islamic ideology.
Islamic fascists presented the fantasy of an Islamic paradise and indoctrinated converted people, and severed the lifeline that connected the traditional peace loving people.
Islam through deceit, incitement, assassination and mass murder robbed their wealth, and plundered their traditional land.
Islam has done many things with absolute cruelty and genocide. A reign of terror was used to eliminate philosophers, poets, intellectuals, artists and free thinkers--to achieve a single Islamic goal, to control the population of the world through the use of terror.