What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

A silly, non-responsive reply. If you care more for getting Trump at whatever cost than you do for rule of law, you're a shiddy person. My "complaining about them" doesn't change that.
Where did the Trump thing come from? You were talking about "shiddy" people getting citizenship?
Mueller report: "No collusion." If you are going to believe all the MSM lies and just ignore them when exposed, tell us now. It will save a lot of your screeching.

Didn't the Mueller report confirm Trump and his campaign had contact with the Russians? Trump lied about that. That has nothing to do with collusion.
If Trump has nothing to hide and has done nothing wrong with regard to his taxes then he should have no problem releasing them.

Guilty until proven innocent........?

He either has nothing to hide as he has been in the IRS target range for 40 years, or all of his "contributions" to politicians kept him from trouble with the IRS.

Those are the 2 options. Nothing else.
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Guilty until proven innocent........?

He either has nothing to hide as he has been in the IRS target range for 40 years, or all of his "contributions" to politicians kept him from trouble with the IRS.

Those are the 2 options. Nothing else.
You forgot about option 3.....Which is the correct one.
He has plenty to hide and he hid it so well that the IRS did not find it or did not find it to be illegal. It may very well contradict other financial documents to which the IRS did not have access. Bank loans, insurance claims, etc...
It also may portray much closer ties to foreign adversaries than Trump admitted. Not illegal in the IRS's eyes........just blatant lies to the American public.
You forgot about option 3.....Which is the correct one.
He has plenty to hide and he hid it so well that the IRS did not find it or did not find it to be illegal. It may very well contradict other financial documents to which the IRS did not have access. Bank loans, insurance claims, etc...
It also may portray much closer ties to foreign adversaries than Trump admitted. Not illegal in the IRS's eyes........just blatant lies to the American public.

Not a chance. This stuff isn't that complicated. Personal, or corporate. Your opinion is the first paragraph, nothing more.

As someone who is in the top % of earners and taxpayers, and has been audited, the IRS isn't stupid. As someone who was in capital investments and capital markets and debt structuring, interest rate derivatives, and foreign exchange and options and having been through federal audits I can tell you the IRS and especially forensic accounting within the IRS that they aren't going to miss a thing. They are privy to everything, especially federally insured banks who gave loans to Trump. If they didn't find anything illegal, well, there was nothing illegal going on.

It may show investment and loans form "foreign adversaries", but, those wouldn't be illegal "adversaries", thus, nothing wrong.
Luther, the most probable train of thought would be, if you feel he has escaped "justice" with the IRS, is he paid off politicians. I'm all for exposing that, and would look forward to seeing who had the power to tell the IRS to back off and forget Trump.

Problem is, either R or D, probably both, that this would go all the way up to POTUS and many, many powerful people. You could basically say that from Reagan through Obama that this charade was carried on.

Good luck exposing that.
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It may show investment and loans form "foreign adversaries", but, those wouldn't be illegal "adversaries", thus, nothing wrong.
It may show that he blatantly and consistently lied to the American public.
The 36%ers will not care, but the 64%ers certainly will.
The conclusion is obvious.
He is hiding something, otherwise he wouldn't so flippantly go back on his word to the American public (a promise he made over and over)
Again, no concern to 36%.....big concern to most others.
We have known his strategy for 2 + years now. Play to his base. Keep them rabid and do everything in his power to demean and anger everyone else while portraying them as the true enemy. MAGA
Luther, the most probable train of thought would be, if you feel he has escaped "justice" with the IRS, is he paid off politicians. I'm all for exposing that, and would look forward to seeing who had the power to tell the IRS to back off and forget Trump.

Problem is, either R or D, probably both, that this would go all the way up to POTUS and many, many powerful people. You could basically say that from Reagan through Obama that this charade was carried on.

Good luck exposing that.
Simple solution. Keep your promise and release them.
It may show that he blatantly and consistently lied to the American public.
The 36%ers will not care, but the 64%ers certainly will.
The conclusion is obvious.
He is hiding something, otherwise he wouldn't so flippantly go back on his word to the American public (a promise he made over and over)
Again, no concern to 36%.....big concern to most others.
We have known his strategy for 2 + years now. Play to his base. Keep them rabid and do everything in his power to demean and anger everyone else while portraying them as the true enemy. MAGA

What earth shattering lie would his personal tax returns reveal?
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Not a chance. This stuff isn't that complicated. Personal, or corporate. Your opinion is the first paragraph, nothing more.

As someone who is in the top % of earners and taxpayers, and has been audited, the IRS isn't stupid. As someone who was in capital investments and capital markets and debt structuring, interest rate derivatives, and foreign exchange and options and having been through federal audits I can tell you the IRS and especially forensic accounting within the IRS that they aren't going to miss a thing. They are privy to everything, especially federally insured banks who gave loans to Trump. If they didn't find anything illegal, well, there was nothing illegal going on.

It may show investment and loans form "foreign adversaries", but, those wouldn't be illegal "adversaries", thus, nothing wrong.

What foreign investment or loans would his personal returns reveal? What form are they on?
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What earth shattering lie would his personal tax returns reveal?
Who knows? Didn't he claim it was thousands and thousands of pages. If it's so simple, why would it take the IRS so long to audit?
If there is not one....keep your promise and release them.
What foreign investment or loans would his personal returns reveal? What form are they on?

none, would be relevant to corporate audit and simple balance sheet showing debt, but obviously nothing more than a liability that then would lead the IRS to look at where debt originated. But, somehow I know you already knew that :)....but, I get the point you are making for Luth.
Exactly, his personal returns would yield the Dems nothing but propaganda.

They already know this , it’s been gone over to many times for them not to know . They are down to that ole adage though “ a wing and a prayer “ and are running out of time , 2020 is coming quick .
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Didn't the Mueller report confirm Trump and his campaign had contact with the Russians? Trump lied about that. That has nothing to do with collusion.
Mueller confirmed that the Russians contacted the Trump campaign and tried to get them to play but they didn't.

So what, if it had nothing to do with collusion. Mueller couldn't make anything out of it so why are you and LawLizard? Meanwhile, the DNC/Hillary campaign had contact with the Ukraine and may have colluded with them to get dirt on Trump. Then there's the whole hiring of a firm that hired a foreign agent who contacted the Russians to get dirt on Trump.

Why are you so silent about those things, Purple Rain?
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Obama was definitely significant in that perspective ... something like Charlie Mansion was significant ... maybe "notorious" is a better word.

Who is Charlie Mansion? Was he the guy who planned the murders in Sharon Tate's Manson?

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