What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

Actually I have no idea what war you are talking about. I remember Obama starting a war but can’t recall him ending one.

Just because people enrolled doesn’t mean they didn’t have insurance prior to.

Easy, hog, that last one is tough for a lot of Dims to grasp.

One never addressed, but interesting point, is that years ago health insurance was a perk that perhaps came with a job ... a benefit in lieu of taxable income (and a means for employers to keep key people healthy and on the job). Unions spread the use considerably, and then (perhaps during Clinton's time) there was the issue about the potential for executives having better perks and benefits than the average worker that increased the scope of plans. Anyway, what was once the "exception" but definitely tied to employment, became so common place that libs saw it as a right ... employed or not.

The real issue is cost containment, and medical costs have simply followed supply and demand as told by economists, and one really big failing was Medicare's failure to negotiate drug and supply costs ... of course, libs tend to forget that accelerant added to the fire started with LBJ and his great society. Another little point people need to consider is while there have really been great strides in medicine (usually at significant cost), costs for unnecessary stuff like a transformation from a confused guy to a more confused girl are generally only insured because insurors have been forced by libs to expand "necessary" services.
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Didn't realize that simply saying no took extreme effort. And he's not hiding them from me. I don't care.

"I don't care" = "It's okay he promised them and lied in doing so. It's okay he is breaking with the practice of the last 50 years. I just want to stick it to the left, and Trump the Miscreant is the best way to do it."
I agree with you. From a standpoint of accelerating progressivism/Marxism and moving towards socialism - actual economic socialism, not just the fuzzy, high-tax capitalist dependents the left likes to call socialist - Obama was significant.

Obama was definitely significant in that perspective ... something like Charlie Mansion was significant ... maybe "notorious" is a better word.
"I don't care" = "It's okay he promised them and lied in doing so. It's okay he is breaking with the practice of the last 50 years. I just want to stick it to the left, and Trump the Miscreant is the best way to do it."

If you showed a 1/10th of the care about Obama/Hillary lies you have shown about this you would have a shred of credibility.
Actually I have no idea what war you are talking about. I remember Obama starting a war but can’t recall him ending one.

Just because people enrolled doesn’t mean they didn’t have insurance prior to.

But it could. A lot of the ACA enrollees could not get private insurance because of pre-existing conditions or they could not afford it. I doubt anyone who could qualify for Medicaid would have been able to afford private health insurance.

Its the Democrats' fault that Trump lied about Russian contacts? Its the Democrats' fault Trump lied about a potential business interest in Moscow? Its the Democrats' fault that Trump fabricated the press release lying about the purpose of the meeting in NY?

I realize that Trump depends on making himself out to be a victim to keep his minions in line, but he has no one but himself to blame for what has come out about his lying.

Do you compartmentalize? Why would Trump's business contacts with anyone not be different from political contacts? There's this problem of thinking one thing from the wrong perspective. Hiliary as SOS (literally and figuratively) had contacts with foreign entities as they related to the country she supposedly represented. Trump has had contacts with foreign entities as related to his business. That's a big distinction in case you hadn't noticed ... unless perhaps you are nefariously selling uranium. Our problem as a nation is that we accept elected political positions as a career rather than a position filled temporarily by someone who has actually had a job prior in life and brings some real knowledge and experience with him or her. That thinking tends to skew what "contact with a foreign entity" actually means ... just think "before or after politics".
Didn't realize that simply saying no took extreme effort. And he's not hiding them from me. I don't care.

"No" is really extreme when you want to hear "sure, okay...whatever you want".

Doesn't leave much room for description when you hear "Fk no, pry it from my cold, dead fingers if you want it", though.
Super duper extreme, maybe.
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"I don't care" = "It's okay he promised them and lied in doing so. It's okay he is breaking with the practice of the last 50 years. I just want to stick it to the left, and Trump the Miscreant is the best way to do it."
Yep, pretty much if that's how you want to take it. I truly just really don't give a rat's bee-hind.
But it could. A lot of the ACA enrollees could not get private insurance because of pre-existing conditions or they could not afford it. I doubt anyone who could qualify for Medicaid would have been able to afford private health insurance.
ACA caused just as many people to lose their coverage and have to enroll in ACA as it pulled off the uninsured roles. Not worth it for a minute.
But it could. A lot of the ACA enrollees could not get private insurance because of pre-existing conditions or they could not afford it. I doubt anyone who could qualify for Medicaid would have been able to afford private health insurance.

I think the argument is why break a system that served most for the fewer with pre-existing?
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I think the argument is why break a system that served most for the fewer with pre-existing?

If 20 million are now getting insurance via both plans, that is a whole lot of people who are now insured. Represents roughly 15% of the population.

Maybe there was a conflict between "citizen" and "foreign exchange" student. Or just a lot of embarrassing questions about scholastic mediocrity and progression to better universities. It seems like if business find it reasonable to vet educational experience then we as employers ought to have a pretty good idea why a guy thinks he's qualified to fill the top job in the country ... and community organizer just doesn't cut it. If the guy who works on my car or me or cuts my hair needs to be certified, then there's every reason that the guy sitting in the WH shouldn't hide his academic credentials.
No, I expressly didn't say that. I accurately stated that anything Russia had become so radioactive as to induce cancer. It was nonsense then, and nonsense now. That Trump has been tougher on Russia than anyone since Reagan is fact; how much of that is due to propriety and how much the gestalt of Russophobia is not known, but relations between the two are at a post-Cold War low. Russia (and China) are expanding influence globally. The political handcuffs on Trump mean we have more likely lost on opportunities - N.Korea, Syria, Libya, N. Africa, S. America to name a few - with Russian leverage, than we've gained by a gag reflex at the mention of Russia.

The left has done that and must own its destructive pettiness. They'd care if the country mattered more than hating Trump. They should rename themselves Blue State Palestinians.

No, they call themselves Americans the same as you do, That has to be galling to you.
If 20 million are now getting insurance via both plans, that is a whole lot of people who are now insured. Represents roughly 15% of the population.

So lowering the quality of care for everyone for 6% of the population to get healthcare makes sense?
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"I don't care" = "It's okay he promised them and lied in doing so. It's okay he is breaking with the practice of the last 50 years. I just want to stick it to the left, and Trump the Miscreant is the best way to do it."
Politicians lie. Barry told me I'd be able to keep my doctor. W said there were WMDs. Bill said he did not have sexual relations with Monica. George HW said no new taxes. I think you get the picture. You act as if this is unique and new. It's not. With the exception of Bill, who lied under oath, which of these Presidents got in trouble for lying or breaking promises? Hell, for the most part, even Bill got away with it. The man clearly lied under oath yet remained in office. There was no question of his guilt. It truly amazes how ridiculous you guys are with this.
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"I don't care" = "It's okay he promised them and lied in doing so. It's okay he is breaking with the practice of the last 50 years. I just want to stick it to the left, and Trump the Miscreant is the best way to do it."

Obama said if I like my insurance I could keep it. Said he was closing Gitmo. Said he was against gay marriage.
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