What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

If 20 million are now getting insurance via both plans, that is a whole lot of people who are now insured. Represents roughly 15% of the population.

Again, even if your numbers are true, why break a system working for most instead of just accommodating the pre-existings?

The erosion and destruction of the system was the goal, en route to single-pay.

Edit: Web search says <12.5 million enrolled. Wouldn't that about 4%?
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Its the Democrats' fault that Trump lied about Russian contacts? Its the Democrats' fault Trump lied about a potential business interest in Moscow? Its the Democrats' fault that Trump fabricated the press release lying about the purpose of the meeting in NY?

I realize that Trump depends on making himself out to be a victim to keep his minions in line, but he has no one but himself to blame for what has come out about his lying.
Speaking of lies, The NY Times is leaking dossier doubts. I wonder if others will follow suit. Sorry, when you mentioned lies the fake dossier used to spy on the Trump campaign popped in my head. As you were.
Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier
But it could. A lot of the ACA enrollees could not get private insurance because of pre-existing conditions or they could not afford it. I doubt anyone who could qualify for Medicaid would have been able to afford private health insurance.
And now no one can afford health insurance, not without high deductibles anyway.
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Show me the bill written by Elijah Cummings sealing all of Obama's records.
Cummings indeed authored a bill related to presidential records and it indeed maintains the sealing of said records for 12 years after the President leaves office. The intent of the bill was to streamline the release of the records after the 12 year period was up. Darryl Issa got an ammendment added allowing continued use of personal email fir government business as long as the email was fwd’d to .gov domain for archival purposes I believe.

And I’m guessing you had zero knowledge of any of this or you could have simply provided this basic clarification statement instead of screeching “Fake News!”
Again, even if your numbers are true, why break a system working for most instead of just accommodating the pre-existings?

The erosion and destruction of the system was the goal, en route to single-pay.

Edit: Web search says <12.5 million enrolled. Wouldn't that about 4%?

8 million in ACA + 12.5 in expanded Medicaid = 20.5 million.
If you are born on US soil, you are a natural born citizen, even if your parents aren't citizens. That's how.

De Vattel either coined or defined the term "natural born"

"This principle is in every respect recognized and acted upon by our municipal law. It is in respect of, and as a due return for, the protection every natural born subject is entitled to, and actually does, by law, receive from the instant of his birth that all the obligations of allegiance attach upon him, and from which he cannot by any act of his own emancipate himself. "

The guys who wrote the Constitution specifically used that term with respect to presidential qualification and "citizen" elsewhere. You would conclude they had a reason for that specific wording ... that it implied more than simple citizenship. Terminology used in the 1700s is not necessarily the same as that used now; it is the intent that was used at the writing of the Constitution rather than definitions currently in vogue that define meaning. If we revise the meaning of a word it can change the meaning of a sentence as written years ago, but you cannot by that simple change alter the meaning of the speaker or writer.

Obama's father was a Kenyan with British citizenship; therefore, it would appear that Obama would have been within his right to claim British citizenship and "emancipate himself" ... as would anyone born of one parent with foreign citizenship.

We as a nation have not bothered to define precisely the requirements for candidacy nor to vet candidates to ensure compliance.
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Obama's father was a Kenyan with British citizenship; therefore, it would appear that Obama would have been within his right to claim British citizenship and "emancipate himself" ... as would anyone born of one parent with foreign citizenship. We as a nation have not bothered to define precisely the requirements for candidacy nor to vet candidates to ensure compliance.

No. The only way Obama would be able to declare British citizenship is if he was born in a country controlled by Great Britain. I think the Constitution is very clear on this. One of the reasons this clause was written was to keep Alexander Hamilton, who was born in a French colony, from running for President.
No. The only way Obama would be able to declare British citizenship is if he was born in a country controlled by Great Britain. I think the Constitution is very clear on this. One of the reasons this clause was written was to keep Alexander Hamilton, who was born in a French colony, from running for President.

Automatic Acquisition of British Citizenship

There are two ways that a child can automatically be a British citizen: by ‘descent’ and ‘otherwise than by descent’. If your child was born in the UK and at the time of their birth either of the parents were British citizens or settled in the UK (meaning that they had indefinite leave to enter or remain, permanent residence or were EEA citizens), your child was automatically born a British citizen otherwise than by descent and there is no need to apply for registration.

Similarly, if your child was not born in the UK but either parent was a British citizen before the child was born (i.e. they were born in the UK or have registered or naturalised as a British citizen), your child was automatically born a British citizen by descent.

If you and your wife were visiting a foreign country and she gave birth there, I expect you'd consider your child a US citizen. Why wouldn't other countries retain the same thought and rights?
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And Trump had to be colluding with Russia, too. Only he wasn't according to Mueller.

Maybe the reason he doesn't want to turn over his tax returns is principle? Why should he hand over private documents in what is an obvious political stunt? Dems are wanting to dig, hoping and praying they can find something to use against him. This isn't about justice or investigating an actual crime, this is about abusing government power solely for political purposes. They have no actual basis for demanding his tax returns. He filed them, the IRS apparently didn't flag them, no crime has been committed. Nothing suggests wrongdoing. Even more laughable is that the "lawyers" on the board think this is okay.

Okay, Giuliani.

You make up more excuses for Trump not releasing his taxes than he does himself. It further screams, "I'm hiding something!"
Okay, Giuliani.

You make up more excuses for Trump not releasing his taxes than he does himself. It further screams, "I'm hiding something!"

It’s definitely what’s most important to the country. I mean the illegally obtained returns showed he paid way more than the crooked dims but I guess it matters most now. Lol. What on earth could he be hiding that’s so important that the IRS wouldn’t catch it if he did something wrong? But I’m sure it has nothing to do with that.
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It’s definitely what’s most important to the country. I mean the illegally obtained returns showed he paid way more than the crooked dims but I guess it matters most now. Lol. What on earth could he be hiding that’s so important that the IRS wouldn’t catch it if he did something wrong? But I’m sure it has nothing to do with that.

If Trump has nothing to hide and has done nothing wrong with regard to his taxes then he should have no problem releasing them.
Okay, Giuliani.

You make up more excuses for Trump not releasing his taxes than he does himself. It further screams, "I'm hiding something!"

That's just an awful argument. Hell, if YOU'RE not hiding something, why shouldn't police be able to drop in and look around anytime they want, monitor your phone calls (oh, wait, government is doing that), or government subject you to any number of intrusions simply because you have nothing to hide?

Because you - and the president - have privacy rights; it was considered important enough to be in the Bill of Rights. Do you dislike Trump more than you love your rights? Then squelch the self-gratifying impulse and accept you have no right for his life to be your open book.

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