What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

If you guys would quit humanizing yourselves my life would be a lot less stressful.

If you noticed , I made sure to include a little extra in mine so you could continue to snarl at me while excepting it šŸ˜Š
If you noticed , I made sure to include a little extra in mine so you could continue to snarl at me while excepting it šŸ˜Š
I did notice, and thanks for the consideration; but now that I know it was based on good intentions, we're back to square one.
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I did notice, and thanks for the consideration; but now that I know it was based on good intentions, we're back to square one.
If you want we can create a pick on luther day. That way it is easier to hate us.
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Don't care about his character. I care about his results.

You care about his character immensely, you just can't defend his character so you simply deflect. Typical response from a Trump supporter that knows they got hustled by a fraud.
You care about his character immensely, you just can't defend his character so you simply deflect. Typical response from a Trump supporter that knows they got hustled by a fraud.
Do you have foam build up at the corners of your mouth as you type your posts?
If you want we can create a pick on luther day. That way it is easier to hate us.
Good idea. Let's tentatively set it up for Oct. 14th. Until then, I'll continue to suffer through not being picked on.
You care about his character immensely, you just can't defend his character so you simply deflect. Typical response from a Trump supporter that knows they got hustled by a fraud.

See you are looking at this from a liberal view point ... DONT . You act as if we expected him to change after he got in , he wasnā€™t put into office to become another political cog in the machine if thatā€™s what people wanted they could have gotten Hills . He there to do just what heā€™s doing , Shake sh*t up rattle the cages and stop the long apology tour we were on for being American .
See you are looking at this from a liberal view point ... DONT . You act as if we expected him to change after he got in , he wasnā€™t put into office to become another political cog in the machine if thatā€™s what people wanted they could have gotten Hills . He there to do just what heā€™s doing , Shake sh*t up rattle the cages and stop the long apology tour we were on for being American .
I just can't grasp the perspective that what trump has done to the fabric and consciousness of our society is a good thing in the short, and especially long, terms. Who knows, maybe Atlanta is a better city today because it was burned to the ground. Maybe Europe is better off for having gone through the Black Plague.
You care about his character immensely, you just can't defend his character so you simply deflect. Typical response from a Trump supporter that knows they got hustled by a fraud.
meh. You got nothing.

I have a tax break, a roaring stock market and booming economy which means my airplanes are full... I could go on and on. And the bestest part is all the liberal tears... like yours.

I just can't grasp the perspective that what trump has done to the fabric and consciousness of our society is a good thing in the short, and especially long, terms. Who knows, maybe Atlanta is a better city today because it was burned to the ground. Maybe Europe is better off for having gone through the Black Plague.
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa

So itā€™s taken years of people dedicating their lives to find some sort of tax fraud and weā€™ll hear all about it right before the midterms. How convenient.

We should have a poll:

Which will have had more info-

A - Maddow

B - ā€œNewā€ Info
Madcow has info?
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So itā€™s taken years of people dedicating their lives to find some sort of tax fraud and weā€™ll hear all about it right before the midterms. How convenient.

We should have a poll:

Which will have had more info-

A - Maddow

B - ā€œNewā€ Info

Easily refuted. Just release the returns, right? Problem solved.
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America was already on that path. Your boy accelerated it as well, so you have no moral high ground here.

You need more citations about feelz, especially how the Europeans feel about us.
Especially if a majority of people supposedly feel that way.
I just can't grasp the perspective that what trump has done to the fabric and consciousness of our society is a good thing in the short, and especially long, terms. Who knows, maybe Atlanta is a better city today because it was burned to the ground. Maybe Europe is better off for having gone through the Black Plague.

Have you noticed today whoā€™s starting the fires , breaking into buildings, destroying personal property , beating people that disagree with them ? The left is destroying itself , not because of Trump but because they are acting like petulant kids that think if they just scream , kick , cry and get enough tv time Trump will leave office .[/QUOTE]
meh. You got nothing.

I have a tax break, a roaring stock market and booming economy which means my airplanes are full... I could go on and on. And the bestest part is all the liberal tears... like yours.


And this is what drives them ****ing nuts, as if theyā€™re not crazy enough! MAGA šŸ˜‚
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