What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

I just can't grasp the perspective that what trump has done to the fabric and consciousness of our society is a good thing in the short, and especially long, terms. Who knows, maybe Atlanta is a better city today because it was burned to the ground. Maybe Europe is better off for having gone through the Black Plague.

He’s trying to fix the path Barry put us on with all the race baiting, division, and waste. Any person after that who wasn’t an apologist, gave out free stuff, and bowed to libs was gonna be a white devil. I think a lot of people were sick of the pandering, wanted to keep more of their own money, tired of the race baiting, wanted secure borders, wanted to support vets/military/law enforcement, etc.
Who the **** keeps 30+ year old tax returns?

The IRS but it will be up to Trump to prove he’s innocent because the media and Dems will smear him for weeks no matter what his taxes say .
The IRS but it will be up to Trump to prove he’s innocent because the media and Dems will smear him for weeks no matter what his taxes say .
I don’t think even the IRS keeps them more than 7.
Why? I’d never release mine.

This is a part of the whole guilty unless proven otherwise mentality you all are going with.

First, he was running for POTUS. Returns are usually released, and for good reason.

Two, he lied when he said he would release them after a routine audit. That was over two years ago.

Three, there is substantial evidence of him pulling various scams and engaging in fraud over a long period of time.

Concerns about the financial dealings of POTUS are perfectly reasonable and appropriate, especially when he promises to release the documents, then does not.

I'll remind you:


He promised to release the returns. He should keep that promise.
First, he was running for POTUS. Returns are usually released, and for good reason.

Two, he lied when he said he would release them after a routine audit. That was over two years ago.

Three, there is substantial evidence of him pulling various scams and engaging in fraud over a long period of time.

Concerns about the financial dealings of POTUS are perfectly reasonable and appropriate, especially when he promises to release the documents, then does not.

I'll remind you:

View attachment 170874

He promised to release the returns. He should keep that promise.

And yet, he is a free man.........I would say there is no evidence otherwise he wouldn't be President.

What part of he has been dealing with the IRS for decades and isn't in trouble doesn't resonate with you?

You promised to leave this board, you should keep that promise right.....
And hopefully we pack up the UN, move it to Brussels and turn 405 East 42nd Street into a homeless shelter. Win/win for both America and it's homeless
We should sell it to Trump Real Estate Development Co.
Over the same period Trump told six times more lies than Obama. Do you know what that tells me?

They are both liars.
Would you feel the same if the statement was 'over the same period of time Trump increased the deficit 6 time more than Obama. Do you know what that tells me? That they're both deficit spenders."
Have you noticed today who’s starting the fires , breaking into buildings, destroying personal property , beating people that disagree with them ? The left is destroying itself , not because of Trump but because they are acting like petulant kids that think if they just scream , kick , cry and get enough tv time Trump will leave office .
They are a nothing more than an expected by-product of Trump. Not saying they're right, just saying it's a reflection of what Trump brings to the table.

But heck, I'll settle for the last ten years' worth.
Bull crap. Once the record is no longer needed by law, it is destroyed. No evidence lingering for the IRS and not illegal destruction of records.
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Would you feel the same if the statement was 'over the same period of time Trump increased the deficit 6 time more than Obama. Do you know what that tells me? That they're both deficit spenders."
That's as close as you have ever been to a criticism of your boy.

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