What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

You try way to hard.
Guilty. But the offensive coordinator part of me got overly excited about the prospects of scheming against an undisciplined linebacker only concerned with number of tackles. It's a dream come true.
Guilty. But the offensive coordinator part of me got overly excited about the prospects of scheming against an undisciplined linebacker only concerned with number of tackles. It's a dream come true.

Scheming against one player is a sure way to get burned by one of the 10 others you aren't focused on.
Guilty. But the offensive coordinator part of me got overly excited about the prospects of scheming against an undisciplined linebacker only concerned with number of tackles. It's a dream come true.
Yah. I'm not sure the OC of a peewee team should concern thimself with NFL players. And when he starts claiming he's scheming against them, it's time to dose him up again for his delusions of grandeur.
First, he was running for POTUS. Returns are usually released, and for good reason.

Two, he lied when he said he would release them after a routine audit. That was over two years ago.

Three, there is substantial evidence of him pulling various scams and engaging in fraud over a long period of time.

Concerns about the financial dealings of POTUS are perfectly reasonable and appropriate, especially when he promises to release the documents, then does not.

I'll remind you:

View attachment 170874

He promised to release the returns. He should keep that promise.
So did the IRS finish the audit?
Scheming against one player is a sure way to get burned by one of the 10 others you aren't focused on.
I always found it easy enough to scheme against one while not ignoring the others....I'm trying real hard not to try so hard. Conundrum.
To a degree, by the time they are two...yes.
Can you explain that comment? It sounds as though you're claiming Trump raised these antisocial, juvenile, little thugs. Tisk tisk. And all of your bravado against lying.

These people are the product of leftist ideals and indoctrination. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to claim it's Trump's ideals being lived out.
Yah. I'm not sure the OC of a peewee team should concern thimself with NFL players. And when he starts claiming he's scheming against them, it's time to dose him up again for his delusions of grandeur.
Not NFL.....but many years of high school and middle school.
Guilty. But the offensive coordinator part of me got overly excited about the prospects of scheming against an undisciplined linebacker only concerned with number of tackles. It's a dream come true.

It’s like you’re Larry Scott and Sal Sunseri all wrapped up in one.
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Nobody believes you. It's killing you inside knowing that Trump lacks a moral compass, you desperately wanted him to act Presidential and he's failed miserably.
lulz. I couldn't care less whether or not "everybody" (you and Mr X,Y) believe me or not. I don''t care how he 'acts'. and as a matter of fact, it is a bonus if his antics insult and enrage you pussyhatters.
Can you explain that comment? It sounds as though you're claiming Trump raised these antisocial, juvenile, little thugs. Tisk tisk. And all of your bravado against lying.

These people are the product of leftist ideals and indoctrination. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to claim it's Trump's ideals being lived out.
Their behavior is often repulsive. Trump normalized and even encouraged a climate of confrontation and disrespect. He's still running his pep-rallies that way. His tweets alone have brought the national maturity level down significantly.

Edit. Just see SpaceCoast Vol's post above as Exhibit A.
Their behavior is often repulsive. Trump normalized and even encouraged a climate of confrontation and disrespect. He's still running his pep-rallies that way. His tweets alone have brought the national maturity level down significantly.
Yeah. It even caused the leader of the senate Democrats to proclaim that they would resist the SC nomination before there was any hearings or anything. They would never have done anything like that if MR Trump would be more 'presidential'.

cough cough Clarence Thomas cough cough
Their behavior is often repulsive. Trump normalized and even encouraged a climate of confrontation and disrespect. He's still running his pep-rallies that way. His tweets alone have brought the national maturity level down significantly.

Edit. Just see SpaceCoast Vol's post above as Exhibit A.
and instead of going "hey we are better than this" we are seeing who can out do who. brilliant.
lulz. I couldn't care less whether or not "everybody" (you and Mr X,Y) believe me or not. I don''t care how he 'acts'. and as a matter of fact, it is a bonus if his antics insult and enrage you pussyhatters.

Oh, you care or you wouldn't bother posting a response. Come on little man, keep digging that hole deeper and deeper. You throw hissy fits and temper tantrums as much as Trump. You're having a meltdown.
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Their behavior is often repulsive. Trump normalized and even encouraged a climate of confrontation and disrespect. He's still running his pep-rallies that way. His tweets alone have brought the national maturity level down significantly.

Edit. Just see SpaceCoast Vol's post above as Exhibit A.
You really should take some courses in basic logic and intellectual dishonesty. The left has been pulling this crap for longer than Trump is on the scene. The left's leadership has been egging this on. Just see Maxine and the gang. You're too insulate to allow yourself to see that this is the leftist ideals lived out.

You are a sad, pitiable, man. You have potential for a great intellect, yet it atrophies as you let others think for you.
I always found it easy enough to scheme against one while not ignoring the others....I'm trying real hard not to try so hard. Conundrum.
if you were truly any good at it, you wouldn't be sitting here posting about it on a message board.
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and instead of going "hey we are better than this" we are seeing who can out do who. brilliant.
Not everyone is sinking to the lowest common denominator, just the president and the extremes from both sides. The extremes are growing under Trump - more rapidly than ever.
You really should take some courses in basic logic and intellectual dishonesty. The left has been pulling this crap for longer than Trump is on the scene. The left's leadership has been egging this on. Just see Maxine and the gang. You're too insulate to allow yourself to see that this is the leftist ideals lived out.

You are a sad, pitiable, man. You have potential for a great intellect, yet it atrophies as you let others think for you.
He's got the Saul Alinsky shtick down pretty well I think.
Barry Soetoro college transcripts. We should see them and all his writings. The need to see them is every bit as valid as seeing Trump's tax returns

Pro tip: Don't whine about fake news if you're going to trot out rumors and conspiracy theories and pass them off as fact. There was no Barry Soetero.

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