What is the extent of voting fraud here in America?

My bad, I meant to type "widespread" fraud

A few months ago, a writer for NYT sent an open invitation to provide documented instances of actual voter fraud, and Red State compiled a list for him. There were 6 or 8 total examples, mostly on the local level and they ALL included absentee ballots. Voter ID laws have no affect whatsoever on potential absentee fraud. Many cases of voter fraud come up, and nearly all of them get quashed quickly. One could make a full time career out of debunking that crap. Your argument is flimsy at best.

I won't continue to have this discussion, though, as long as you're adamant about refusing to separate invalid voter registration from actual vote fraud.
My bad, I meant to type "widespread" fraud

A few months ago, a writer for NYT sent an open invitation to provide documented instances of actual voter fraud, and Red State compiled a list for him. There were 6 or 8 total examples, mostly on the local level and they ALL included absentee ballots. Voter ID laws have no affect whatsoever on potential absentee fraud. Many cases of voter fraud come up, and nearly all of them get quashed quickly. One could make a full time career out of debunking that crap. Your argument is flimsy at best.

I won't continue to have this discussion, though, as long as you're adamant about refusing to separate invalid voter registration from actual vote fraud.

You are a real tool.

Again, how did prosecuters get convictions in 12 states for voting fraud?

Invalid voter registration means there is voting fraud.

So don't continee to have further discussion.

Perhaps the more intellinent posters can have a discussion without your interference!
My bad, I meant to type "widespread" fraud

A few months ago, a writer for NYT sent an open invitation to provide documented instances of actual voter fraud, and Red State compiled a list for him. There were 6 or 8 total examples, mostly on the local level and they ALL included absentee ballots. Voter ID laws have no affect whatsoever on potential absentee fraud. Many cases of voter fraud come up, and nearly all of them get quashed quickly. One could make a full time career out of debunking that crap. Your argument is flimsy at best.

I won't continue to have this discussion, though, as long as you're adamant about refusing to separate invalid voter registration from actual vote fraud.

Thankyou, sir. This has been exactly my argument for quite some time. The Fox and right wing hate machine have been blurring the distinction for at least the last few years, concocting this stew of Acorn, the Black Panthers, voter ID laws, etc, to ferment more racial suspicion within their own base.
Thankyou, sir. This has been exactly my argument for quite some time. The Fox and right wing hate machine have been blurring the distinction for at least the last few years, concocting this stew of Acorn, the Black Panthers, voter ID laws, etc, to ferment more racial suspicion within their own base.

Another great lg racial nugget

On a side note, we really need to compile lgs bigotted diatribes.
Another great lg racial nugget

On a side note, we really need to compile lgs bigotted diatribes.

I am not sure it is bigotry to point out when there is an organized effort by far right elements of the GOP to whip up anti-black sentiment. But go for it, if it makes you feel better.

(On my screen, bigoted has one t, fyi)
I am not sure it is bigotry to point out when there is an organized effort by far right elements of the GOP to whip up anti-black sentiment. But go for it, if it makes you feel better.

(On my screen, bigoted has one t, fyi)

You are a real tool.

Again, how did prosecuters get convictions in 12 states for voting fraud?

Invalid voter registration means there is voting fraud.

So don't continee to have further discussion.

Perhaps the more intellinent posters can have a discussion without your interference!

I don't know why you think you can call me a tool, present muddled (at best) facts then expect me to respond.

It's gone beyond funny to nearly amazing that you still don't realize you're the board clown
Thankyou, sir. This has been exactly my argument for quite some time. The Fox and right wing hate machine have been blurring the distinction for at least the last few years, concocting this stew of Acorn, the Black Panthers, voter ID laws, etc, to ferment more racial suspicion within their own base.

Don't drag me into all that

Just opened up the thread for the first time. This might be the most ridiculous picture/graph you have ever posted.

Marxism is a combination of ignorance and GREED...seriously?
gs throws around the term Marxism even though he clearly doesn't know the first thing about it.

I know that Marx was a bitter, miserable man whose funeral was only attended by six people and that of his seven children, only two survived him and they both committed suicide.

I know that Marxists were responsible for over a hundred million deaths while estabishing their regimes for supposed equality for all men during the twentieth century, and that's not even counting all the slave labor work camps that people survived.

I know that in order to have a country live by the marxist ideal that country must have an all powerful government that is in charge of everything and that ends up to be a tyranny.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Every single country that has adopted marxism has failed to deliver on it's promises and living conditions eventually decline for that country as a whole.

Marxism is the antithema of individual freedom.

Indeed, in most marxist states those who object most are put to death and anyone else who objects is terrorized into keeping their mouths shut about it.

BUT, since I don't know the first thing about it, perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten me.

What IS the first thing about marxism?

Just opened up the thread for the first time. This might be the most ridiculous picture/graph you have ever posted.

Marxism is a combination of ignorance and GREED...seriously?


What do you think it's about brotherly love?
Blaming marx for the oppression and death of millions is the same as blaming adam smith or ayn rand for the poverty, death and sweat shop employment of millions.

skipping over critical analysis of ideas like the theory of value or dialectical materialism because of the stigma of the name attached to them is insane, and the height of ignorance.
Blaming marx for the oppression and death of millions is the same as blaming adam smith or ayn rand for the poverty, death and sweat shop employment of millions.

skipping over critical analysis of ideas like the theory of value or dialectical materialism because of the stigma of the name attached to them is insane, and the height of ignorance.

Utopia attainable in your view?
lets not get into any specifics here. We all know power only corrupts when it involves socialist regimes - just look at America.
Another great lg racial nugget

On a side note, we really need to compile lgs bigotted diatribes.

Opportunity knocks, 'idiot's guide to understanding the later gator diatribe' might make it to the top of the times best seller list.

I don't know why you think you can call me a tool, present muddled (at best) facts then expect me to respond.

It's gone beyond funny to nearly amazing that you still don't realize you're the board clown


I said you were either naive or shilling for the democrats and you denied being pro democrat, well that leaves being naive.

I asked you how could voting fraud convictions be rendered in twelve states without fraud being widespread and you just repeat yourself and say there is litttle if any voting fraud.

And you call me the board clown.

That is amazingly funny, I'm getting a mental picture of you right now. :eek:lol:


There is no widespread votering fraud, I repeat, there is no widespread voting fraud.

Yeah right.
Blaming marx for the oppression and death of millions is the same as blaming adam smith or ayn rand for the poverty, death and sweat shop employment of millions.

skipping over critical analysis of ideas like the theory of value or dialectical materialism because of the stigma of the name attached to them is insane, and the height of ignorance.

So that's the first thing about marxism?

Methinks you are suffering from too much progressive education.

progressingamerica: The aim of progressive education is explicitly to indoctrinate

John Dewey, widely considered the father of modern American progressive education, wrote the following in his 1916 book "Democracy and Education" : (Page 82, middle paragraph) (Gutenberg text)

It is the aim of progressive education to take part in correcting unfair privilege and unfair deprivation, not to perpetuate them. Wherever social control means subordination of individual activities to class authority, there is danger that industrial education will be dominated by acceptance of the status quo.
Now this doesn't sound too bad, I suppose. Extreme inequalities? Who wants that? Well, Dewey also further explains this on page 63:

4. The "Individualistic" Ideal of the Eighteenth Century. In the eighteenth-century philosophy we find ourselves in a very different circle of ideas. "Nature" still means something antithetical to existing social organization; Plato exercised a great influence upon Rousseau. But the voice of nature now speaks for the diversity of individual talent and for the need of free development of individuality in all its variety. Education in accord with nature furnishes the goal and the method of instruction and discipline. Moreover, the native or original endowment was conceived, in extreme cases, as nonsocial or even as antisocial. Social arrangements were thought of as mere external expedients by which these nonsocial individuals might secure a greater amount of private happiness for themselves. Nevertheless, these statements convey only an inadequate idea of the true significance of the movement. In reality its chief interest was in progress and in social progress. The seeming antisocial philosophy was a somewhat transparent mask for an impetus toward a wider and freer society—toward cosmopolitanism. The positive ideal was humanity. In membership in humanity, as distinct from a state, man's capacities would be liberated; while in existing political organizations his powers were hampered and distorted to meet the requirements and selfish interests of the rulers of the state. The doctrine of extreme individualism was but the counterpart, the obverse, of ideals of the indefinite perfectibility of man and of a social organization having a scope as wide as humanity. The emancipated individual was to become the organ and agent of a comprehensive and progressive society.

This from Dewey, who labeled Horace Mann a "patron saint of progressive education". Let us never forget what Mann said, that "your children are hostages to our cause".

In both instances: Mann with his hostages, and Dewey with his emancipated individuals who are organs and agents of a progressive society - this is aggressive rhetoric. Dark, devious, and aggressive.

Finally, take note of what he wrote on page 66:

Neither phase of the problem can be worked out by merely negative means. It is not enough to see to it that education is not actively used as an instrument to make easier the exploitation of one class by another. School facilities must be secured of such amplitude and efficiency as will in fact and not simply in name discount the effects of economic inequalities, and secure to all the wards of the nation equality of equipment for their future careers.

The most muddled thing in this thread (outside of any later gater post) is your explanation of why Holder is refusing to implement court ordered purging of voter rosters that are known to contain deceased citizens and invalid entries but on the other hand he is going to court to challenge the constitutionality of state voter ID laws when the supreme court has already ruled that voter ID laws ARE constitutional.

The answer is too obvious to ignore, he only wants to delay until after the Novermber election so that his boss and cronies can get reelected.

Furthermore, I would say that to argue differently is insane and ignorant.
Albuquerque dog becomes registered voter | KOB.com

An Albuquerque man says he successfully registered his dog to vote in Bernalillo County.

He said he was trying to expose the problems with the registration system. He said he just received the dog's voter registration card in the mail Wednesday, and it was way too easy.

"They should verify. Somebody should have verified this information and somebody should have come out and took a look at exactly who it was. But I made up a birth date, and I made up a social security number and I had a voter registration card in my hand for Buddy two weeks later," the dog owner said.

KOB Eyewitness News 4 contacted the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office. They said state law does not require proof of your social, your date of birth, or even your name.

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