To chime in from a physician standpoint, a few thoughts and responses to the above:
1. Placing the government in charge of how medical care is delivered is ridiculous. Physicians are educated and trained in the "art" of medicine. Caring for the sick isn't as easy as protocols and formulae, which would be used extensively in decisions made in a socialized system. In real-word terms: when you go to the doctor, do you care more what a Washingtonian with a calculator thinks is "cost-effective," or what your doc thinks will make you better? Also, there will be the enormous added expense of government administration in such a system.
2. The idea that doctors and teachers are "of the same cloth" has merits, but faults, as well. As a general rule, both have a desire for service and are willing to accept hardship (to an extent). However, a teaching degree requires 4 years and results in a job that has certain benefits, including a limited workday and significant vacation time. Physicians train for a MINIMUM of 11 years (4 college + 4 med school + 3-9 for residency and fellowship), many of which involve 80-hour work weeks or study. The typical physician workday is much longer than a teacher's and usually includes call and weekend hours. There has already been a drop in med school interest by qualified high-schoolers, and this would undoubtedly worsen with a socialized medical system.
3. The above statements regarding responsibility and accountability by those receiving government-provided healthcare are very accurate, in my experience. Without doubt, patients on Medicaid/Tenncare have a much higher no-show rate, make more "unnecessary" appointments (due to lack of a required copay, need for work/school notes, etc.), and generally take poorer care of themselves (drug and alcohol use, child neglect/abuse, nutrition/obesity, and compliance with medical care).
Just a few thoughts...