What must be done to Unite the Country

So the only way for us to unite is for the Rs to capitulate to Dem demands for revenge?
Or stated another way, admit you've been played and then take steps to hold the ones responsible accountable.
Trump responsible for PDX. Connect those dots.

Wolf, ordered security into PDX to "protect" the federal court house. By mandate that is what they were suppose to do. They were not suppose to go beyond the court house property. The violence started once security extended beyond the court house area and onto PDX streets. This was done without the mayor's approval. When this happened that escalated the situation. So yes, Trump through Wolf made the situation worse!
Wolf, ordered security into PDX to "protect" the federal court house. By mandate that is what they were suppose to do. They were not suppose to go beyond the court house property. The violence started once security extended beyond the court house area and onto PDX streets. This was done without the mayor's approval. When this happened that escalated the situation. So yes, Trump through Wolf made the situation worse!

Seems like the videos I saw the rioters were right up on the doors trying to get in.
Seems like the videos I saw the rioters were right up on the doors trying to get in.

Actually, I wasn't there so I can't tell you for sure. However, early on it appeared that people weren't actually trying to get into the building, after the security people went beyond the original mandate at the direction of Wolf things changed. So yes you saw those videos.
1. Term limits
2. Allow a very small cap on ALL campaign contributions. No PACs, no dark money.
3. No tax on food, flat tax on any kind of income, wages or investments.
4. Buy your neighbor a beer at the bar sometime.

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