What must be done to Unite the Country

I answered a question that was directly asked me.
The answer was - on average, BLM protests were less destructive, deadly, and costly that the Jan. 6th protest.
It's a true statement.
You guys can't seem to handle the truth.
Want a different answer, ask a different question.
so let me get this straight,

As long as damage estimates are within a tolerable range it is okay? LOL the mental gymnastics you are doing to justify destruction of private property is hilarious.
Also, is this (or possibly any) country ever truly “unified” except for when under military attack from a foreign entity? Is there ever really “unity” in politics?
You should report to your local recruiter at once. That is if you care to actually serve the country you claim to love. It will change your perspective.
Not sure how serving this country in the armed forces would turn me into a bleeding heart progressive. I would think just the opposite. Although, that may be where you learned to go to instant vitriol in your replies. I guess the AF taught you how to throw temper tantrums?
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I answered a question that was directly asked me.
The answer was - on average, BLM protests were less destructive, deadly, and costly that the Jan. 6th protest.
It's a true statement.
You guys can't seem to handle the truth.
Want a different answer, ask a different question.
Look a here.. "on average". The very definition of average indicates that you are collecting data from two or more events. Some events above the average... and some below. Either way, even if it was just two events this summer, those two events are far worse than what went on last week.
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so let me get this straight,

As long as damage estimates are within a tolerable range it is okay? LOL the mental gymnastics you are doing to justify destruction of private property is hilarious.
Actually as long as their impact is spread out it's acceptable. Of course the only people paying for it across the country are the ones who weren't actually involved but that's just more redistribution
Like I said, I was only answering a question that was directed to me by a person thinking they were making some point that wasn't actually there to be made.
I agree with you. All destruction is wrong. I've said it all along. Any person harming another or destroying property is no longer a protestor but a rioter, and should be arrested and prosecuted accordingly.
The whole BS notion the the BLM protests were some kind of wild anarchy burning down cities was always absurd.
7,750 protests and almost every single one was perfectly peaceful.
The riots were something entirely different and 100% wrong.
The Jan 6th protest and protestors were 100% fine - the Jan 6th riot and rioters were 100% wrong and should be dealt with accordingly.
No credibility.
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so let me get this straight,

As long as damage estimates are within a tolerable range it is okay? LOL the mental gymnastics you are doing to justify destruction of private property is hilarious.

It's so much more absurd than that...more like "Causing enough damage to kill somebody with a bunch of stabs from a tiny knife is better than running them through once with a bayonet 'cause, you know, on a 'per stab' basis the damage is much less".
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Actually as long as their impact is spread out it's acceptable. Of course the only people paying for it across the country are the ones who weren't actually involved but that's just more redistribution
Much like his belief in gun control. Isolated deaths of 4 or more are horrific because they are "events". The steady day to day slaughter of people in our big cities is perfectly acceptable.

The left claims to be the rational highly educated group and this is what they really think. This highlights why there will never be no uniting and coming together in this country. It's because to unite means that you convert to my way of thinking.

Elitist thinking. We see it on VN all the time. Nothing about thinking you’re better than a class of people is inclusive as they claim they want to be.
Biden actually had laws passed to take the "black predators" off the streets and to be locked up in prison.
Nah, Jackass Joe isn't at all a racist. He's just a sweet like ole jackass that means no harm to his black homies.
Biden is one of the authors of some of the very policies of policing BLM is and has been protesting.

We really are a country full of idiots. But then again had the current idiot president pointed this out to the people instead of acting a fool he might have won a second term. Not that it matters, we'd just be trading one fool for another.
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so let me get this straight,

As long as damage estimates are within a tolerable range it is okay? LOL the mental gymnastics you are doing to justify destruction of private property is hilarious.
I wish you could get something, anything straight.
Where in the world did I ever say that? Please find it and post it. For everyone to see.
When you can't, feel free to come back and retract your post and apologize.
Whatever is going on with you mentally, I wouldn't call it gymnastics.
Not sure how serving this country in the armed forces would turn me into a bleeding heart progressive. I would think just the opposite. Although, that may be where you learned to go to instant vitriol in your replies. I guess the AF taught you how to throw temper tantrums?
Who's a bleeding heart progressive? And there's been no temper tatrums. Quite the opposite
Biden is one of the authors of some of the very policies of policing BLM is and has been protesting.

We really are a country full of idiots. But then again had the current idiot president pointed this out to the people instead of acting a fool he might have won a second term. Not that it matters, we'd just be trading one fool for another.
He did tend to go for cheap shots rather than going for what should have been low hanging fruit. The first debate was terrible. He had so many chances to destroy Biden but left it on the table. The second one Trump did better but still would either take too long to get to a good point or still miss the opportunity. Trump made it way too easy for Dems to play to people’s emotions about his character and didn’t attack Biden the right way. He played right into Dem hands. I never thought I’d see a so many people make decisions on emotion over policy. Whether you think Biden really got 81M votes or not he still got a bunch with basically no campaign, no firm platform, and no ability to field questions that weren’t prepared ahead of time. God help us all of anyone decides to attack us or if there’s some other crisis while he’s in office. The man can’t even handle questions from a friendly press. How’s he going to handle something really serious? He probably won’t be around long enough to find out.
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Not sure how serving this country in the armed forces would turn me into a bleeding heart progressive. I would think just the opposite. Although, that may be where you learned to go to instant vitriol in your replies. I guess the AF taught you how to throw temper tantrums?
The AF ain't the military. It's a country club that you get paid to join.
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Much like his belief in gun control. Isolated deaths of 4 or more are horrific because they are "events". The steady day to day slaughter of people in our big cities is perfectly acceptable.
Truth. And if one black man is killed by a white cop, it's mayhem. But now... as of this morning... 21 black people have been killed by other black people... in ONE city... that's acceptable.

I don't get it.
Of course not. Just substantially more than $193,500.
I wish you guys could process better. That would really be cute.

Reserves of 280 million where set for damage to lake st in Minneapolis alone.

1 riot.

Estimated total when all is said and done will be 530 million.

Of the amount paid by the insurance companies this will be directly pushed back to all states citizens in their new premiums moving forward as the trade combine ratios for the states are now out of whack.

The increase in premiums will then be absorbed by increased in goods so the owners can offset the losses.

In the end, the 500 million will be recouped by innocent citizens in the form of future premiums.
Reserves of 280 million where set for damage to lake st in Minneapolis alone.

1 riot.

Estimated total when all is said and done will be 530 million.

Of the amount paid by the insurance companies this will be directly pushed back to all states citizens in their new premiums moving forward as the trade combine ratios for the states are now out of whack.

The increase in premiums will then be absorbed by increased in goods so the owners can offset the losses.

In the end, the 500 million will be recouped FROM innocent citizens in the form of future premiums.
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