What must be done to Unite the Country

Honestly I didn’t catch your scenario but there would be income cutoffs.
Basically everyone at the age of 27 or higher, gets 1 year of un taxed income if they take a min wage/ bottom of the pay scale salary. I didn't put a number on my original post, but id would say 25k or less. There would have to be rules in place to make sure this doesn't get abused but basically try to give them a chance to get something saved so they have money to work with on bills.
Yet, it has worked out. Documented statistics say so. The total reverse of profitability and efficiency say so. Operating profits say so. Employee relations say so. There's a reason unions haven' t been able to penetrate the Japanese owned, American managed and manned companies.

What is that ONE company? There’s tools that help but there’s nothing EVER streamlined when dealing with multiple supply chains. Unions? Lol please.
Dude, can the working class stiff get some tax breaks for once? damn.. You all bend over backwards to appease the bottom wrung of people that are sucking off of the system with welfare benefits and EIT. That is mostly what they don't pay any taxes. The benefits they receive would more than compensate for what little they would have to pay. But damn, that kind of tax plan would benefit the average working stiff.
Exactly, that's part of my problem with both sides but Dems are 100x worse. All these plans/ideas they come up with make it harder and harder on the middle class. Like cant they figure out how to help the lowest without taking money out of my pocket?
Basically everyone at the age of 27 or higher, gets 1 year of un taxed income if they take a min wage/ bottom of the pay scale salary. I didn't put a number on my original post, but id would say 25k or less. There would have to be rules in place to make sure this doesn't get abused but basically try to give them a chance to get something saved so they have money to work with on bills.

Ok. Shoot I would extend more than that but that would be a start.
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Or it went into savings. We got less than 1200. Regardless, and this applies to some, getting zero wouldn't have altered our usual dispersion of disposable income
I got 0. You can thank me for being one of those 49% that actually pay for those checks. Much of that money was spent on new tats, booze and smokes.
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Keeping with this income tax theme. I would also be in favor of just doing away with it completely and just having a national sales tax. 10% on all purchases.
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If we were allowed to keep that money and we invested it wisely we wouldn't need those bloated programs and worked fine out much better. Why is it a good thing, or even a necessity?

The answer is identical to the reason we live in a Democratic Republic instead of a true Democracy- to protect us from ourselves. Many of us would not manage our money properly. Thus, the government doing it is the solution.
The answer is identical to the reason we live in a Democratic Republic instead of a true Democracy- to protect us from ourselves. Many of us would not manage our money properly. Thus, the government doing it is the solution.

Here is the fundamental difference. This is why you want everyone "united". Because you need everyone to be pooled together so that some govt bureaucrat could redistribute wealth. You can't afford for the most talented and gifted people to be outside of this system and independent. No, you need to skim off of their labor and productivity and redistribute to the lesser talented or lazy.
I got 0. You can thank me for being one of those 49% that actually pay for those checks. Much of that money was spent on new tats, booze and smokes.
I' m talking about the April of ' 20 stimulus. We neither wanted the little we got nor did we need it. We got zero this time around

Why would I thank YOU? SMH.
There’s probably a bigger diacussion to be had about the diminishing role of “religion” that’s probably not worth having. But I do see two Christ-like qualities that would be helpful in our current situation. Mercy and forgiveness. Any injustice, real or perceived, must demand a debt to be paid. And if you don’t agree to demand the debt be paid, you become part of the “problem.”

Tom Keller, a pastor from NYC Redeemer Presbyterian church says this....
“Mercy and forgiveness must be free and unmerited to the wrongdoer. If the wrongdoer has to do something to merit it, then it isn't mercy, but forgiveness always comes at a cost to the one granting the forgiveness.”

The constant back and forth of pointing fingers and re-hashing wrong-doing of old to legitimize current actions will only continue to snowball until people begin to display these qualities.
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Have you ever stopped to think about the strategic implications when you talk about industries that are "relics of our economic past"? Those things make us hostage to other countries. Car manufacturing in the US is currently shutting down due to computer chip shortages. This is supposedly at least covid related, but the point remains it could be economic hostage taking or an act of war when you allow vital industries supplying necessary materials to be moved out of the country. If there is a WW3, we might not lose on the battlefield - we might lose by not even making it to the battlefield.

I understand the implications of no longer having an industrial economy, but as I mentioned it’s a natural progression of capitalistic economies.

As far as the war analogy, we would be in trouble in a protracted war situation (at least initially), but does anyone really believe that a modern war scenario would end up being drawn-out, multi-year engagements like the wars of the 20th century? I have my doubts. Plus, as much as we’ve spent on defense in the last 20-30 years, we better have stockpiles for any given scenario... if not, we get what we deserve.
What has to be done? Well Trump supporters have to admit one of two things. Either Trump lost, and knows it hence his concession and withdraw of legal cases, or he is cuck willing to submit to the deep state. This isn't hard. His supporters even get to pick one.

Septic is much better at this.
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Yep. Somebody doesn't know the meaning of surge. Just in time manufacturing almost guarantees the need for overtime. UPS can add workers at Christmas because they don't have to be skilled - not the same for most industry.

Yet UPS still has massive o/t costs during peak season. That is just part of it, demand raises to a level that know matter how many entry level positions are temporarily created that doesn't cascade through the entire workforce.
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The answer is identical to the reason we live in a Democratic Republic instead of a true Democracy- to protect us from ourselves. Many of us would not manage our money properly. Thus, the government doing it is the solution.

The government isnt "doing it". Mainly because they dont have to.
The answer is identical to the reason we live in a Democratic Republic instead of a true Democracy- to protect us from ourselves. Many of us would not manage our money properly. Thus, the government doing it is the solution.

Do what? The government has gotten us trillions of dollars in debt and they are the solution to managing people’s money?
There’s probably a bigger diacussion to be had about the diminishing role of “religion” that’s probably not worth having. But I do see two Christ-like qualities that would be helpful in our current situation. Mercy and forgiveness. Any injustice, real or perceived, must demand a debt to be paid. And if you don’t agree to demand the debt be paid, you become part of the “problem.”

Tom Keller, a pastor from NYC Redeemer Presbyterian church says this....
“Mercy and forgiveness must be free and unmerited to the wrongdoer. If the wrongdoer has to do something to merit it, then it isn't mercy, but forgiveness always comes at a cost to the one granting the forgiveness.”

The constant back and forth of pointing fingers and re-hashing wrong-doing of old to legitimize current actions will only continue to snowball until people begin to display these qualities.

It has unfortunately become the norm to take the low road... and it pays off for most who can stoop the lowest. A big problem that any society faces is the lack conviction to maintain ideals in favor of personal ambitions. In the US we have always glorified independence and ambition above “the greater good” and neighborliness, so it’s no surprise that mercy, compassion, and forgiveness aren’t mainstays here.
You mean like Trump and company tried to unite everybody? Like when they rammed through those conservative judges and stonewalled Merrick Garland just because they could? Yeah they are Uniters all right. Biden will probably get around to trying. But that won’t stop the Democrats from exacting their pound of flesh right now. Why? Because now they can. That’s the way politics works or didn’t you know that? To the victor goes the spoils. What goes around comes around. Karma is a beeyotch. And all those other cliches. Enjoy.

Wrong answer. You had to go back to Trump. The left are the uniters, not Trumpers. We have established that, correct? So did Joe step up and say stop this nonsense. Did he lead?
It has unfortunately become the norm to take the low road... and it pays off for most who can stoop the lowest. A big problem that any society faces is the lack conviction to maintain ideals in favor of personal ambitions. In the US we have always glorified independence and ambition above “the greater good” and neighborliness, so it’s no surprise that mercy, compassion, and forgiveness aren’t mainstays here.

Geez at the ramblings. The US routinely ranks first in the world at charitable donations per capita.

But yea, how crazy of us to glorify independence. Lol.
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