What must be done to Unite the Country

Here is the fundamental difference. This is why you want everyone "united". Because you need everyone to be pooled together so that some govt bureaucrat could redistribute wealth. You can't afford for the most talented and gifted people to be outside of this system and independent. No, you need to skim off of their labor and productivity and redistribute to the lesser talented or lazy.

Mhmm. Do you buy health insurance? Car insurance? Home insurance? If yes, why? I mean with all your talent, why let the scum of the Earth drag you down?

By your rationale, if I am a great driver, why should I be forced to buy insurance? Answer: NOBODY'S PERFECT.

Socialist programs are generally good.
Did your parents collect SS benefits? I rest my case.
How did that prove anything? Had they been able to self invest all that money over 4+ decades they would have made more. I know my dad's retirement income greatly exceeds any SS he receives. How much more could have been made if that money want taken from his check every month?
Do what? The government has gotten us trillions of dollars in debt and they are the solution to managing people’s money?

Do you have debt? What is your debt to income ratio? Odds are the government has a far cleaner balance sheet than you, unless you've retired and already paid off your home.

Specifically, the current US accumulated deficit is about 110% of ONE YEAR'S GDP. In comparison, when people buy a house, most lenders observe a 28% max mortgage to gross income.

Thus, if I have a $100K annual salary and no debt, I can currently buy a house worth roughly $468K.

This PERSONAL DEBT would translate to 368% of ONE YEAR'S SALARY.

In sum, Feds at 110% debt, me at 368%.

So, what exactly were you whining about again? :)
How did that prove anything? Had they been able to self invest all that money over 4+ decades they would have made more. I know my dad's retirement income greatly exceeds any SS he receives. How much more could have been made of that money want taken from his check every month?

Oh yeah. Does everyone in the US invest as wisely as your parents?
Do you have debt? What is your debt to income ratio? Odds are the government has a far cleaner balance sheet than you, unless you've retired and already paid off your home.

Specifically, the current US accumulated deficit is about 110% of ONE YEAR'S GDP. In comparison, when people buy a house, most lenders observe a 28% max mortgage to gross income.

Thus, if I have a $100K annual salary and no debt, I can currently buy a house worth roughly $468K.

This PERSONAL DEBT would translate to 368% of ONE YEAR'S SALARY.

In sum, Feds at 110% debt, me at 368%.

So, what exactly were you whining about again? :)

Government should NEVER be in debt. PERIOD!!
Has Joe the Uniter come out against this impeachment? You know, since uniting is what everyone wants. Did he lead?
The impeachment could be viewed as a necessary step for unification. (at least for many)
Impeachment is divisive to some. Not impeaching is divisive to others. What's a person to do?
I guess you have to just go with the right thing.
Do you have debt? What is your debt to income ratio? Odds are the government has a far cleaner balance sheet than you, unless you've retired and already paid off your home.

Specifically, the current US accumulated deficit is about 110% of ONE YEAR'S GDP. In comparison, when people buy a house, most lenders observe a 28% max mortgage to gross income.

Thus, if I have a $100K annual salary and no debt, I can currently buy a house worth roughly $468K.

This PERSONAL DEBT would translate to 368% of ONE YEAR'S SALARY.

In sum, Feds at 110% debt, me at 368%.

So, what exactly were you whining about again? :)

Ever heard the saying "better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought an idiot rather than open it and remove all doubt"?

My personal debt to income is an extremely low ratio. If you knew a damn thing about business you would understand why they carry debt and I could just about be completely out of debt tomorrow if I wanted to deplete my reserves. Now tell me about the reserves that the federal government has and how quick it could be debt free if needed.
The impeachment could be viewed as a necessary step for unification. (at least for many)
Impeachment is divisive to some. Not impeaching is divisive to others. What's a person to do?
I guess you have to just go with the right thing.
Agree. So let's get the next round of impeachment rolling next Thursday
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Ever heard the saying "better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought an idiot rather than open it and remove all doubt"?

My personal debt to income is an extremely low ratio. If you knew a damn thing about business you would understand why they carry debt and I could just about be completely out of debt tomorrow if I wanted to deplete my reserves. Now tell me about the reserves that the federal government has and how quick it could be debt free if needed.
You must be talking about Luther in that first paragraph. Lol
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The impeachment could be viewed as a necessary step for unification. (at least for many)
Impeachment is divisive to some. Not impeaching is divisive to others. What's a person to do?
I guess you have to just go with the right thing.

No, he doesnt need to unify his base. The unification involves bringing your opponents into the mix. Not opposing this meaningless impeachment does the complete opposite of unifying. He is what he claims to despise.
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