What must be done to Unite the Country

Good economists steeped in the church of Keynes would say that obviously those stimulus payments weren't large enough.
Or that they should have been applied in accordance to income progression. Lowest getting the highest, of course. Top earners, wealthiest, etc are FAR less affected by rebates. Their spending delta remains a constant
Yes, no one is debating the fact that the climate changes without human intervention. We're just establishing that, at the moment, humans have a huge impact. Even if the total climate change effects within a particular year have a larger component from natural variation than from manmade effects, the anthropogenic components don't tend to fluctuate up and down, they push the climate in a single direction. Nature can do the same thing, but on much greater timescales than what we're seeing from anthropogenic change. We have a good understanding of the processes that can cause global temperature changes, and we know that humans contribute largely to these processes--so why is it so hard to believe that humans are contributing greatly to climate change?
That's just it. How do you establish that? Before 1990 or before I graduated high school, carbon dioxide was just a gas that we normally had in our atmosphere. Then somehow in the years that followed, carbon dioxide became a pollutant.
Ok, I understand the pros and cons of NAFTA, and upon postmortem review (although it’s not really dead, Trump’s deal was just an updated version of the same deal) its easy to pick apart the negatives... but that’s not what I’m really trying to understand. The inevitability of moving from industrial to post-industrial is always there. Just as it’s inevitable that a country like India is poised to become the next manufacturing giant as China grows their middle class.

What I’m trying to understand is someone being so gung-ho about unfettered capitalism in general while simultaneously trying to hold onto relics of our economic past like the coal, steel, or textile industries. Those are our past and will likely never thrive here again like previous generations knew them to... and that is capitalism.

Have you ever stopped to think about the strategic implications when you talk about industries that are "relics of our economic past"? Those things make us hostage to other countries. Car manufacturing in the US is currently shutting down due to computer chip shortages. This is supposedly at least covid related, but the point remains it could be economic hostage taking or an act of war when you allow vital industries supplying necessary materials to be moved out of the country. If there is a WW3, we might not lose on the battlefield - we might lose by not even making it to the battlefield.
If everybody had to vote with their feet, there would be a lot less fraud.
That's just it. Liberals do not want you to have a choice. They want to "unite" everyone and force them on the same plantation.

Look at Twitter, for example. The slaves tried to run away to Parlor and they shutdown that platform.

Liberals are all about uniting... or herding people.
That's just it. Liberals do not want you to have a choice. They want to "unite" everyone and force them on the same plantation.

Look at Twitter, for example. The slaves tried to run away to Parlor and they shutdown that platform.

Liberals are all about uniting... or herding people.
Corralling would seem the more accurate verb than uniting.
How about OT isn’t taxable as well?
I've been saying that the GOP/conservatives should have come up with a blue collor tax plan that excludes OT, holiday pay and annual leave from income taxes. Why should the govt get paid on your day off? Why should the govt get paid once they have taxed you for 40 hours already? Why does everything over 40 hrs need to be taxed also?

But instead, we get these BS targeted tax cuts and the tweak the rate brackets.
I am not for uncontrolled capitalism.

This is where I differ with some on here and may not be the guy to ask this.

I will state that eventually we will move away from coal but we are just not scientifically there yet and it is one thing to plan for the future but it's another to kill the present before you are ready. We are killing jobs that still need to exist.....for now. We are also killing the economy for green peace type issues when our main global competitors could care less. Size wise we make a dent on the globe.

With the population china has it will be decades before their entire society is at the level we are. They would first have to stop devaluing their currency and the second they do that their country would crumble if they are still export based.

For them to switch from export to import will take decades and yes as this transition occurs India should benefit. But currently that does not appear to be their goal. They seem to be trying to invade countries from within so that eventually they are both exporting and importing to thrmselves...but that is a whole other discussion on what is truly a citizen in a global society.

Reasonable capitalism always requires a sense of nationalism and stewardship. Without those two ingredients, there cannot be sustained markets, and capitalism withers and dies. The industrial revolution showed the symbiotic relationship between industry and workers at a time when the world was forced to think locally. With advances in transportation, capitalists have to relearn the value of markets and of labor with respect to markets; so far, they aren't doing a very good job. As you pretty much state, it's delusional to see China as a market for our manufactured goods.
That's just it. Liberals do not want you to have a choice. They want to "unite" everyone and force them on the same plantation.

Look at Twitter, for example. The slaves tried to run away to Parlor and they shutdown that platform.

Liberals are all about uniting... or herding people.

OK. I forgot you can read minds. Absorbing the opinions of the fringe and applying them to the masses is in direct conflict to a healthy and healing discourse. I realize your opinions are derived from the idea that YOU inherently know these things. For you to make an effort and try to distinguish the varied beliefs would require a level of nuance that exceeds your mental capabilities

Make yourself a note then.
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That's just it. How do you establish that? Before 1990 or before I graduated high school, carbon dioxide was just a gas that we normally had in our atmosphere. Then somehow in the years that followed, carbon dioxide became a pollutant.
We've known that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas for well over 100 years now. Just because you didn't learn about it in high school doesn't mean that's not true. Some scientists started talking of the potential for anthropogenic climate change as early as the 50s and 60s, but it wasn't until the increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere (which tends to increase global temperatures via the greenhouse effect) started to overtake the effects from aerosol pollutants (which tend to decrease global temperatures via the scattering of solar radiation) that it became clear how dire the potential problem was. Those warnings mostly started in the 80s, but didn't really start to get into the mainstream consciousness until the 90s (when the scientific community pretty much reached a consensus on it) and the 2000s.

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