What must be done to Unite the Country

Wasn't the discussion about socialism? They are reaching.

It is? All of those things that were listed are a redistribution of tax dollars for the common good of American society. The products and services of the things mentioned are technically owned, run or maintained by the government at varying levels.

Saying "socialism is bad" as a blanket statement without context or understanding of all the good it provides is myopic.

If not for Federally funded school lunch programs there are a lot of kids who wouldn't ever get a square meal.
As defined by our governing doc. There is a difference in common good vs socialism

Redistribution of the people's money by any other name is still a redistribution of the people's money.

Where it's codified as being required could not be more irrelevant to the conversation.
I think the common ground has to be that it's okay to work. If you work, and provide people with something they want, that is perfectly okay. Everything that is available, and obviously we have way too much of everything, requires people to work.

The Democrats could say this openly, because they're not going to be called Nazis when they say it.
It is? All of those things that were listed are a redistribution of tax dollars for the common good of American society. The products and services of the things mentioned are technically owned, run or maintained by the government at varying levels.

Saying "socialism is bad" as a blanket statement without context or understanding of all the good it provides is myopic.

If not for Federally funded school lunch programs there are a lot of kids who wouldn't ever get a square meal.

We have a disagreement on what is a socialistic government program that they never should not be in charge of, and what is a government essential service.
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Stop demonizing freedom and let me keep more of my money. Realize everyone is not equal nor should they be treated as such

Trump raised taxes on the middle class. Unless you make 400K or more a year income, your taxes will not go up under the Democrats. They might go back down a bit.
Trump raised taxes on the middle class. Unless yo make 400K or more a year income, your taxes will not go up under the Democrats. They might go back down a bit.
Mine went down during his term. Did yours not? You must be in that 5%

Joe's number is a lie. No way he can do what he promised and not hit my income level. Studies are out there if you're interested
Mine went down during his term. Did yours not? You must be in that 5%

Joe's number is a lie. No way he can do what he promised and not hit my income level. Studies are out there if you're interested

The past 3 years have been the first ones in awhile where I didn’t have to write a check to the IRS. I’ll take breaking even at the end of the year while keeping more during the year.

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