What must be done to Unite the Country


Now you see why this is a useless thread?

I think there are only two so far who flat out want no part of unity. Fine. I believe the majority of people in this country want unity - that it’s a worthwhile goal to strive for. But I don’t expect a thread started two hours ago is going to have a thoughtful, reasoned and complete set of opinions

Hang in

More will come out of this if we give it time

You gonna answer a modified question I posed in a different thread?
A good example of why reducing the size and scope of the federal government is the only answer. If what it did didn't impact people's lives so much people wouldn't care so much.
There would at least be an argument if we were choosing the best out of 330 million people. We’re about to get rid of a cartoon character in exchange for one of the dumbest guys in congressional history who happens to have dementia.
Again, proving my point. You can't come up with a realistic counter to the fact, the KNOWN FACT, there is spite on both sides and they use it to their advantage.

Let's resort to petty insults instead. Not even the "oiling up McDad" level of pettiness I showed this thread, but straight petty in the fact you have no argument against it without invoking "but Trump." And yes, the "but Obama" excuse doesn't work either.

Straight fact, every politician has used hate and spite as a weapon for the past 20 years. Trump used it, Obama used it, Romney used it, Hillary used it, Biden used it, Bush used it, Gore used it, Kerry used it, McCain used it.

Every politician thrives on hate and loves to keep it stirred up. If you can't admit that, you're useless in this thread.
As always.....they all do it but in no way do they all do it equally. Trump was/is by far and away the worst.
If Trumpers are waiting for people to say Trump was no worse than the others, it ain't going to happen....because it ain't true.
This next week will be very dangerous. There’s a large percentage of the country that feels robbed and unheard. This week’s response in the media compared to the last 6 months is fanning the flames. If people don’t think that the right won’t go off like the left has the last 6 months then they’re Lying to themselves.

I recommend everyone keep your family home and if you live in the downtown areas, leave. Keep yourselves and your loved ones safe as this is about to get real ugly. I hope to G-d I’m wrong. If y’all need me I’ll be out in the country on my property.......staying out of it
This next week will be very dangerous. There’s a large percentage of the country that feels robbed and unheard. This week’s response in the media compared to the last 6 months is fanning the flames. If people don’t think that the right won’t go off like the left has the last 6 months then they’re Lying to themselves.

I recommend everyone keep your family home and if you live in the downtown areas, leave. Keep yourselves and your loved ones safe as this is about to get real ugly. I hope to G-d I’m wrong. If y’all need me I’ll be out in the country on my property.......staying out of it

U done said where...Heading that way..Dont shoot..we need numbers. I got booze..maybe
Okay. Tell me what conservative values or positions are still acceptable? Can I oppose gay marriage and adoption? Can I still claim transgenderism is a mental illness? What about refusing to bake wedding cakes? Lol you can’t even go to church in some states right now.

Even if I take the most normal of right wing positions (lower taxes), it’ll be called “blood money” and I’ll be told I’m a member of a death cult.
This next week will be very dangerous. There’s a large percentage of the country that feels robbed and unheard. This week’s response in the media compared to the last 6 months is fanning the flames. If people don’t think that the right won’t go off like the left has the last 6 months then they’re Lying to themselves.

I recommend everyone keep your family home and if you live in the downtown areas, leave. Keep yourselves and your loved ones safe as this is about to get real ugly. I hope to G-d I’m wrong. If y’all need me I’ll be out in the country on my property.......staying out of it
U done said where...Heading that way..Dont shoot..we need numbers. I got booze..maybe
I'm on my way, you know what I'll be packing.
Okay. Tell me what conservative values or positions are still acceptable? Can I oppose gay marriage and adoption? Can I still claim transgenderism is a mental illness? What about refusing to bake wedding cakes? Lol you can’t even go to church in some states right now.

Even if I take the most normal of right wing positions (lower taxes), it’ll be called “blood money” and I’ll be told I’m a member of a death cult.

You can believe all of those things. But you can't storm the Capitol as you threaten to kill the Speaker of the House or the Vice President.

Sort of a disconnect there.
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This next week will be very dangerous. There’s a large percentage of the country that feels robbed and unheard. This week’s response in the media compared to the last 6 months is fanning the flames. If people don’t think that the right won’t go off like the left has the last 6 months then they’re Lying to themselves.

I recommend everyone keep your family home and if you live in the downtown areas, leave. Keep yourselves and your loved ones safe as this is about to get real ugly. I hope to G-d I’m wrong. If y’all need me I’ll be out in the country on my property.......staying out of it
The media is the 4th branch of the gvot at this point.
Again, proving my point. You can't come up with a realistic counter to the fact, the KNOWN FACT, there is spite on both sides and they use it to their advantage.

Let's resort to petty insults instead. Not even the "oiling up McDad" level of pettiness I showed this thread, but straight petty in the fact you have no argument against it without invoking "but Trump." And yes, the "but Obama" excuse doesn't work either.

Straight fact, every politician has used hate and spite as a weapon for the past 20 years. Trump used it, Obama used it, Romney used it, Hillary used it, Biden used it, Bush used it, Gore used it, Kerry used it, McCain used it.

Every politician thrives on hate and loves to keep it stirred up. If you can't admit that, you're useless in this thread.
All I’ve said is there’s no equivalence. And there isn’t. Plenty of people hate republicans, and the democrats are thankful for their votes. But no democrats relies on hatred to the extent Trump does. That’s apparent when you see his rallies, but I expect this will also be lost on you.
Great topic

1) Ideology shouldn’t be unassailable. Civic participation requires us to be most critical of politicians whose ideas we are engaged with and not spend inordinate amounts of time shouting down people with whom we can’t even find common ground
2) The vast majority of voters allow themselves to be coerced into interminably unsolvable fringe issues while actual substantive issues remain unaddressed. It is no coincidence that these fringe issues, especially ones that stoke divisiveness get the most media play. Coordinated distraction. Manufactured consent
3) Politicians spend a lot of time rhetorically acknowledging and trumpeting advocacy for problems they have no intention of working to solve. We have got to stop giving politicians credit for saying things that make us feel warm and fuzzy; no results, no political capital

These distractions serve to obfuscate effective means of political activism while lulling the electorate into a numbed state of subservience.

I like to believe the solution is to be more active, engaged policy advocates, more critical and willing to organize for and pressure against our representatives when situations warrant, and spend less time acting as cheer leaders for political party monoliths.
You can believe all of those things. But you can't storm the Capitol as you threaten to kill the Speaker of the House or the Vice President.

Sort of a disconnect there.

Sure. No one is condoning that unlike the BLM riots “the voice of the unheard” or Fredo telling us “who says riots have to be peaceful”.

But my point is the left doesn’t actually allow you to express many of the opinions I listed above without being banned.

Dead naming, misgendering, sharing factual articles about hunter biden are all things you may be deplatformed.

Meanwhile you can proclaim trump gets peed on by hookers, Brett K is a gang rapist, and all white mean are the devil.

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