What must be done to Unite the Country

You'll have to give me more information. I dont recall hundreds if not thousands rushing into either, breaking windows and destroying property, calling for people to be executed. Must have missed all that.

And here's a hunt for you. Efforts by you and Fox News talking heads to somehow equate this to other misconduct by other people is not working. The claim falls flat because its a stupid comparison and just makes you look like you are really, REALLY, reaching.
Why is it stupid? People died in both. People didn't believe they were heard or respected. Property destruction, including government property.

You can say its misguided, I have no idea why people want more Trump, but they have a voice.
Help me here, I'm trying to understand your post. Ending victim politics mentality means Trumpers need to go away, is that what you mean? Trumpers are proponents of victim politics in my opinion. I'm for police enforcing the law, I'm not for racist enforcement of the law, we've had that for way too long.
I’m not a trumper. Also no one pays attention to you since you tried to sell Portland protests as being peaceful and then people died two weeks later
How many disclaimers have you seen on left leaning topics on any social media?
None but that isn't the point, even if you lean left you have to understand that weapon can be turned against them, or all of us and it will eventually.

People get way too concerned with a few idiots who say stupid harmful things, want to shut them up. I don't get that, I want to know what people think I want them to be honest. That way I can make an informed decision, whether I want to associate with them or patronize their business. I'm much more concerned and worried when people can't or aren't allowed to freely state what they believe, you just don't know and everyone is afraid to speak up.

We're conditioning a generation to be complete followers, not to lead, be bold or different. Everyone must feel the same way and say the same things or they are dangerous. It's just plain silly and damn childish.
I’m not a trumper. Also no one pays attention to you since you tried to sell Portland protests as being peaceful and then people died two weeks later

You are denying being a trumper? Really???? How convenient

As for what went on in PDX, most of the problems were due to Trump and his administration. Without trump and wolf, PDX wouldn't have had a problem.
You are denying being a trumper? Really???? How convenient

As for what went on in PDX, most of the problems were due to Trump and his administration. Without trump and wolf, PDX wouldn't have had a problem.
LOL okay give us you're reasoning for this statement. Cirque de Soleil hasn't been able to tour and I miss watching a quality contortionist/gymnast.
You should report to your local recruiter at once. That is if you care to actually serve the country you claim to love. It will change your perspective.
Lots of assumptions from a gal who’s been wrong about nearly every thing she’s posted in her little tantrums tonight.
Ironically in the thread about what it would take to get along.
now run along pretender
You are denying being a trumper? Really???? How convenient

As for what went on in PDX, most of the problems were due to Trump and his administration. Without trump and wolf, PDX wouldn't have had a problem.
Is that way they were rioting outside your mayor's house? He a big Trump guy?
Lots of assumptions from a gal who’s been wrong about nearly every she’s posted in her little tantrums tonight.
Ironically in the thread about what it would take to get along.
That you can't conduct a healthy dialogue with anyone is something you might should seek therapy for in the near future.
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