What other message boards are saying (Arkansas Pre-Game Edition)

Probably will come across as having too much battered vol syndrome but would take a one point win against them in a heartbeat. We havent beat them on the road in decades and haven’t beat them since 2007.

In my lifetime have seen a #4 ranked vol team lose at home to a 3-8 arky squad in 92, struggle on the road with Peyton in 97, take a miraculous fumble for a national championship team to win at home, lose in 99 to cost us a chance to repeat, struggle for 4 quarters in 01 with a great vols team, get blown out with Dooley, see Butch bumble away what should have been an easy win, and lose to a first year coach in 2020. Historically they seem to always play their best against us.
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For a team that has been in every game till the last minute they are awfully defeated. I'm a little surprised to be honest.

I remember some Tennessee seasons like this. A good record early in the season but having squeaked by games that should have been easy wins.

Then you see a game like Georgia versus Alabama and know your team doesn’t have the horses to compete. Deep down you know your current record is fools gold.
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Probably will come across as having too much battered vol syndrome but would take a one point win against them in a heartbeat. We havent beat them on the road in decades and haven’t beat them since 2007.

In my lifetime have seen a #4 ranked vol team lose at home to a 3-8 arky squad in 92, struggle one the road with Peyton in 97, take a miraculous fumble for a national championship team to win at home, lose in 99 to cost us a chance to repeat, struggle for 4 quarters in 01 with a great vols team, get blown out with Dooley, see Butch bumble away what should have been an easy win, and lose to a first year coach in 2020. Historically they seem to always play their best against us.
I would be a lot more concerned if Green wasn't a turnover machine. Hopefully this defense makes him pay for his mistakes. If he plays a clean game it could be close but haven't seen him do that much this year.
Wow I am shocked to see those comments from them. I’ve been more worried about this game than I was for Oklahoma since the start of the season just because I think they are a more challenging offense than oklahomas. Hopefully it goes exactly like they think.
I agree. If anyone THINKS the Hogs will lay down and let us rut them in the sty…they are buying all this “rat poison” from Fayetteville. This is a HUGE game for us to establish a road win and come home with some confidence. We as fan see games on paper…BUT…games ain’t played on paper! Plus…they have two former Vols starting with Slaughter and Nichols. You KNOW they will have them fired up!
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Probably will come across as having too much battered vol syndrome but would take a one point win against them in a heartbeat. We havent beat them on the road in decades and haven’t beat them since 2007.

In my lifetime have seen a #4 ranked vol team lose at home to a 3-8 arky squad in 92, struggle one the road with Peyton in 97, take a miraculous fumble for a national championship team to win at home, lose in 99 to cost us a chance to repeat, struggle for 4 quarters in 01 with a great vols team, get blown out with Dooley, see Butch bumble away what should have been an easy win, and lose to a first year coach in 2020. Historically they seem to always play their best against us.
I’m 47 and been a fan for 37 of those years. I get it. But dang this team and coach has a very different vibe. A lot of teams I just didn’t trust in many games at all. This one I do.

BUT even in 98 there were some games that could’ve changed everything (cough cough Arkansas)
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This is how I see it…

Either this team is a championship caliber team or it isn’t. Most of us believe it is. We don’t have play not to lose Fulmer leading the charge. This cat keeps his boys focused game by game and largely not looking past games. The leaders of this team share the same mindset.

Following all that logic, its games like this, with a defense like we have (defense travels well), that we should go into these, focused and ready to control.

I see all of that as much more reasonable to believe then our guys simply are saying “oh we got this one in the bag!”
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