What Other Message Boards Are Saying (NC State Post Game Edition)

The only reason people call it a gimmick is because it hasn’t produced a National Champion (Hurry Up, No Huddle). Oregon played at warp speed but even with all those points, got smoked in the 2014 Natty.

Those Baylor teams in the mid-2010’s lit up the scoreboard but never won anything. It’s a stigma that’ll permeate until we see an up tempo team win a Natty
Remember when we were all in their shoes not so long ago?


Some people grew up watching too much Disney and think every day is their fairy tale. NC State has not invested enough resources to compete with the TN Vols when we have a full, healthy roster. Whats really sad is that people have grown used to TN underachieving - That should be an internal concern, not an outsider’s expectation.

I do think NC State’s ranking of 20-25 was about right. I also believe TN should be among the top 5 teams right now. If we stay healthy, that’s where we should end up.
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-If I have to hear Rocky Top one more time, they’ll have to commit me.

-Tennessee fans are evil and stupid, but they have a good football team.

-This team will find their stride when it’s too late. Same **** Doeren always does.

-There's losing, there's failing to cover the spread and then there's this.

-Absolutely exposed on a national stage. It’s simply what we do, every single time we have the opportunity.

-I’ll still never understand how a gimmick offense like Tennessee can put up this many points.

-We had 126 yards of total offense. Halfway thru the third quarter. None of this is OK.

-We are the worst team on the planet. PERIOD!

-I can’t believe I wasted my time and money going to this **** show of a game.

-At least we’re not Colorado? Right?

-Look at it this way, we just got beat by a possible national title competitor.

-Why can’t we get a qb like that Nico kid?

-We passed up McCord for McCall?

-Okay I’ll say it. Is it basketball season yet?

-Tennessee beat the hell out of us in Atlanta years ago and now they came into our state and made us their bitch. I can’t wait to hear Dummy Daves press conference.

-We can still go 11-1 right? RIGHT?

-This team is a clown show. Forget a damn bowl game.

-We have Northern Illinois in 3 weeks, put your money on them.

-Tennessee will be a deep playoff team, NC State however will not.

-**** THIS!!

-Tennessee is what elite football is. WE ARE NOT ELITE!!

-Why didn’t we schedule a soft OOC schedule??

-I thought there was a chance when we kicked off, turns out I was drunk.

-We should have scheduled Auburn. Thanks a lot scheduling department.

-It’s getting hard to keep wearing these colors every Saturday.

-Heupel knows how to coach. Dave does not.

-I hope we all enjoyed the top 25, we won’t see it again this year.

The Auburn comment had me 😆
Fans kill me with gimmick offense we rushed for 249 yards!

I get why folks call it that. It is a unique offensive style that every team has to adjust to for one game. I know folks use and look at the word as being critical of the offense, but given the success the team has had the last three years, it is actually a compliment.

Definition of gimmick is "an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle". Ingenious implies "marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution".
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I get why folks call it that. It is a unique offensive style that every team has to adjust to for one game. I know folks use and look at the word as being critical of the offense, but given the success the team has had the last three years, it is actually a compliment.

Definition of gimmick is "an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle". Ingenious implies "marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution".

Gimmick got a negative connotation by some barely literate coach who had very talented players at some point in time.

His team wore down the Little Sisters of the Poor, who tried throwing the football forward like Notre Dame was doing in 1912 and then said something disrespectful while calling them a gimmick. Since that day, it’s been popular for unimaginative coaches with superior athletes to make fun of creative play calling.
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