What other message boards are saying (UTC Mocs)

I remember the signs and I think they painted the Rock "What is a Rutger?" Whooops.
There was some guy who had a regular article for one of the local newspapers. Sheer stupidity and just a lot of fun, never anything serious. His pregame article that week was “What is a rutger is it anything like a bagel?”. Unfortunately the article made its way to the Rutgers team who thought it was meant seriously and as an insult. Tennessee was not prepared for the sheer fury that hit them.
And before someone makes a crack about Rutgers naively believing it was serious, I had a visitor one year, 170 IQ no joke, who heard the Coach Billy Joe Tom Bob Parker Show before the Alabama game and thought the broadcaster was serious. He was yelling, “Come here! Come here! There’s some drunk guy on the radio talking about the game!”. I miss those Fighting Possums…
Okay, not a ton to go off of with The Mocs, but I found a little.

-Not much data on the Vols QB. Dual threat with one start last year, winning the MVP in the Citrus Bowl. I suspect UT is keeping the fast tempo offense, which was the 2nd fastest (plays per minute) in the country. It's going to be important for our Offense to string together a few decent drives to give our defense a rest. 3 & outs is going to be a killer for us if we can't maintain the ball.

-i just hope the Mocs play well enough to keep the score respectable. I was there the last time during Rusty 's first season and it was a complete **** show.

-It’s simple, keep it respectable, collect the paycheck, and get out without injuries.

-These openers are what they are, they have no direct implications on the rest of the season.

-Tennessee is on the rise in the SEC, they can name the score, but we have to keep it respectable.

-Anyone feeling a week one upset? Georgia State did it! Why not us?

-I just hope we play hard and minimize mistakes.

-Have we spoken to Georgia State about how we can quiet down Neyland?

-This game is a loss, not sure why we schedule stuff like this.

-Nico is a Heisman favorite and our defense is not.

-Can we make them respect us? That’s the most important step in a contest like this.

-Rusty better have a game plan for slowing down their crazy ass offense.

-I’m a die hard Moc and I’ll be that way until I leave this earth, but there’s no way in hell we even come close in this one.

-Tennessee is big brother and we are little brother. How many times did you beat up your big brother growing up?

-We’ll score in garbage time to keep it closer than the experts think. All attention should turn to next week in Atlanta against Georgia State anyways.

-I want to say we can just catch them by surprise but I’m not naive.

-Can we avoid them hanging 70?

-Neyland sells alcohol correct? We’re gonna need a lot of it.
Welcome back!! My favorite Volnation thread!!! The alcohol, comment is hysterical
The Georgia State references are amusing. It doesn't taken much in the way of analytical skills to see the difference in our program between then and now.

Most of their fans seem to have properly calibrated expectations. I also hope they get out of the game with no significant injuries.
Yup, referring to the past performance of the Vols under Pruitt and expecting similar outcomes is about as intelligent as expecting this years Sewanee squad to go undefeated 12 and 0 like they did in 1899 😂
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A decade or two ago, on Chattanooga local sports talk radio there was fresh debate over replacing the "woke" Mockingbird logo. They devoted a week to taking ideas from the audience.

I had done logo design work years earlier for educational institutions and NGOs (fun work, except it will make you shake your head and despise committees!) so I piddled with it, starting with some guidelines.

1. Must reflect life in Chattanooga, either in location, culture, history, or fauna.
2. Must reflect attributes appropriate to successful competitive sports teams.
3. Must be something with which all people in the area can identify.

It didn't translate well over radio, and it'd be a bold move, but I still think it'd look cool on a gold helmet.

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So that's their team logo? Truly intimidating, eh? :cool:
My poor dog thinks so..There's a damn mockingbird nest in a huge hedge in our back yard and that stupid mockingbird dive bombs him EVERY time he tries to use the bathroom back there..And it is RELENTLESS!! He is a BIG dog and tries to act like it doesn't bother him but the closer the dives get, the quicker he goes😂 With it being our state bird I don't dare intervene but it DEFINITELY provides comedic episodes for us every time it happens..Except for poor King..He just maintains a dignified walk before & after he does his business..But I know he just wants to kill that fkn bird😂
Pruitt's whole tenure stung. During that sequence is when I realized there are some dudes in the recruiting forum who never met a turd they wouldn't try to polish.

The weirdest thing about the entire scenario is that back half of the 2019 season was one of my favorite experiences as a Vol fan.

Jennings threw the team on his back and willed them to 8 wins. It was down and dirty, but by sheer will-it somehow happened

I have often been torn on whether or not we would have been better off without those 5-6 games.

All the eggs kind of being in the Harrison Bailey basket was really the low point of it all for me.

The funniest part of it all is that Pruitt would have still been on the sidelines in 2021 if he wasn't a complete and utter doofus. I'm not sure if I could have stomached that or not. I'm really not.
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BYU was bad.

GaSt though was as bad as I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t a fluke, wasn’t a miracle play, they just beat us. If we played ten times they win the majority of those games. They were more physical and more vested in winning.
My niece graduated Georgia State

Took her to my Vols season tix thinking it was a courtesy

She makes sure to remind me about that game at every family holiday
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This one is among the worst for me as well. I remember the apathetic way Fulmer waddled on the sidelines, clapped his hands, and watched Saban basically de-pant him in front of 100K people. He seemed detached, as did the team.

I felt after that game that bad times were eventually going to come our way. Good golly was I right.....sadly.
It's the worst Vol loss that I've ever witnessed. For a variety of reasons.
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My niece graduated Georgia State

Took her to my Vols season tix thinking it was a courtesy

She makes sure to remind me about that game at every family holiday

My wife got her doctorate from there. Went to graduation and they had a sign on campus memorializing the victory. 🙄 Thanks Cornbread.
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I have lived in Moccasin Bend for over a year. First time I was 12. Been back 8x since. I can assure you that Moccassins is referring to the snake and the name is inspired by the geological formation of Moccassin Bend. The Tennessee River curves into a bend that when seen from Lookout directly up above Moccassin Bend, the resemblance to a snake is apparent. Early Asiatic Settlers saw this and associated the shape with a Water Moccassin. Or more likely they just called the feature "Snake Bend" and then whenever the Later European Settlers arrived in Tennessee. They were too busy killing,raping,pillaging, and worshipping Satan to get information from the Earlier Asiatic Settlers and the translation is likely not the same way as the Early Asiatic Settlers would have phrased it. In any case, there are....I mean there were.....hundreds of different languages spoken by the Early Asiatics. I myself believe that Europeans or Atlanteans had settled here and they are now called the Clovis Culture. The projectile points made by the Clovis were identical to the European points. Fluted. Lateral flaking and very detailed and refined craftsmanship of a very advanced civilization that has passed down techniques for millenia. However around 10,500 B.C.E there was an impact of an asteroid or comet in the Pacific which resulted in Giga-Tsunamis which destroyed Puma Punku and killed countless people. The fact that Clovis artifacts are found in dirt below the Iridium layer which marks the event in the geological record but NONE afterwards is fascinating. But the fact is that the folks who have been controlling the world have been purposely obscuring history and making ******** up to cause division among racial, ethnic, nationality,and religious lines. Anyone who has not yet seen Candace Owens or Billy Carson, do yourselves a favor and dig on them. Likewise if you have never listened to the Stanley Brothers, Jimmy Martin,or Johnny Horton.......Im very sorry. Complete your life and do so straightways. Go Vols.
Dude I have a masters in anthropology and studied archaeology and what you just said was nonsense
I've been a Tennessee fan for over 30 years. Decided last year that I would attend other stadiums on Tennessee's bye or games that I thought wouldn't be close so I skipped out on the butt kicking of UConn to catch a game last year at Chattanooga. Great atmosphere. Great little, stadium. As someone mentioned they are ranked in the top 10 in the FCS. I'm pulling hard for them to win the SoCon and plan on attending homecoming against VMI. If you've never been you should really give them a chance. It's good football for $25 a seat. Hopefully they stay away from injuries this week, keep it within 5 TDs, collect the check, and go do some damage on the FCS level.
Final Tennessee 48 Chattanooga 14
Go Vols!

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