What other message boards (Tennessee’s remaining SEC opponents) are saying about Tennessee (bye week edition)

I became a GA fan in the early 90’s as a young kid. I guess I was steered that way bc of my dad being a GA fan. That and just the fact that I was born and raised in GA. GA wasn’t very good when I chose them as my team, but probably mostly for the reasons above I chose them, and have been a lifelong fan.

At the moment we have many fair weather and band wagon fans because of recent success. I remember many of these people that I’m surrounded by were once FSU fans because way back FSU was competing for and winning National Championships. I can’t stand that kind of fan. Sure they sport around all the GA clothes and memorabilia today, but before they used to ridicule GA and point out to me how terrible my team was. They are not true fans, they make me sick to my stomach at times.
Kudos to you and your reasonability. I’ve been around the block a bunch of times, and fans just don’t get the fact that good times wax and wane. Personally, I’m thankful for the good times, disappointed by the bad, and ever hopeful in the future. You’re a level-headed fan.
I have the athlon magazine in storage, ranked as preseason number one. I had it framed after we sucked it up so bad. I think sports illustrated had us third or something. We had 10 preseason All-Americans that year.
Gerald Riggs Jr
Aaron Sears
Jesse Mahalona
Kevin Simon
Parys Haralson
Omar Gaithor
How did Fulmer screw this up so bad? The same way he screwed up our relationships with the Clausens. That family was feeding us California talent.
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How did Fulmer screw this up so bad? The same way he screwed up our relationships with the Clausens. That family was feeding us California talent.
Casey's wife graduated with my wife and at an event several years ago, I got to meet Iceman and once I stopped fangirling, the tone of the conversation was interesting. He didn't say anything directly but when talking about his playing days there was a hesitance in his voice.
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I think Arkansas will be the best offense we’ve face so far. Mobile QB will give us problems.

But I’m picking us by a couple TDs - just that Arkansas will probably have more yards and points than the Okies
Possibly. They’re pretty one dimensional though. Stack the box dare them to pass
@DirtyDawg, I have to ask an honest question to a reasonable uga fan.

Did no one really think through naming a building Butts-Mehre? I get why those individuals were chosen, clearly, and it is an unfortunate combination of last names to be sure, but is it intended to be a (rather weak) joke, or were the committee members on that project just too clueless to recognize what they were doing?

If it were me, I would have selected two separate buildings and applied the gentlemen's name to them. But that's just me.
Lol, yeah perhaps these coaches should each have their own building. I agree with with you, I would have done that also. I’m not sure why they did it the way they did.
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I don't care how many points we scored. NCst is pathetic and they still made our QB turn it over ......twice. OU has a great defense and they got to Nico.....twice and he fumbled. All the "shuck and jive" in the world doesn't answer that issue. We have a glaring weakness that Helen Keller could see.
I would say every team in America has some glaring weaknesses. No one at this point has arrived. If you think they have you are fooling yourself. Sometimes others just make a good play, Nico made a mistake on the 1st Int against Ncst. The other turnovers were due to bad assignments on the OL. Take the week off and get better and most importantly healthy. And yes our offense hot dialed back in to run and pound scheme to run it out and not take too many unnecessary chances. OU has a very good defense and it was apparent the only way they could win that game is to force our FR QB into mistakes. We did it right.
How did Fulmer screw this up so bad? The same way he screwed up our relationships with the Clausens. That family was feeding us California talent.

What did the Clausens do, exactly?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but we were coming off a national championship before they ever entered the picture (because we had the most talented team) and it’s been 20 years of disappointment ever since.

Did they win a national championship for anyone? Did any of their kids play for a team that won anything? While we were supposedly getting all of these great players out of California, USC and Pete Carrol were dominating college football. Where did all the North Carolina and Atlanta talent go during those years? Because TN stopped getting them.

I’m sorry I can’t agree with you, but I haven’t seen any evidence to support that they benefited our program nearly as much as we benefited them.
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So what's the excuse in the NCst game? Nico fumble once and threw an interception as he was getting hit. They were a garbage defense. I'm not blaming Nico for the pick. He was getting hit. Our O line is porous. Nico is bad about dropping the ball when hit in the pocket. If you don't think every team we play until the end of the season isn't going to pin their ears back and come after him, you're delirious. Can't bomb them when your getting hit before you can throw. And don't forget, our offense didn't win that game. Our Defense won that game. If you legit think the Heupel actually tried to run the clock out and got conservative because we had a 16 point lead at half time, you're a fool.
I love my Vols but I am not going to overlook the obvious for the sake of "towing the line". I do not wear orange tinted sunglasses. Vegas licks it's chops whenever Tennessee fans bust open their wallet. We beat Alabama.......2 years ago........and we already have morons on this forum screaming "let me at 'em! We're going to hang 50 on them by halftime!"

Keep your words sweet. You may be eating
So what's the excuse in the NCst game? Nico fumble once and threw an interception as he was getting hit. They were a garbage defense. I'm not blaming Nico for the pick. He was getting hit. Our O line is porous. Nico is bad about dropping the ball when hit in the pocket. If you don't think every team we play until the end of the season isn't going to pin their ears back and come after him, you're delirious. Can't bomb them when your getting hit before you can throw. And don't forget, our offense didn't win that game. Our Defense won that game. If you legit think the Heupel actually tried to run the clock out and got conservative because we had a 16 point lead at half time, you're a fool.
I love my Vols but I am not going to overlook the obvious for the sake of "towing the line". I do not wear orange tinted sunglasses. Vegas licks it's chops whenever Tennessee fans bust open their wallet. We beat Alabama.......2 years ago........and we already have morons on this forum screaming "let me at 'em! We're going to hang 50 on them by halftime!"

Keep your words sweet. You may be eating them later.
what about your High School team? Have you straightened them out too?
Lol, yeah perhaps these coaches should each have their own building. I agree with with you, I would have done that also. I’m not sure why they did it the way they did.

LOL. I gotta admit I suspect it started as a joke by some Grad Assistant, and before he knew it the name passed the clueless committee members and he couldn't stop it.
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I don't care how many points we scored. NCst is pathetic and they still made our QB turn it over ......twice. OU has a great defense and they got to Nico.....twice and he fumbled. All the "shuck and jive" in the world doesn't answer that issue. We have a glaring weakness that Helen Keller could see.
He's a freshman. Stfu
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JH not wanting to humiliate his former team had nothing to do with how we played in the second half. He knew our D was dominant and we had both OT's out of the game. He was protecting the QB and relying on the D.

PS- Score margin is one of the tiebreaker in SEC standings. So you should never show mercy to an SEC opponent.
You are absolutely right, We played the most conservative offensive game I have seen us play, and had as many or ore turnovers than with an open offense playbook.
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I really feel this year if we play our best (offense and defense) we beat Alabama and Georgia by 10+. In the past I thought we had to play our best to have a sliver of hope going into the 4th quarter. This team is just different and I don't see any other teams that just out class us.
I think if Hype doesn't go conservative against Ga. and Bama we win easily. If he goes conservative again we lose both games.
I think if Hype doesn't go conservative against Ga. and Bama we win easily. If he goes conservative again we lose both games.
He went conservative to take all possibilities of OU winning that game out of the equation. Their only hope was to get to Nico and force him to turn it over. That was it. So he shut that possibility down. Played small ball and field position and punted it. Very smart and mature way to win a game. The late scores by OU was because our defense went into prevent to help run the clock out.
They no longer look like a fringe playoff team, they look like a definite playoff team,” Finebaum said on this week’s episode of The Matt Barrie Show after the Week 4 games. “And maybe a fringe championship team.”

We know what this is, especially when sprinkled by Finebaun.
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He went conservative to take all possibilities of OU winning that game out of the equation. Their only hope was to get to Nico and force him to turn it over. That was it. So he shut that possibility down. Played small ball and field position and punted it. Very smart and mature way to win a game. The late scores by OU was because our defense went into prevent to help run the clock out.
The goal was to win. They did that
I swear I don't see where everyone believes Arkansas is the best we have played. That running QB is going to be running and getting hit hard. I mean he may use his legs some but I'm not sure their coaches want that guy taking the shots #9 JT is giving out. Not to mention Pili and Carter
He is long but slow. They should do everything they can to protect him and not let him run. We’re going to get to him wherever he is though so doesn’t really matter.
Kirby smart is a very likable coach, but all of these bandwagon bulldogs are pissing me off. They must be the same group that was Florida fans when Meyer was coaching.

Last year there was a drunk young man barking like he was 10 feet tall in Neyland to the point that people started turning to him to tell him to knock it off, stop cussing, etc. He talked **** to a man who was beyond retirement age and I still feel ashamed that I didn’t pick him up and throw him 10 rows down. All I could think about is that I needed to get home to my family and not go to jail.

Real Georgia fans know that TN has had their winning streaks also and that it will flip back and forth over time. These bandwagon yappers don’t realize that Stetson Bennet was the best thing that happened to them since Charlie Ward, and they’re both long gone from the roster.
You might know Kirby personally and may be a likable guy, but the way he acts, they way he talks, and just the way he carries himself doesn’t put him on my likable coaches list.

Am I wrong? Didn’t Charlie Ward play for FSU?

Stetson was nothing special, he was athletic (which helped him), but about any decent QB could have played with that loaded roster and looked like the best.

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