What was the embarassing, inappropriate chant at UT-Bama game?

That borders on child abuse.
considering my state of mind thru 3 quarters of the game Saturday, and the amount of alcohol i have consumed during TN games over the course of my life, that could be true.
Why would anyone bring a five year old to a game?

I've often wondered about that. Whatever floats people's boat, but there's no way I'd do it. My 4 year old has a ways to go before he graces the stands.
Sometimes I have a family that sits in front of me and they bring 3 children all under the age of 5 to the game. :wacko:
there was no excuse for that. I sat right near the section of these so called bama fans who wouldn't quiet down and they did. They couldn't see coker down from that angle, because bama's offense was huddled around and blocking the view. There is no excuse to use that chant even if they didn't quit the chant. stooping down to their (supposed) level is just as classless. Plus that, the fans used it again later on the bama TD. I was embarassed to be a UT fan at those moments, especially since two five year old kids were sitting below me. you can not make an excuse it for it, so quit trying.
I agree 100%.Alot of families enjoy taking their children with them.Why should families yield to ignorance or better yet the drunken college fan.
you are right... it was after the return... but i also know they used it twice... i know once was a few plays after fulmer and cutcliffe decided to go for it on the fourth down and i was already ticked he didn't get the FG. i guess that was after the TD it was used... then it came up again. i just remember it being twice. either way, no excuse it for it. I've been going to neyland since i was five, no reason not to take your child

***EDIT*** except some grown adults can't control themselves and get too drunk at what is supposed to be a dry stadium... that's their fault, not the family's coming to games, they shouldn't be at fault for that)***
you are right... it was after the return... but i also know they used it twice... i know once was a few plays after fulmer and cutcliffe decided to go for it on the fourth down and i was already ticked he didn't get the FG. i guess that was after the TD it was used... then it came up again. i just remember it being twice. either way, no excuse it for it. I've been going to neyland since i was five, no reason not to take your child

***EDIT*** except some grown adults can't control themselves and get too drunk at what is supposed to be a dry stadium... that's their fault, not the family's coming to games, they shouldn't be at fault for that)***

:eek:k: :good!: You're certainly welcome to that opinion.
I agree 100%.Alot of families enjoy taking their children with them.Why should families yield to ignorance or better yet the drunken college fan.
Why should adult fans have to listen to a bunch of whiny little twits incessantly yammering about how badly they want some Skittles?
It's pretty bad..
If I were you, I'd come to the next game Foster Brooks drunk with a tape of 2 Live Crew lyrics and Redd Foxx jokes blaring at top volume. I'd probably also download some beastiality porn to my video phone and play it for the kiddies. That'll make the parents think twice.
I could see bringing children to the games for them to expierence a fun traditional enviroment. . But I would think if i was bringing a child, I would expect for them to be outside the norm. To hear things that you usuallydo not hear. (eventhough I am sure that children at the age of 5 have heard cuss words before).
Children should all be taken at birth and shipped to some far off island, where they would remain until they had received sufficient socialization to ensure they would not be an annoyance to adults. That would eliminate such pleasant phenomenons as Crying A$$ Kid On An Airplane, Screaming Kid In A Restaurant, and Won't Shut The Hell Up Kid At The Movies.
I didn't go to my first game until I was 7 or 8. I'm glad, too. I probably wouldn't remember it as well as I do if I had been younger.
Children should all be taken at birth and shipped to some far off island, where they would remain until they had received sufficient socialization to ensure they would not be an annoyance to adults. That would eliminate such pleasant phenomenons as Crying A$$ Kid On An Airplane, Screaming Kid In A Restaurant, and Won't Shut The Hell Up Kid At The Movies.

Ok I get it now. I used to think your avatar was a animated gif of the muppet animal, now I know its just a pic of you.....

How old are you if I may ask, cause your post puts you in about the 16-23 range?
Children should all be taken at birth and shipped to some far off island, where they would remain until they had received sufficient socialization to ensure they would not be an annoyance to adults. That would eliminate such pleasant phenomenons as Crying A$$ Kid On An Airplane, Screaming Kid In A Restaurant, and Won't Shut The Hell Up Kid At The Movies.

Father issues? Come on man. A football game should be a place you can take your kids too. Things don't need to be squeeky clean but not F bombs either. Totally disagree with you on this one and wish you yourself would grow up on this subject. Just 10-12 years ago many kids on the field wearing orange the same ones you would keep out of the stadium.
wow... i agree with an alabama fan. I think the world is coming to an end.. yes, i see darkness outside, big, scary black clouds rolling through... oh dear me.
Ok I get it now. I used to think your avatar was a animated gif of the muppet animal, now I know its just a pic of you.....

How old are you if I may ask, cause your post puts you in about the 16-23 range?
As I would expect from a Tide fan, your assumption is wildly erroneous. I'm 35.
Father issues? Come on man. A football game should be a place you can take your kids too. Things don't need to be squeeky clean but not F bombs either. Totally disagree with you on this one and wish you yourself would grow up on this subject. Just 10-12 years ago many kids on the field wearing orange the same ones you would keep out of the stadium.
No, I have issues with annoying little creatures blathering about hot dogs and mascots while I'm trying to watch the game. If I wanted to deal with that kind of nonsense, I'd stay home and watch Nickelodeon.
Some could argue if you have such a problem with the way others enjoy the game, you should stay home and watch CBS, ESPN, etc.
Well it is official. hate does hate everyone. LOL

I would suggest that you speak to your family and tell them not to bury you in a sweater, because it could be hot.
Ok I get it now. I used to think your avatar was a animated gif of the muppet animal, now I know its just a pic of you.....

How old are you if I may ask, cause your post puts you in about the 16-23 range?
When you've endured the Miami to LA red eye with a 3 year old shrieking and its mentally deficient mother warbling stupid songs in a futile attempt to stop the weeping, I'll value your opinion on this issue. Until then, I couldn't care less what you think.
Some could argue if you have such a problem with the way others enjoy the game, you should stay home and watch CBS, ESPN, etc.
They could, and I would advise them to go to their garage, close the door, place a towel in the exhaust pipe, then start the car.
When you've endured the Miami to LA red eye with a 3 year old shrieking and its mentally deficient mother warbling stupid songs in a futile attempt to stop the weeping, I'll value your opinion on this issue. Until then, I couldn't care less what you think.
HAT is the MIAMI comin out in ya....lol

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