what will be Butch Jones' 1st upset / breakout win?


I agree man... I don't see what all the hype is about. Although they return a lot of weapons on the offensive side of the ball, they are seriously depleted on defense. I wasn't impressed at all when watching their spring game. I know it's just a glorified scrimmage but still. I can't wait to be in Neyland with it rocking while we are whipping the Dawgs. I think we will get it done. Go Vols!!:rock:
Missouri. Maybe Auburn. This is where we are as a program.
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I have posted this once before but I think this is deserving.


In what way was he trolling? It was asked who the first team Jones would upset was and there's a very real chance UT will an underdog in on or both of those games. You may not like it, but he's right. That's exactly where our football program is right now.
South Carolina. They will probably have very little offense this year so I think we could win in a close one.
:peace2:I say it will be either the Ducks or Florida. I dont see him losing both of those!!!:pepper:
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just because i would like to see what this website would look like afterward.

it would also be fun to check the birth rate in the state of tennessee for around 7/14.

My first son is due the 16th I'm happen for a win win on the 14th
I think that it will have to be a team that we play at home, Georgia or South Carolina. With 102,455 fans cheering for you, especially if one of those is a night game, then that's where Tennessee has a chance for a upset. GBO
Our best chance for a big upset win this year is South Carolina for a few reasons.

1. It is far enough into the season where our offense can be settled and hopefully clicking.
2. It is early enough in the season where we hopefully won't be hit with a bunch of major injuries yet.
3. It is coming off our first bye and we will have time to heal and tweak things that weren't working early in the season.
4. The Cocks always play bad on the road and we are the 2nd game for them in a 3 game SEC Road streak. They won't play good all three of those games and I think our game is where they slip up.
5. Our defense matches up well with their offense and our Offense has a strength at T to negate (somewhat) Clowney.
6. We are wearing special jersey's (rumored) that game and the players will be JACKED UP.
7. I just moved to Columbia and have been in SC for 6 years and I am ready to laugh at these stupid Gamecocks who think their program has passed ours for good!

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If we can somehow beat the ducks or keep it close. Would be a huge momentum and confidence boost. I'm glad we have a tough team before Florida.bebause if we can hang with the ducks we can hang with Florida of not win. I don't like playing two cup cakes before Florida, players seems to be on a high horse going into Florida and when that first bad thing happens they fall on thier face
Nearly all of them if they run the football 60% of the time. Let the big dogs get after it in the trenches. That's the true strength of team on both sides of the ball. They are hungry for redemption. Take control of the tempo of every game and everybody handle their assignments and they will be in it to win every game. Lower scoring slugfests where the opposing team starts dreading coming out in the second half. There will be time for higher scoring once the roster is restocked with Jones' type players. If they do this right an upset can happen starting with Oregon on through the season.

This is where our Hope is right now, our Offensive line must learn run blocking and fast. If we can have some sort of ball control running the ball, our chances will be greatly enhanced....short 3rd and 1's and 3rd and 2's are a must for the Vols
Georgia ! In this game it never really seems to matter whos the better team or where the game is played it has been close to past couple years and now with superior coaching i think we pull out the W
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Our best chance for a big upset win this year is South Carolina for a few reasons.

1. It is far enough into the season where our offense can be settled and hopefully clicking.
2. It is early enough in the season where we hopefully won't be hit with a bunch of major injuries yet.
3. It is coming off our first bye and we will have time to heal and tweak things that weren't working early in the season.
4. The Cocks always play bad on the road and we are the 2nd game for them in a 3 game SEC Road streak. They won't play good all three of those games and I think our game is where they slip up.
5. Our defense matches up well with their offense and our Offense has a strength at T to negate (somewhat) Clowney.
6. We are wearing special jersey's (rumored) that game and the players will be JACKED UP.
7. I just moved to Columbia and have been in SC for 6 years and I am ready to laugh at these stupid Gamecocks who think their program has passed ours for good!


Great post. I feel TN winning this game also. But I think CBJ get's his big upset win sooner. I think the Ducks are going to really miss Coach Kelly and we get them with an early kickoff. So I am picking the Ducks. Will be HUGE! :rock:
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