Had my hand on the flags worn by Andy Kelly in a UT Intramural flag football league back in '93. That is...just as he released the ball for what was sure to be a 30 yd TD pass. But anyway, I came THAT CLOSE to "sacking" Andy Kelly, my hometown hero who took our county to the state finals and graduated with my sister and set untold records at UT.
He had a team loaded with former starters. Even the lineman could outrun most of our team. LOL, the Baptist Student Union wasn't much of a match for them, but neither was any other team in the league that year. Just being on the field with them was surreal.
To continue the theme, I also played against Terrell Owens, yep - T O, in an intramural game at UTC the year before. They cleaned our clocks in the playoffs, and promptly got disqualified for playing several dudes who weren't even students anymore (he was likely one of them.) Of course, back then ('92) who the heck was this Owens guy anyway. If only we had known....
Probably the moment I'll never forget though was being on the UTC Bowling Team and bowling on the same lane with the Florida State Ladies team. They everlovin' blasted us. I think all five of them rolled a 230+ and it was embarrassing as all get out, but they had...um...how shall I say it.... excellent form, if you know what I mean. Bowling skirts are wonderfully distracting.