When “Portland” comes to your town, where are you gonna go?

So this is pretty much every small town in Texas when these wanna be thugs show up and say they are coming for us.

They need to radio ahead so we have enough body bags and coolers at the county morgue ready. 😂

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Negative. Let Antifa stay where they lay as a warning and a lesson.
Sneedville????? I think you're safe on that one. One of my best buddies from college was from Sneedville. I went home with him one weekend. Went past the one red light to some government subsidized apartments and met up with a couple of girls he went to high school with. It's a different world.
Anybody been to Gainesboro/Celina area?
It’s going to happen sooner or later. Especially if Antifa keeps up their crap.
They won't go that far. They like to be tough in safe places.

I don't want to shoot or hurt anyone....... But if you go out of your way to put me and my family at risk then my right and obligation to defend myself and those I love becomes paramount. Protest all you want but don't cross lines.
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Lots of y'all are waxing poetic on shooting people.

Small dick energy abound. Majority of folks spouting that nonsense haven't been in life threatening situations.

Speaks volumes on our cultural climate. Absolute delusions of murderous grandeur versus delusions of cultural change. If you're speaking apolitically, it's a complete and unmitigated shitshow.
Lots of y'all are waxing poetic on shooting people.

Small dick energy abound. Majority of folks spouting that nonsense haven't been in life threatening situations.

Speaks volumes on our cultural climate. Absolute delusions of murderous grandeur versus delusions of cultural change. If you're speaking apolitically, it's a complete and unmitigated shitshow.
No different than those on the other side waxing poetic about instilling fear and threatening violence in innocent people just to prove a point.

I wont speak for everyone but see my post above yours. I don't want to hurt anyone, but if you wish to bring violence or threaten violence on me or my family I will take your threats seriously and meet them head on. Don't there me or my family in any way and there aren't problems. If you do you bring it on yourself.
I would just buy one of those flags that says **** Around and Find Out. I would either die fighting Antifa or when my wife sees the flag outside.
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Lots of y'all are waxing poetic on shooting people.

Small dick energy abound. Majority of folks spouting that nonsense haven't been in life threatening situations.

Speaks volumes on our cultural climate. Absolute delusions of murderous grandeur versus delusions of cultural change. If you're speaking apolitically, it's a complete and unmitigated shitshow.
Speaks volumes that committing crime is supposed to be considered some low IQ version of "cultural change". Normal people ignore and pity rioters as the useful idiots that they are.
Sneedville????? I think you're safe on that one. One of my best buddies from college was from Sneedville. I went home with him one weekend. Went past the one red light to some government subsidized apartments and met up with a couple of girls he went to high school with. It's a different world.

So you were interested in girls at one point of your like?
Portland won't happen in most cities because black lives matter is rife with pussies that cry to the police the moment someone calls their bluff and pulls a firearm on them.
The rioters in Portland are not BLM. It’s 98% white folks who want to burn ****. Them yelling BLM is akin to some idiot saying he’s ISIS before shooting people.
Good luck recruiting AA players when this thread hits Twitter.

A thread that most people view as what to do when the mob comes to their town and your response is the race card.

Race isn't the issue once the group determines they're going to destroy your home and burn you out. What should matter most for the mob is the quality of their body armor or lack there of.
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