When “Portland” comes to your town, where are you gonna go?

No different than those on the other side waxing poetic about instilling fear and threatening violence in innocent people just to prove a point.

I wont speak for everyone but see my post above yours. I don't want to hurt anyone, but if you wish to bring violence or threaten violence on me or my family I will take your threats seriously and meet them head on. Don't there me or my family in any way and there aren't problems. If you do you bring it on yourself.

I literally included "delusions of cultural change" in my post.
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Everyone concerned about the mob showing up, hang this at your property line.

Antifa opposes nationalistic white supremacists, among others. Need any more clues?
They oppose capitalism, Christians, police, people with wealth, and anyone who disagrees with them is targeted as a “white supremacist nazi” whether they actually are or not. So no most normal Americans do not support antifa let alone most normal black Americans
They oppose capitalism, Christians, police, people with wealth, and anyone who disagrees with them is targeted as a “white supremacist nazi” whether they actually are or not. So no most normal Americans do not support antifa let alone most normal black Americans
K town adds in the "neo" in front of nazi as an added emphasis because a nazi is not bad enough.
Lots of y'all are waxing poetic on shooting people.

Small dick energy abound. Majority of folks spouting that nonsense haven't been in life threatening situations.

Speaks volumes on our cultural climate. Absolute delusions of murderous grandeur versus delusions of cultural change. If you're speaking apolitically, it's a complete and unmitigated shitshow.
So this triggers you for a response, that people would defend themselves. Yet, when tge side causing all the trouble, making threats to come to our towns and destroy them, you have nothing to say? Do you support Antifa and what they do, and if so when are you guys coming to our small towns to see if we're full of crap or not? I've seen threats for months, yet the big mouth cowards who make threats that you apparently have no problems with, stay in their corner. It's honestly mind boggling that you get triggered enough about people declaring they'll defend themselves from these panty waste idiots, that you come on here to talk about their genitals. It's not that I'm trying to be ugly, I seriously don't get it. Antifa makes threats, crickets. People declare they'll defend themselves, and you lose it.
And it's a safe assumption you may fall in the category of those wearing pork chop panties with sandpaper in one hand, while climbing over the gate thinking "what can go wrong?"
First to scream for police help and legal overreach once someone calls their bluff and threatens to blow them away, too.
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Lots of y'all are waxing poetic on shooting people.

Small dick energy abound. Majority of folks spouting that nonsense haven't been in life threatening situations.

Speaks volumes on our cultural climate. Absolute delusions of murderous grandeur versus delusions of cultural change. If you're speaking apolitically, it's a complete and unmitigated shitshow.

Legit protests are being hijacked by thugs looking to loot and create anarchy. I've got friends who live in what is supposed to be a pretty safe suburb of Chicago (Naperville.) I asked them if it was 'really' as bad as the media is making it out to be. They're telling me it's starting to get dicey even going out to dinner, opting to stay in than risk run-ins with folks looking to piggyback off of the BLM. Being prepared for trouble is better than not being prepared for trouble, alternatively - one could move or never venture outside.
Lots of y'all are waxing poetic on shooting people.

Small dick energy abound. Majority of folks spouting that nonsense haven't been in life threatening situations.

Speaks volumes on our cultural climate. Absolute delusions of murderous grandeur versus delusions of cultural change. If you're speaking apolitically, it's a complete and unmitigated shitshow.

I’m sure you are right . I’m also sure that there are some that don’t give 2 flying monkeys farts about public outcry , or activists that want to change the culture or the world. They just want their family and little slice of paradise left alone the way it is . I’ve known both , i know both , related to both , close friends with both . I personally am somewhere in those two categories. That first group is fun , that second group is serious and don’t play about things they believe deeply in . I really just hope these activist , mainly just spun up young kids understand that there’s different kinds of people out there in the world .
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Legit protests are being hijacked by thugs looking to loot and create anarchy. I've got friends who live in what is supposed to be a pretty safe suburb of Chicago (Naperville.) I asked them if it was 'really' as bad as the media is making it out to be. They're telling me it's starting to get dicey even going out to dinner, opting to stay in than risk run-ins with folks looking to piggyback off of the BLM. Being prepared for trouble is better than not being prepared for trouble, alternatively - one could move or never venture outside.
Correct me if I am wrong. Do you not live in a gated community and shealded from the mayheam?

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